"Brother, be forgiving and forgiving, we are all here to develop this ruin, why fight and kill?" said the old goblin.

Li Yao was unmoved, and said lightly: "Senior said that is too right. If I hadn't rushed to be forgiving and forgiving, I just rushed directly into the crowd. Being a human being, the most important thing is Point your face. But this is the first time I have seen such a shameless dog like you, a fast-growing old guy."

The old goblin's face trembled, but to the goblin, life is more important than face. Without others' persuasion, he would not dare to be true to Li Yao.

Right now Li Yao still had black energy. Although he didn't know how he controlled the black energy to prevent it from corroding, they didn't have the ability to ask themselves.

When the others heard that Li Yao was about to rush into the crowd, their expressions suddenly changed. They were so dark that they still had lingering fears. If it were not for the temptation of the treasures inside, they would have run as far as possible.

Now that I can't get through with Li Yao, I'm just looking for death by myself.

"Uncle, you're too old, you're too confused, so let's just say a few words."

"Yes, this brother is right."

"Although our goblins don't pay attention to the grace of dripping water, we can't avenge our grievances either."

"Yes, a fair duel? Life and death depend on their ability. This brother's mind is really admirable."

"Yes, yes, I ask myself, if I encountered this situation, I would have gone mad. I would never be able to do things like a brother, behave in a way, and be kind and generous. It is really rare in my life."

"My tribe rushed to rescue your tribe with the idea that the two sides should form an alliance to help each other, but your tribe is gratitude and revenge. Just now we almost killed our tribe. There should be a saying." The dwarf masters also. Can't help it anymore, for fear that Li Yao will be angry with them.

"That is, this kind of breach of the covenant should be severely punished, but our tribe is generous and just wants a fair duel. I also think this request is reasonable."

Except for the surprise that the old goblin did not dare to speak, the other masters supported the duel with unanimous words, and described it as a fair, harmonious, loving, and expectant, and related to the covenant between the two camps. A big event for

Players have seen the face-changing skills of NPCs. Many players are amazed by the wisdom of NPCs. This shameless spirit and the ability of the rudder cannot be done by ordinary people.

"Hey, the duel hasn't started yet, where are you going."

The female goblin riding a monster wanted to escape but was blocked by two masters in the passage. Now they were expecting Li Yao to calm down and open the door for them. How could she escape.

If this is the case, then Li Yao will go crazy and rush into their crowd, not knowing how many people will die.

As for whether she will die or not, joking, what is the sacrifice of an insignificant person, how can it be compared with the treasure that is about to be obtained.

"You are too much. You asked me to do this. Now they are all pushed on my head." The female goblin saw the masters who had prevented Li Yao from escaping and guarded the passage, but now they were intercepting herself, suddenly furious. .

"Heaven and earth conscience, I don't have the ability to command you."

"That is, how do we order you."

"If you can really order you, then good, now you will fight this brother."

"Yes, you don't necessarily lose, so why run away."

"Okay, very good." The female goblin trembles all over, but now she is the isolated party.

"People are going to die after all, it's just the difference between early and late death, but if you die by yourself, then I will send you a ride." Li Yao waved his hand, and the Reaper 4000 retreated to the edge: "I don't need pets, I will kill you. ."

"You are too arrogant, I fight with you." The female goblin poured potions on herself and the monster, and said frantically: "You still want him to open the door for you. Don't dream anymore. If you want to sacrifice me to get the treasure, I will I die with him, I can’t get it, and no one wants to get it.”

As the potion was drunk, the skins of her and the monster turned red, and their size skyrocketed by nearly a third again.

"Brother, be careful, she drank the epic violent potion and tenacity potion." A goblin said loudly, and now they don't want Li Yao to die.

Even many masters are ready, if Li Yao fails to beat the female goblin or something happens, they can rescue them immediately.

Rage Potion

Quality: Purple Epic

After taking it, it enters a violent state, its body size increases by one-third, and all attributes are increased by 30% for 3 minutes. Cooling time is 1 hour.

Elixir of Tenacity

Quality; purple epic

After taking it, the effect of toughness is obtained, the vitality increases by 30%, the armor increases by 30%, and the duration is 3 minutes. Cooling time is 1 hour.

"I won't lose, Momera, tear him up for me." With the crazy roar of the female goblin, the monster she was riding also roared crazy and rushed towards Li Yao like a heavy truck.

Li Yao is equally worthy. He is now using a golden quality mechanical puppet, and his strength is not at all empty.

Slash vs. Brutal Clash

In everyone's nervous eyes, the two collided together.


The golden alloy sword with golden light collided with the beast horns shrouded in red light ~ www.readwn.com ~ made the sound of metal clashing.


But only in an instant, Hejin Great Sword had already cut off the monster's horns, and then slashed heavily on the monster's body.




The same two damage numbers starting with 8, the damage was almost ten times worse. The masters who watched were shocked and truly understood the horror of the golden puppet.

A rain of blood flew across. Amidst the screams of the giant monster, the body of the monster was swept away, and the golden puppet was also repelled. Then a backflip was able to stabilize the figure. The puppet’s feet had sunk into the floor. Large cracks appeared under his feet.

While the mechanical puppet was standing still, Li Yao was still the same routine, and the sword energy cut that had been prepared by the two swords also slashed out during the backflip.

Shadow Tentacle!

The monster that had just stabilized its body was about to evade Jian Qi Slash and was entangled by its tentacles.

Puff Puff Puff Puff...


The first four numbers are the damage of Jian Qi Slash, the latter is the damage of Shadow Tentacle.

"No, it's impossible." The female goblin struggled to jump off the mount, but the moment she jumped, she was also entangled by the tentacles, and her less than one hundred thousand blood volume began to be absorbed by the shadow tentacles.

Jump and shake!


In a rain of blood, the huge monster and female goblin were directly killed by two blows.

The female goblin’s blood volume and defense are very poor, and can’t withstand the continuous damage of shock and whirlwind. The monster was already maimed, and then was bound by the shadow tentacles. dead.

The shadow tentacles disappeared, and the two bodies crashed to the ground...

ps: ask for monthly pass


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