MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 349: Battle between old and new

The entire arena was suddenly in an uproar, all looking at Li Yao with the same look of monsters.

This sentence is really shocking, the legend of the fantasy **** generation, even the top professional players now dare not say that they can win the fantasy god.

However, Li Yao was so arrogant and arrogant to the top.

"Damn, who do you think you are."

"We know that you like to pretend to be forceful, but this tone is too loud, and you want to win the illusion.

"I'll hehe, you are just a newcomer who hasn't even entered the professional circle, so you brazenly said that you can defeat the Illusory God. I really don't know if you are ignorant or you are too bloated."

Li Yao's simple sentence seemed to ignite the gunpowder keg, and now even the neutral idle players are shooting Li Yao with gunfire, and the entire arena is blaming Li Yao.

The phantom **** did not have any angry expression, his eyes were still responsible, and he said, "You are proud, but you are qualified to be proud. But you are too young and too impulsive, so you will suffer in the future."

Li Yao shook his head and said, "I never speak big words, empty words, if I'm not sure, I won't say that."

"Grasp, in this world, how can you be 100% sure." Huan Shen sighed.

"You are great, and I also believe that you have a deep understanding of the game when you enter this game, but this game is different. This is my grasp." Li Yao didn't want to elaborate.

But he himself understood that when he came back from rebirth, the level of a god-level quasi- god-level master at the time was much better than the current professional player.

Is Illusion God strong? There is no doubt about this. But his strength is only for the current players. If you don't count Li Yao, Illusory God is definitely a top-notch existence, let alone China, even in the world area, there are not many estimates that can compete with Illusory God.

If it was Li Yao of this period in the previous life, he would not have the qualifications to fight before the phantom god.

But Li Yao is not that Li Yao anymore.

"Very good, very good." Illusory God showed a slight smile, this smile hides too many things, there is relief, there is relief, and it is also relieved: "Then let me see your hole cards."

"Whether you can see my hole cards is not up to me, but depends on how strong you are." Li Yao took a deep breath and recovered his calm.

"Before I start, I want to make it clear. I have no grievances with you personally. This time I have to make a move. Although I know that this is a luxury, I hope that this is a competition. No matter whether you win or lose, don't hate. The other party." Illusory God said slowly.

"Illusory God wants to make friends with me, I am naturally happy." Li Yao said with a smile: "I said at the beginning, this is the main arena, I welcome anyone to challenge, I hope someone can give me a defeat, Let me wake up, let me know that everything is not a dream."

Illusory God did not understand the meaning of the last sentence, but he understood Li Yao’s free and easy way, and nodded and said: "Okay, I have great courage. I am called Illusive God. Although I have been retired for a long time, I still ask myself in the gaming circle. There is a certain degree of influence. Today, you have to make a move. If you lose, then you can only blame you for your inferior skills. But if you win, you will step on my name and become famous."

Illusory God is more than famous, he is like a retired masterpiece, although he has disappeared, but when he reappears in the world, who dares to underestimate such a masterpiece.

Knowing the news that the phantom **** is coming, let alone the commentaries, even many influential TV stations that specialize in e-sports have also sent people.

There are a large number of people coming in in the arena all the time. They are not near players' seats, but remember or explain seats, and they have turned on their cameras to prepare to broadcast the game.

Not to mention other places, even Qin Fengyi's live broadcast room has also skyrocketed. More than a dozen TV stations in Huaxia District, and even some TV stations in other administrative regions, have broadcast live broadcasts in a short period of time.

It was originally just a dispute between the Starfire Guild and those with grudges and grudges from the Great Guild, but because of the arrival of the Illusion God, the nature has completely changed.

In order to attract people, the TV station and the commentators who are not familiar with Li Yao even described this absolute as the first collision between a generation of old legends and a new king.

Li Yao watched the excitement and excitement of the audience, but he didn't care. He still said in front of countless audiences: "I think it will be the last one, but this is not what I want. "

Li Yao believes that with his technology, a generation of myths will be achieved sooner or later, and there is no need to step on the reputation of others.

But Illusory God didn’t think so, and still said: “I’ve told you so much to attract these reporters and TV station people. If you are really that strong, how about stepping on my upper position. But I hope you understand one. In principle, I will not be merciful and expect to return to expectations, but the game is the game, he is sacred, I will go all out, I hope you do too."

"Then let's get started. I guess they can't wait any longer." Li Yao confirmed, and said, "But it's still the same sentence. Whether you can see my hole cards depends on your understanding of the game. ."


Watching, remember and the audience are already crazy, are you the opposite of this line, shouldn't it be the phantom god, should the newcomer be humble? This routine and the style of painting are quite wrong.

Many people who worship phantom gods are already dizzy, your sister is too funny.

In their opinion, Liaoyuan is very strong, but he is just a fledgling rookie, and it is a bit past to say that he is the rookie king. How can such a person be compared with the phantom god, and yet such a big talk, it is simply reckless.

Illusory God looks like an ordinary young man in his thirties. The gentle breath just now became sharper because of the countdown to the game, and his eyes were not as complicated and lazy as they were just now, but became sharp and aggressive.

Although the person is still that person, it feels like two then start. "

When the phantom **** clicked on the start, the cloak untied, revealing the robe with skeletons hung.

There was also a one-handed one in his hand, shining with green light. I don’t know what animal bone spine was made of. In his left hand was a white bone shield made of various bones with a scream of soul. A series of ghosts were sent out, and the ghosts revolved around his body, obviously a damage reduction skill.

With a wave of the Illusory God's hand, a weapon gleaming with purple light was thrown out, and the ground shook suddenly, and a huge steel stone demon with a tall body gleaming with red light.

Just this hand drew an exclamation, and the phantom **** threw a 10-level purple weapon.

The first-level steel goblin is summoned, but the two-level steel goblin needs materials, and depending on the material, the quality of the summoned goblin is also different...

ps: Running tired and peeing,

(To be continued.) ()

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