MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 404: Bystand

"I think this guy must be in a gang with the ancient gods, otherwise why would we be brought in."

"Yes, he still has black energy, how could a running dog who is not an ancient **** open this door."

"Yes, yes, it must be so, so that it is clear, I say that the tentacle is not easy."

"A bunch of wastes are still deceiving themselves and others." Li Yao said coldly: "Now you have only two ways. Either join me to kill these faceless ones created by the ancient gods, or I will join the faceless ones from behind. You stand and die, and I will fight the faceless ones again."

"you dare……"

The master and the players suddenly stopped moving closer to Li Yao, and they were on guard. Only then did they realize that Li Yao was not good at all.

"I have nothing to dare. If I can kill the Faceless, then I will ask for your credit after I return. You are all heroes who died fighting against the ancient gods. Many people will remember you."

Li Yao smiled and said, "That way you can be regarded as successful, don't you think?"

"Your uncle, I will settle accounts with you in the future."

The masters were furious, but seeing the golden puppets surrounded by black mist, no one dared to be the first bird.

Li Yao's combat effectiveness is obvious, whoever comes out first will inevitably be hit by his thunder.

Not to mention the players, they can only curse in anger, so they are almost in a dead end.

After all, those so-called masters simply regarded them as flesh shields and cannon fodder, and they must be the first to die.

But they also forgot that Li Yao didn't let them enter this door, it was they themselves who flocked to them, and they made a big shot to **** the so-called treasure.

And those big pustules had burst, and dense monsters appeared.

These monsters are like octopuses, but they have spine and skeleton, just like a giant.

But their arms are tentacles with thick liquid and black gas. What's more disgusting is that although they have a head, they don't have a face or facial features. It looks terrifying to the extreme.

"You should understand that it is your negative emotions that nourish these monsters, otherwise these faceless ones are not enough to hatch." Li Yao's voice was clear and indifferent: "Of course, now is the best time, this ancient god. If God wants to destroy us, he must let these faceless people be born early, so that there is no time for growth."

"What the **** do you want to say?" a master said while preparing to fight, and now the masters are lining up.

"I mean, you are also very lucky. The distraction of this ancient **** estimates that the breakthrough time is not long. Now is the best time to kill him." Li Yao said solemnly.

"Fuck it, it means you haven't said it for a long time, what do you mean?" Some masters are still confused.

Li Yao smiled and said: "Okay, I'll just say it. I'm afraid you will sell me. The collective will let me play first and then ignore me. So I'll play with you and delay the time. When you fight, I will go forward and fight again. It's embarrassing. You can still listen to me talking so much."


Those masters almost vomited blood, wishing to turn around and kill Li Yao first.

But the Faceless had already attacked, and they had to fight.

While instructing the players to form a defense line, he cursed Li Yao in his heart. It was nothing, and he treated them like fools.

"Master, you are too bad." Xiaoshou Bingliang almost laughed, and Guangminghua looked at Li Yao with weird eyes.

Just now it was awe-inspiring. For the sake of the camp and for world peace, the style of painting has changed too fast.

Those players are also speechless, and have never seen such a cunning and unscrupulous npc.

The war broke out in an instant, and the Faceless began to attack the defense line composed of players and masters.

And there is no room for the two camps to retreat. There is a dark door behind them. Retreating is a dead end.

The last of these faceless ones was also the seventeenth or eighth-level silver Ying, piles and piles of them, among them were the leader-level faceless ones.

This is also the most important reason why Li Yao let them in. In this case, it is absolutely impossible to deal with it by himself alone.

The ancient gods are not good men and believers, and they are not easy to deal with. There are thousands of players, plus more than 20 masters have a chance.

Li Yao wants to get the core of the ancient god's distraction, that is a good thing, of course, the credit for destroying the ancient god's conspiracy is also to be taken.

Although the front tank tried hard to stop the Faceless, there were still spells that hit the crowd from time to time, and some of the crispy skin was easily lost in seconds.

The battle entered a very tragic level from the beginning, of course, their harvest is also good.

The last one here is Yinying, and at the worst, he can drop a blue outfit of level 15 or higher, or even a purple outfit if he is lucky, which is a kind of comfort and motivation.

The masters are lacking in interest. There is no intuitive benefit to killing these monsters, but in order to get out alive, they can be considered desperate.

"Hey, it's time for you to take action." Some auxiliary profession masters said while treating the masters in front of them.

"Okay, take it." Following Li Yao's words, the Reaper 4000 beside him began to attack I am going, are you still playing with us? Do you want to die? If you don't do your best until now, when we die, do you think you can survive? "Some masters are anxious.

Li Yao said lightly: "I must maintain my best condition to deal with the distraction of the ancient gods. Or, you are willing to take the distraction of the ancient gods on my behalf, and I will charge and kill in your place, how about?"

The masters suddenly wilted, and they were already very reluctant to face the Faceless, and they had to make fun of the ancient gods of war. The ancient gods couldn't even kill the titans. Didn't they die when confronted?

"I hope you don't break your promise, you will be responsible for dealing with the will of the ancient gods at that time." Some masters endured fear and said.

"I say one is one, and two is two. I never break my word. I say one side again. The ancient gods are on the court. I will deal with them. Even if you are on the other side, you just want to fight." Just kidding, there is a touch of darkness. What can he fear for things that can absorb the divine power of the ancient gods, the distraction core of the ancient gods is also extremely precious material.

If you are in front of a high-level npc, it would be wishful thinking that you want to get a hand. That is to say, these low-ranking and greedy masters don't understand that the ancient gods distracted the gods as shrines.

The fighting continued. After a while, even Guangminghua joined the battlefield. It was okay to have puppets with cold hands to save their lives. Guangminghua, as a powerful treatment, also became a protection target for many people.

The short-lived methods are weird, and life-saving is not a problem.

Only Li Yao watched the changes in the battle situation a little bit. Although there were many faceless people in the hall, they were not endless.

The ancient god’s distraction broke through the seal soon, and it was not too powerful, and it was impossible to separate too much power to create the Faceless. As Li Yao said, now is the best time to eradicate him...

(To be continued.)

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