MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 458: Guild League defeat

"Regardless of victory or defeat, this battle is very exciting. Both of them are masters. Thank you for bringing us such a wonderful game." Li Yao said.

There was a wave of applause from the audience, although the audience could not hear the applause.

The face on the guild alliance's side is not pretty.

This time it was really messy, if the failure of the first big sea monster can be attributed to the carelessness.

But this second game can definitely explain a lot of problems. Anissa is very strong. This is undoubtedly strong, and it is outrageous. That kind of operation is just like a good flow.

But even that's the case, I still lost, lost to weapon special effects? Not at all, after all, it is impossible for masters to understand everything about the opponent.

Fortunately, as the game progresses, everyone has their own hole cards, and there is no shame in winning by relying on them.

Anissa stood up and said slowly: "You are great, I am defeated."

After speaking, he returned to his camp.

"You are also very strong. If it were not for equipment, I would not be as good as you." Robin Hood was rarely humble.

"Equipment is also a part of strength." Anissa said nothing more.

Robin Hood also nodded, and said to the guild alliance, "Who else?"

The face of the guild alliance is ugly, and losing two games in a row is really embarrassing.

Their plan was to rely on this live broadcast to become famous, and as a result, this kind of change occurred. They realized that at the beginning, Edward and Liaoyuan did not agree to gambling. Obviously they expected this situation, but now it is too late to say anything. Up.

The guild alliance has also begun to gather equipment for the players on the field, and there is no arrogance at all.

The third player on the field was a summoner, who finally defeated Robin Hood with a large number of pets and superb operations.

The subsequent battle continued, and both sides exhausted their means, and the masters who originally wanted to snow had to be sent on the court.

The pressure brought by the Devil Alliance is really too great. The Devil Alliance relies on new equipment, although the technology is slightly weaker.

But just like the previous games, the opponents are often overwhelmed by surprise.

As the battle continued, the face of the guild alliance became more and more ugly, dozens of battles, if the mood of both sides were not considered.

At least the audience is very enjoyable. Many of them can't understand this high-quality pk, but it just feels very powerful.

What's more, now there is Li Yao's commentary, which often tells the audience in a word, making the audience more enjoyable.

It is even more obvious that the masters in the original battle can think of so many things, let them understand the gap between master players and ordinary players.

Through Li Yao's explanation, many players seem to have found their direction.

Through this commentary, Li Yao has become truly famous. Through the Battle of Illusory God, he let many people know that there is such a person as Liaoyuan. Through this commentary, they admire Li Yao even more.

Look at the commentary and you will know it. Originally, the parts that the commentary did not understand were ignored, and ordinary players could not see it.

But now with Li Yao, there is no battle that he can't explain, and it's easy to understand, so that they can understand the mystery and the change of life and death in an instant.

From Li Yao talked endlessly, the other two commentaries could only introduce characters, and then they kept asking questions, as if trying to stump Li Yao, but Li Yao always answered them without thinking.

This night, because of Li Yao's explanation, it seemed that the wonderful battles had been eclipsed.

The official person in charge is also very satisfied with the response through various channels. The live broadcast effect is surprisingly good. If it weren’t for knowing that it’s impossible to make Li Yao a full-time commentator, the company’s executives are still asking him to test the mecha. He really wants to persuade Li Yao to become a commentator.

In terms of the two camps, compared to the cheers of the Devil Alliance, the Guild Alliance is a bit low.

After dozens of battles, they have lost more than thirty-five people, and the other party has 13 opponents left.

The guild alliance finally saw the power of the new equipment and also suffered.

Basically, the opponent can defeat one or two by one or two. After that, you are familiar with the new equipment a lot, but the equipment gap cannot be smoothed out as you are familiar. It is still more losses than losses.

Now they regret it. They were originally to make a name for themselves, but the result was a lot of shackles. Many of the top players appeared on the stage, but they all lost.

If this continues, the guild alliance will undoubtedly lose.

The morale of the Devil Alliance is naturally high. Their plan was successful. The continuous battle tonight made the Devil Alliance's reputation extremely prosperous.

As the Devil League said at the beginning, in the game, regardless of the means, only the victory or defeat, as the Devil League's reputation is growing, after today, more people will join the Devil League.

Because they let ordinary players see the opportunity to become a master, it turns out that the top masters are not invincible.

At this moment, standing in the middle of the field is a hunter, beside him is a huge octopus, and beside him are the dead bones and graves on the ground.

When the battle reached more than a dozen games, the Guild Alliance had a violent temper. After an arrogant guy in the Devil Alliance failed, in order to understand the anger, he shot again to kill the opponent with a drop of blood.

In this way, the two sides really became angry ~ from a discussion to a life and death battle, and the scene became fierce and bloody.

The hunter standing on the field now is Borna from the African administrative region. With a leader-level pet, he defeated three top powerhouses in a row.

The guild alliance was helpless. The three top powerhouses had melee, long-range, and summoning types. The results were all miserable. The opponent's octopus pet was too abnormal, and the hunter was not weak, and it was too powerful to cooperate.

The third game was a master who could also summon the undead boss, but still lost.

Now there are only five people left in the guild alliance. If five people fail again, they will lose the gambling battle.

However, they didn't have the confidence to defeat the opponent in front of him. What's more, even if they defeated him, there are still more than a dozen behind, how to play?

Borna said coldly: "Why is this scary, it's been a minute, haven't you decided who to play?"

Edward sighed and said, "Let the Hunter King play."

In order to suppress the Spark Guild, they did not give the Spark Guild a chance at all. Until now, let alone Li Yao, even the other people in the Spark Guild have not had a chance to play.

Now that Li Yao was allowed to play, the other guild bosses nodded helplessly and agreed.

They weighed the pros and cons and believed that the outcome of this gambling battle was more important.

Many people comfort themselves, if Li Yao wins, they will win the gambling fight, which is not bad. If you lose, you will naturally be embarrassed with everyone and feel better in your heart.

"Hunter King, stop commenting, it's up to you to play." Edward said loudly.

Broad sea and sky also said: "Brother, it's up to you now."

Li Yao smiled and stood up slowly, and the audience was full of expectations, wanting to see how this omniscient commentary really is...

(To be continued.)

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