MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 382: Wise war

At almost the same time, four cannonballs and two bullets hit the goblin warlock who was caught off guard, and the goblin warlock was instantly beaten and forced.

He had known for a long time that Li Yao would definitely join the battle and had been on guard.

However, his moving speed is very fast, so he has a lot of self-confidence, and feels that even Li Yao can react to their attacks the fastest.

However, what I didn't expect was that Li Yao's attack timing was really good.

Just when he evaded the claws of a monster and was about to release the curse, it was at this time that he would pause for an instant.

After all, even if it is an instant spell, there is a momentary pause when the spell is cast. If this pause is not noticed, no one will notice at all, and few people can seize such a fleeting opportunity.

But Li Yao seized the opportunity, and seized it together in the three turrets, this kind of control is really terrifying.

Basically all those present were masters, and the key to it was instantly understood.

Seeing the embarrassment of the goblin warlock who was bombarded in an instant, he immediately took a breath.

His timing is too precise.

"Luck, it must be luck."

This is the idea that many people have, because this kind of fighting will is really terrifying. If you say that you attack these people, you still feel that you can do it with your hard work.

Then it would be terrifying to control the attacks of three turrets and one robot at the same time to fall on the short, flexible and elegant goblin.

The will to fight is already terrifying to the extreme.

Because the time period for the opponent to pause was less than half a second, it was too late to aim and shoot again. Can only predict in advance, the goblin warlock will stop at this place during this time period, and then attack in advance.

Because the ballistic speed of the bullet, the ballistic speed of the hand cannon, and the ballistic speed of the turret are different, and the ballistic trajectory is also different, so if you want to hit the target in a certain period of time at the same time, then the launch time of each weapon is also sequential. It's a terrifying grasp of timing.

It's just that they thought of this, but many people don't want to admit that there is such a horrible person, even if this person is just an np, because it is too ghostly, this is definitely a god-level operation.

Boom, boom...

The entire level was reverberated with roaring gunfire and gunfire. The attack above had completely broken their illusions, because Li Yao always seized the right time to attack.

The warlock must be shot every time he releases his skills, even if he doesn't attack, Li Yao can always judge the turning, turning point, and trajectory after acceleration.

As if this were making a movie, Li Yao's attacks were full of shots. It seemed that the goblin warlock himself found Li Yao's firepower and hit the cannonball or bullet.

"Ah, bastard, I'm going to kill you." The goblin warlock was going crazy.

The guy above is too ghostly. He tried to curse Li Yao several times, and he also saw that Li Yao's life was not high. As long as he attacked, a curse could kill the opponent.

However, whenever he releases the curse, Li Yao just retreats as if he knows what he is going to do, so that he loses the sight of attacking him, making it impossible to hit.

Instead, he was caught by a few goblins because he was eager to attack Li Yao. He was beaten several times by the goblins, and he lost more blood.

"If you want to kill me, you are not qualified enough." Li Yao still attacked quickly, and the goblin warlock yelled, his teeth hurting.

"I'm not convinced, I won't die here." When his blood volume was only 10% left, his emerald green eyes looked at the same above, and said: "Asshole, I remember you, next time I Will find it back, you won’t have such luck every time."

"Then you have to remember well, but if you want to seek revenge from me, your qualifications are not enough." Li Yao remained unmoved, but this identity was completely fake, that is, he was really Meka. What a Tier 2 little warlock can do with himself, he will soon be at level 20, and it will be easy if no one will help him kill him next time.

"Burn me." The goblin warlock screamed in a sharp voice, and a green illusory flame suddenly penetrated into Li Yao's eyebrows: "I have burned my soul to mark you, and I will not escape to the end of the world. I'll let you go, just wait for endless revenge from venture capital companies."

"Fel Meteor."

After the goblin warlock finished speaking, his body suddenly turned into a green fireball, braving the heat and rushing into a passageway.

Hula la...

The players ran away in fright, but their speed was too slow, except for the flash of the wizard, who could run away from the crowded passage in a short time.

The emerald green fireball was unstoppable, and the player who was hit and burned was instantly cleared of life, the soul turned into white light, and the corpse became a piece of coke burning with green flames.

"Stupid, if you don't know your mark on my soul, can I also perceive your existence. Did you run away."

Li Yao knew that the goblin warlock was going to escape when he spoke. This is the usual style of the goblin. No matter how strong they are, they will definitely run away as soon as they have few lives.

However, Li Yao didn't expect a second-tier warlock to actually learn this method of escape and let him lose more than a dozen players in a second.

Li Yao controlled the golden puppet and Reaper 4000 and jumped down and rushed towards the passage, but the three hardcovers did not see the warlock escape, and turned around and began to besiege the succubus.

They are ghosts and ghosts, they are both goblins, they know too well, the goblin warlock must have some life-saving tricks, they don't want to be dragged by the warlock to the funeral, it is too cost-effective,

The green fire traces left by the warlock were too obvious, and Li Yao didn't bother at all, racing through the fast passage.

"Chasing." Several players who protected Li Yao saw the malicious eyes of the surrounding players, and they immediately rushed into the passage. They saw everything in their eyes.

Now it's not just the goblin warlock, even the people he rescued didn't appreciate any of them. It's probably a painful toothache.

"I'm waiting for you." Li Yao just turned a corner and saw that the magic in the hands of the goblin goblin warlock had taken shape: "Dead!"

"Don't you think I can't calculate it." While Li Yao spoke, he controlled the golden puppet to squat down, and the Reaper 4000 just jumped over the golden puppet's head.


Two green magic bullets, which seemed to be composed of countless grimaces, dragged their long tails and bombarded them.

Papa, the two magic bullets hit the death 4000 and the golden puppet respectively, causing a terrifying damage of more than 40,000 to the two.

The Death God's four thousand blood volume is already less than 20,000, this is still modified, if it is the previous one, it will be directly affected.

Chaos Arrows can still double attack. If there is no Reaper 4000 Knife, the other Chaos Arrow killed Li Yao.

The goblin's calculations are very deep, but it is still a miss...

ps: Continue to work **** codewords and ask for monthly pass support.

(To be continued.)



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