"It seems that you all want one, so let's take one by one person." Li Yao took out a few and said.

Shu Zhi Tianxia suddenly cried and said, "Master, this is at least a thousand."

Several other people also feel that there are fewer. This kind of scroll is a consumable, and it is such a good thing, a life-saving artifact of the law system.

Especially for priests like Guangminghua, they have a strong ability, but they hurt very little.

With this scroll, if you make good use of it, it will definitely have a very unexpected effect. So, this kind of disposable consumables is not a question of how much money to her, and basically won't sell it. How can one piece of such a good thing be enough?

Li Yao took the outstretched hand back, and said in a deep voice, "Yes, I only have a thousand copies. How can such a few be enough? The little warlock reminded me too right, so forget it this time."

Li Yao said and put all the scrolls away.

"Master..." Shuzhitianxia is about to cry, your sister, we didn't mean that, OK?

"Okay, don't talk about it. I really know that it's good for me. It's promising." Li Yao patted his shoulder with his mechanical arm, and went straight to the side. Li Yao closed his eyes and calmed his mind, while Death 4000 was in the way In front of him.

Several players looked at each other, and Xiaoshou Bingliang glanced at Shu Zhitian faintly and walked to the side. He looked at him like an idiot in the blink of an eye and glanced at him and Xiaoshou Bingliang studied the blue puppet together.

"Master understands it wrong, okay, don't blame me. What does it all depend on me?" Shuzhi Tianxia was speechless.

Guangminghua said: "Don't blame you, this is the warning from the master."

"Warning, what warning?" Shuzhi Tianxia was puzzled.

Guangminghua said: "The master is to let us understand that we are not qualified to bargain with him."

"It's not that complicated." Zhan Tianya is not good at these twists and turns.

"Why not, you have to understand that what we accept is the **** mission, and the mission is rewarded, and we count ourselves. But according to the mission, these seizures belong to the NPs, and they don’t give us anything for granted. ."

Shu Zhi Tian Xia finally understood that it was an unexpected joy that Li Yao gave them something, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Zhan Tianya lowered his head and said: "We are not greedy enough. Just now we wanted to bargain and want more copies. Now it's all right, there are no more copies. I guess there will be no extra extra money in the future."

Several people didn't get the scrolls and were not very interested. The four of them also found a corner and took out their sleeping bags.

"The monster's violent period, so I take a rest for the night."

Although it is underground, the monster's violent period is still there. The task of completing the two doors today is beyond his expectation. Tomorrow, Li Yao will decide to return as long as he finishes the last door.

Anyway, after completing the task, he can choose Miller’s drawings at will. He doesn’t have to go to the core area to find drawings. With his current level, even if there are golden puppets in the core area, the danger is very high, let alone five. Players.

With Reaper 4000 blocking him, Li Yao quickly went offline to solve the real problem, and then went online and closed his eyes to rest his mind, and his spirit was exhausted even now.

Several players also dealt with their own problems, and in the middle of the night, Li Yaobian's spirits became vigorous.

Seeing Li Yao, the **** of death 4000 standing in front of him, smiled.

With nothing to do, Li Yao intends to make fine adjustments to the Reaper 4000 again, and Li Yao decides to turn the Reaper 4000 into a high-fire attack weapon.

The weapons used by the two players are naturally unusable, so I searched for a few robotic arms.

It was finally determined that a rocket launcher was installed on one arm, and an electric drill with electric lights glowing on the arm.

Rocket launchers can release powerful rockets, and electric drills with electric arcs, except for physical attacks, are similar to the mine puppets that Li Yao started to hit. They can release two lightning skills, which is not a weak group attack.

In this way, the combat effectiveness of the Reaper 4000 once again improved a small step.

When Li Yao was transforming the Reaper 4000, he was cold and short-lived by his little hands and ran over to join in the fun, which saved Li Yao a lot of time.

"Master, I don't think it's difficult to transform a puppet." Xiaoshou asked coldly when he saw Li Yao dye the Death 4000.

Li Yao said: "That's because we have ready-made parts, follow certain rules, and can naturally install them."

"Then what should I do if I want a stronger mechanical pet?" This is the issue that Xiaoshou Bingliang cares most about.

Li Yao smiled. It is rare to see a good seedling of a hunter. Li Yao is not stingy. He pointed out: "If you want a good puppet, you need good drawings. So, your mechanical bear is not too weak, but because it's not you. It’s self-made, so it doesn’t fit you well, and you can’t connect with your mind. Only the puppets you make are the best. In addition, you need materials. Each puppet production process is the same, but the materials Different effects can be different~www.readwn.com~Thank you for your advice." Xiaoshou said coldly and gratefully.

"No thanks, you also helped me a lot today. Aunt Liang, you have a good talent and a high level of comprehension. So, try to find the blueprints, and then pay attention to collecting more advanced ores and gems. These things are not If it can be done overnight, just pay attention to it."

In fact, Li Yao is like this, constantly accumulating materials to prepare for the evolution of mechanical pets.

Fire Eagle, Reaper 4000, and new mechanical puppets are all expensive, and materials may not be available. Don't watch him get a lot of materials this time, but it is definitely not enough to make high-quality puppets.

"Well, I remembered." Among several players, the biggest gain this time was the cold hands.

"Okay, let's set off. This time we walked deeper and approached the real Titan ancient city ruins. This time, in addition to cavemen, it is estimated that we will face mechanical dwarfs, so we all cheer up and don't be careless." Li Yao said.

Zhan Tianya smiled bitterly and said: "How do we know that it leads to the depths? There are too many forks here, it's just a big maze.

"I have opened two doors, I have already collected a part of the map. It is not difficult to go deep. Let me say yes. This last level is not easy to win. You'd better be prepared to die."

Li Yao said that he has taken the lead and left here. If it is the most likely place to have drawings on the periphery, it is close to the center, and there is still a portal for the mechanical dwarf. Li Yao decides to take one and see if he can get good things, if not. , Just retreat, just open a door and go back for business.

After several players were reminded twice by Li Yao, their hearts also rose, and they were all refreshed...

(To be continued.)



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