MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 384: Little artifact

"Master, look at what you said, I just have the guilty heart, and I don't have the guts." Shuzhi Tianxia followed Li Yao, pretending to be pitiful, and said, "You are so powerful, and I am not an opponent. And you see. The four of them, if I have any bad ideas without you, they will kill me first."

"You, let's take a look." Li Yao smiled, and directly showed the staff to let them check their attributes.

Demon Staff

Quality: Purple Epic

Attack: 58-69

Intelligence: 55

Spirit: 53

Stamina: 52

Demon Swiftness, possesses Demon Swiftness, sensitivity increased by 100%

Chaos Arrow, a Chaos Arrow that can hit two targets at the same time, has a cooling time of two minutes.

Equipment level: 25

Equipment limitation: Warlock

A few people, especially the world of Shuzhi, were drooling, this staff attribute was really abnormal. Not to mention the super strong attributes, the two special effects are simply awesome, and they are the limited staff of warlocks. In other words, other spellcasting professional equipment can get attribute bonuses, but they can’t exert the two special effects. .

"No wonder this guy moves so fast and so flexible. It turned out to be the special effect of the staff." Zhan Tianya exclaimed, but they saw the three goblin masters playing around with the flexible walking positions of the goblin warlocks.

"He is also considered a position, and he will deal with people with no combat experience. When he meets a master, he is simply scum. It really insults this staff." Li Yao took the staff back into his backpack.

"Yes, with this staff, whether it is a group battle or a heads-up match, it can play a huge role." The flash of a moment groaned and said: "Especially heads-up, 100% sensitivity bonus, not to say invincible. Self-preservation is definitely okay, but he was killed by the master for a second, it is indeed useless."

The few people in Zhan Tianya were speechless, and your sister was scrapped. Didn't you kill a dozen elite players when they didn't see anyone escaping? Is this mysterious master too perverted?

"Actually, my definition is too high. The second-order guy is a goblin who only knows how to make money. It's weird that he is willing to practice walking. But this Chaos Arrow is a good special effect. It can be said to be a little second-order warlock. It's a divine weapon." Li Yao was full of curiosity when he saw Shuzhitianxia, ​​and couldn't help but explain.

"Why?" Shuzhi Tianxia has never seen the effect of the Chaos Arrow, and naturally does not know how powerful the Chaos Arrow is.

"You are new recruits, you may not know that Chaos Arrow is a signature skill that can only be learned by the 60th-level destruction warlock. Let alone its spell-casting mechanism, you don't understand it. Just say that its attack power is equivalent to three Shadow Bolt, you say it’s not that great. And if you want to hit two targets, you need another skill to do it. This staff can directly let the second-order warlock release the Chaos Arrow that can hit two targets, although The cooling time is slightly longer, but you should be able to understand the role at critical times."

Guangminghua said: "Cooperating with the existing outbreak, if you release this skill, you will be able to kill people, the kind that can't be added to the treatment."

"It's good if you understand." Li Yao nodded, with a teachable expression.

"Master, this, this, you see, I am also a warlock, and I belong to the destruction element..." Shuzhi Tianxia said: "Master, I will do things for you. See if you can use this staff as a reward. Anyway, you are a hunter. A staff is useless."

This is a line to the NPC. In fact, I want to take the task and use this staff as a reward.

Li Yao smiled and said, "I said, don’t use the idea of ​​this staff. This kind of thing is too wasteful for the recruits. Besides, how do you know that I am useless? Okay, I don’t read the skill book. Let’s get to the level quickly without watching."

This was a small artifact-level staff, how could Li Yao give it away, whether it was for his sister or the core elite of the guild, it was impossible to let it go.

"Look, look, I'm not going to say it, I'm not going to say it." Shuzhi Tianxia said Li Yao was a little unhappy and said quickly, even if he couldn't get something, he also learned something through Li Yao's explanation. It’s not something that can be learned all the time.

Other people also mean the same, this kind of good stuff, they know that it is not realistic to get it at this stage, they just want to let the master talk more.

The game has started for so long, ordinary players may not realize it, but the elites have learned to learn all kinds of things in the game in various ways.

In particular, they found that the things they set up with np are often inadvertent, but a lot of fragmentary information is very useful.

"That's good." Li Yao said and showed the skill book.

Succubus Summon

Quality: Purple Epic

After learning, you can sense the existence of the succubus leader from the void, and you can sign a contract with the succubus leader through hard work.

Note: When signing a contract and choosing a succubus, you must do what you can, otherwise your life will be in danger.

Learning limit: Warlock

"You can actually sign a leader-level succubus. This is too strong." Although he is a fighter, his eyes are red when he sees this skill book.

If he is like this, let alone the world of magic, his eyes are fixed on the skill but they have all seen the power of succubus.

The warlock and the succubus can actually influence so many players to have a melee with the np. In the end, they can deal with two dwarf masters who are driving the mechanical puppets with one enemy and two. If it were not for the siege of the last three goblins, they would not be able to win this charm. Demon, she is so powerful.

"Master..." Shu Zhi Tian stared at Li Yao pitifully.

Li Yao slowly put away the skill book, pretending that he didn't see the world of Shuzhi, and said: "You think too simple, do you really think the notes at the bottom of the skill book are decorations. Hunters want to get a powerful pet. You should know. This is also true, you really have to hold your mentality just now, you don't know how to die."

"Thank you for your reminder, Master." Several people are sincerely grateful. This is definitely a talk of experience. If you don't know, you might think that this elite skill is awesome. If you want to sign a powerful succubus, the result will be miserable. By analogy, they also understand the role of some skill notes.

At the moment before the level, the players are cleaning the battlefield, and several masters are returning blood to the monsters, while the mechanical puppets are clanking in a corner to repair their broken puppets.

Li Yao's reappearance immediately caught their attention. The players consciously gave way to Li Yao, and Li Yao walked towards the gate of the level honestly.

"Hold on." A goblin who was returning blood to the monster stopped Li Yao.

The originally silent atmosphere suddenly became serious, the players took out the weapons in a brush, and the two sides suddenly began to rattle.

Li Yao slowly turned his head and looked over...

ps: The small universe burst has finally been written out, please comrades to also burst the small universe support, ask for a monthly pass...

(To be continued.)



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