Vampires can only be equipped with gloves. In addition to increasing attack power, they can also increase the ability to block and parry.

Li Yao didn't find a satisfactory glove, so it was useless at all. Now he came across a guy like the iron armored dragon lizard with barbed backs, so he brought it on.

The attributes rose again for a short section, and a little more serious.

Iron armored dragon lizard, in fact, the elite profession is dragon tortoise, and its profession is a warrior who can get a chance to change jobs.

It's just that his breastplate is always a turtle-like armor with a strong defense.

This class has no shield, but its defense is amazing and it has a strong counterattack ability. The effect is similar to the Iron Golem.

"I heard that you are very good, you are killing your mouth with blood, I want to see it." The iron armored dragon lizard said coldly.

Li Yao made a gesture to indicate that he could start: "I don't like nonsense, come to fight."

"Hehe, interesting, I want to die so soon, I will perfect you." The iron armored dragon lizard shrank into a ball, and then became a round prickly ball like a hedgehog.

Then it rolled like a tire, and the speed was very fast. The distance between the two sides was more than one hundred and fifty yards, but under his speed, he approached Li Yao in a moment.

Li Yao directly turned into a pool of blood, and the iron armored dragon lizard whizzed past, Li Yao got up, frowned slightly, the dragon tortoise was very fast.

"Hehe, I think you have several dodge skills, you can't win." The iron armored dragon lizard made a rapid spin, then turned around and rushed towards Li Yao again.

Li Yao became a little bat this time, and once again avoided the impact of the iron armored dragon lizard.

It can be said that the barbs behind the iron armored dragon lizard are all his weapons. At this speed and such an impact, if Li Yao is hit, it must be the fate of being killed by a spike.

The originally serious lizardmen are all disheartened. These so-called masters are too weak and have no difficulty in challenging them. They really don’t understand why these weak humans have become the masters of several planes (planets). , Why can cross the interstellar and let their seniors bow their heads.

The human players are also very disappointed. They thought they had met a master, but they still avoided like this.

Although this iron armored dragon lizard has never played, but he did not expect to be so tyrannical, it directly shattered their hope of seeing victory.

Under the situation of being completely crushed by the lizardmen, they eagerly hope that someone can beat the lizardmen and pass this level.

Since Flame Lips successfully passed the three levels yesterday, then the real master of the Lizardman appeared on the ring, and then the guys in the third level invited the Flame Lips to fight, but the Flame Lips did not hold on for a minute.

After that, this Hoth remained in control, and as a result no one could pass.

And this Hoth has been fighting for a whole night, guarding the first level, because it is boring and decided to take the third level this morning. Therefore, human players hope that there will be a player who can beat Hoth. As a result, this master who kills a lizardman in seconds seems to be impossible to defeat this terrible lizardman.

"It's really boring." Hoss said slightly bored, tasting a glass of wine.

The shaman smiled and said: "You are wrong, this guy is not easy."

"I can't see it, there is nothing simple." A trace of disdain flashed in Hoth's eyes: "These stupid and weak human beings, if we can't cross the plane, where are they arrogant."

"This person has been calculating." The shaman didn't say much: "Moreover, humans are not weak. Even the gods can't bear the weapons of the steel battleship. If we underestimate them, we will only face the catastrophe. "

"Humph." Hoth sneered: "Wait until he can challenge me."

Below, Li Yao used his side shift for the third time to avoid the impact of the iron armored dragon turtle, his eyes flashed a ray of light, and then his eyes locked on the fast-running iron armored dragon turtle.

"Weak humans, can you only avoid it?" The iron armor dragon sneered: "Even my iron armor can't be broken, you don't even have the qualifications to fight me."

"It's ridiculous, you can't break your iron armor without turning your palms, and there are countless ways, such as the simplest. I am afraid that this state will not last for 30 seconds. If you exceed 30 seconds, you will definitely be dizzy and pause. It's easy to kill you at the right time." Li Yao said lightly, while speaking, he backed up quickly, and then stopped abruptly.

"Despicable." The iron armored dragon lizard became angry with anger: "Can you humans only use such a despicable method?"

He was still fast, speeding up to Li Yao again while turning.

Human players have sharp eyes, and the iron armored dragon lizard is so annoyed. It is obviously that Li Yao has said it, but it is easy to say, if it is really easy to avoid the tank for 30 seconds.

"But I disdain to use this method to watch me break your iron armor directly and kill you in seconds." Li Yao said a little toe, and then firmly locked the iron armored dragon turtle.

Blood shock!

Li Yao suddenly roared up to the sky, and a **** wave rose towards the sky behind him.

Everyone saw it inexplicably, the dragon lizard had already arrived in front of him, why did he attack toward the sky, was it a calculation error, or a frightened misplaced skill.

But Li Yao, who released his skills, was not idle, **** marks and blood bursting.

The huge stone brick under his feet was shaken up, and the dragon lizard swiftly spun and rushed to Li Yao's body.

It happened to be on the huge slate brick in front of Li, and the slab on Li Yao's side was shaken from a large angle.

The stone slab is very large, just as high as Li Yao when it is slanted.

The iron armored dragon tortoise is directly uphill, his speed is already very fast because of the constant tumbling speed, and he is constantly accelerating, directly flying into the sky along the **** of the stone slab.

What made everyone more stunned was that the flying dragon turtle passed over Li Yao's head, and the blood-colored waves just hit it.

The dragon tortoise that could have reacted was rushed by the **** wave, and it was impossible to get rid of this form. The dragon lizard, like a tire, that was spinning with the wave, flew to a higher sky.

And because the **** waves broke the balance directly, the iron armored dragon tortoise couldn't maintain stability at all, and began to roll chaotically.

Everyone looked like they had seen a ghost, but this is not the end.

With the help of two times, the dragon turtle has rushed to a height of at least eighty yards.

The height of the iron armored dragon lizard seemed to have reached the apex, and it was about to begin to fall. This was an instant pause in the middle.

At this moment of pause, Li Yao's figure appeared strangely above the dragon's breath.

Bloody cross!


Two intertwined claw shadows bombarded the dragon lizard, which was already very different, and the iron armoured dragon lizard's figure fell like a meteor.

A large circular hole appeared on the slate floor, with traces of cracks everywhere.

And Li Yao's blood-colored figure fell quickly, until it was about to touch the ground, the wings behind him suddenly opened and then closed.


Li Yao fell on the ground with great ease: "Next."

The audience was silent first, and then burst into cheers...

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