MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 441: Perfect control

A warlock's demon summoning can only summon demons of the same rank as one's own, otherwise the demons will betray too easily.

This kind of contract is a real slave contract, a warlock's squeeze and manipulation of demons. This kind of contract is different from the hunter. Although the hunter's contract is also beneficial to the hunter, if the owner squeezes the pet too much, the pet can defect. And if the beast god's permission is obtained, such hunters will be punished.

Warlocks are different. If you want to suppress demons, you can only suppress them by mental power and rank power. It is not impossible to summon powerful demons, but if you can't suppress them, the first hatred after betrayal is the contractor.

As a junior leader, the ogre summoned a leader-level demon imp leader. If it is a leader, the raptor and the harpy can cope with it by cooperation, but if another leader is added, let alone Li Yao, even the control of the beast **** will undoubtedly lose, and there is no possibility of winning.

Therefore, Li Yao would never allow the ogre to summon the leader of the imp.

Just when the ogre summoning spell was critical, the leader of the demon imp had already stepped out of the summoning circle with one foot, and the accelerated lightning ball surrounding the raptor slammed into the ogre's head.

Harpy attack spells are lightning balls, or lightning bolts, and the accelerated spell effect is to make a lightning ball surround the creature being casted to provide an accelerated effect.

However, if this effect is detonated, the enemy will have a paralysis effect for 0.5 seconds. For a leader, this effect will be weakened and can only cause a little stagnation.

But what Li Yao wanted was this stagnation. At the moment when the ogre's body was stiff, he chose the Raptor to directly hit the ogre's back waist.

The ogre couldn't take advantage of it at this moment, and his body staggered, but when he was about to fall, the Harpy's spell was also released.

Suddenly, the ogre's unstable body was rolled up by a black whirlwind, and its body was nearly two yards away from the ground.

The direct consequence was that the ogre's summoning ceremony was completely interrupted, but at this time half of the imp leader's body had been sold out of the summoning door, and half of its body had already emerged.

With the disappearance of the mana supply, a trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the imp leader, and it had a premonition that it was going to die completely.

The main reason why many demons are willing to sign a contract with a warlock is that although they are enslaved, they help the warlock fight and occupy the summoning position of the warlock. After death, they can be resurrected just like the hunter's pet.

But if the demon dies, and then the warlock also dies, then naturally there is no possibility of resurrection, and his soul will enter the Underworld, a place that even the demons in the crisscrossing abyss cannot reach.

This is the situation now. Seeing that the warlock was interrupted by the spell, the little devil wanted to run out of the magic circle like crazy, but without the supply of magic power, the summoning door linking the Twisted Abyss was closed in an instant.


Half of the little ghost leader fell to the ground, and suddenly green blood splashed. The power of the space is not something that Tier 2 can contend. Half of the head of the little ghost stayed here, and the other half stayed in the Void Abyss.



Not to mention the guards who are responsible for protecting the big guys, even those big guys can't help but make a sound of admiration.

Even the big guys of the bright camp were also impressed, and they couldn't help but not admire it, because Li Yao's operation was so beautiful.

The combination of timing, skill and attack was used to the extreme, Yinying faced the leader, and many control skills were no longer useful.

The Harpy’s lightning paralysis effect, the raptor’s impact, and the Harpy’s hurricane, none of them can interrupt the ogre’s spellcasting alone.

Moreover, Li Yao’s purpose was not to simply control the ogre, but to temporarily lose control of the ogre body through paralysis. In an instant, Li Yao made the Velociraptor hit the ogre, and only at this time could the Velociraptor hit the ogre. Move him.

Only when he was relieved from the ground and wanted to continue to maintain the summoning spell could he use the hurricane to blow the ogre up.

But the purpose of this series of actions is to kill the kid.

Those who watched this trial were the world's top powerhouses, and they naturally knew that it would not make any sense to simply interrupt the ogre summoning spell.

Because it is interrupted now, you can continue to summon after a while. Although the summoning spell takes a long time, it is still acceptable. Even if you summon two silver yings several times, it can't affect the ogre.

But the problem is that both Yinying's skills have CDs, and it is impossible to interrupt the call of the ogre all the time.

Otherwise, if the little devil is summoned, this trial will be over.

Then, you must kill the leader of the imp, because the cast time of the resurrected demon is very long, and it is easy to be interrupted. In a battle, the demon hangs up, and it is almost impossible for the warlock to summon again.

Ordinary methods won’t Although the little ghost is weak, he is the leader after all, and the damage by his skills will definitely not be lost in seconds. Then you can only use the space power of the space summoning door to kill the little ghost.

But the timing must be very precise, early or late, you can't kill the kid, it can be said to be a moment of life and death.

This is how difficult it is to get a high score, because under normal circumstances, if they cooperate to escape and can't beat the ogre, the ogre will definitely not summon an imp.

"A small Tier 2 recruit can actually think of this method, and is so calm and keen, and so accurate in timing. It is really a manufacturable material. In the future, a new strong will definitely appear in the dark camp." Can't help sighing.

"It is estimated that all the strength of feeding is used, and it is estimated that it will be over." A guard of King Wa said.

"On the contrary, you were attracted by the battle in the cave. Look at this side. His rhythm of attacking the grass man has not even changed. There is no confusion at all. Obviously, it is easy to do, but it is not our camp." Wang's face is full of pity.

"Haha, you still have vision. If nothing happens, we will have won this game." The warchief smiled.

King Wa did not refute this time, just as the chieftain said, with Li Yao's current performance, if there were no accidents, there would be no suspense in this trial.

And will Li Yao have an accident? It is impossible. He can control hundreds of blew sheep with ease. Two of them are really pediatrics.

Without the help of the demon imp, the ogre had lost even the rhythm, and finally became violent and began to attack indiscriminately.

After the ogre rage, the Raptor controlled by Li Yao was also hit by the skill once, losing a lot of blood.

Then Li Yao became more careful, and eventually the ogre fell unwillingly...

(To be continued.)

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