MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 325: Demon King in a Bottle!

"The Demon King's down, hahaha!" A gleeful laugh echoed across the battlefield. 

A second later, the magical prison showed its scariness. The inner layer suddenly collapsed, engulfing Jack's remains. Then it condensed into a small jade bead, a dark figure inside. 

[Ding! Obtained Demon King in a Bottle!] 

"Woo?!" (What?! How?!) 

The little wolf stared at the bead, utterly confused. Its master was in there, but how?! The bead was so small too! Wait, no. Right now, they had to focus on saving him! 

"Do not let a single one of them escape this place alive!" Bubblegum screamed, the Goblins under her command striking the green barrier with even more vigor. 

95 Goblins VS 60 players + Barrier

Now that Jack had perished, the villains unleashed hell on the poor creatures. Every time they were about to get hit, they'd retreat in a hurry. 

Were they simply cowardly? Nope, quite the contrary even. 

They teared up as they retreated, keeping their mentor's teachings in mind. They remembered that fateful day he had been teaching them human language. 


He had addressed them all sternly… 

"All of you goblins, listen and listen well! If I teach you, you're not allowed to die anymore. Do you all understand?! I won't tolerate any of my students kicking the bucket stupidly." ~ After all, they were his precious slaves. 

They had been so touched. Their student days remained their best memories: food from the Pumpkin Witch and the teachings of the King himself!

Actually, did he perhaps know this day would come?! He probably did, and they wouldn't disappoint him! Their eyes showed incredible resolve: they'd save him! 

But for now, they retreated… 


Seeing them back off, the players began loudly jeering: 

"Pfftt— They're so afraid! Blast them to Oblivion!" 

"Hehe, riddle me this: small and about to die!" 

"Return to your shitty Canyon, you all!" 

As soon as their immediate surroundings were clear, the players capitalized on the opportunity. The green barrier suddenly exploded in blinding light. — Flash! — 

"ARGGG! My eyes!!" The goblins cried out. 

"NOW!" The players rushed across the battlefield with evil grins. They had previously closed their eyes, and now they had the ultimate advantage! 

The poor goblins couldn't even see them, much less fight back. There was only one outcome possible for this: a bloody massacre! 

The players were already killing their way out! But a second into their killing spree, something strange happened. 

— Clang! Clang! — 

The sound of parrying echoed all over. What the hell?! Had the goblins somehow unlocked the force?! Many couldn't help but gasp. How?! 

These goblins could use earth magic, and they were now sensing the earth itself! As soon as they regained their calm, they instantly sensed their enemies. 

As for how they had done it….Jack! He had taught them about a mythical blind earth bender and told them how to do something similar. 

"Get the Jade Pearl!" A Goblin shouted. Even while blind, they actually organized a counterattack. Rock bullets and rock spikes began flying everywhere. 

"WHAT?! They can still cast spells?! What kind of crazy concept is— ARGGG!" The complaining player took an arrow to the knee, then the throat. 

More and more players were killed. That's when the kidnappers chose to flee, heading straight for the Town. The enemies would get hunted by the militia if they came near! 

"Run, and don't stop!!" This was the order that was repeated over and over. 

As Bubblegum saw this, she ground her teeth. Goddammit, why couldn't they just die obediently?! As for her goblins…they 100% would be left behind! 

She was one of the few that instantly gave chase. But, they still had half their numbers. This was looking more and more desperate. 

"Woo?!" (They're getting away!) 

The little wolf gave a desperate howl. Those bastards were running with its awesome master. It needed him! 

As the two ran, Bubblegum kept grumbling. 

"What if we make a blockade? No, they'll get reinforcements too…."

"Can we steal the Jade from them in the Town? No, they're being careful, blasting their surroundings with magic." 

"Tch— I just wish we could take them all down and that Bloody Forest while we're at it." 

"Woo!!!!" (Let's do that!!) 

Bubblegum wanted to protest, but Moon Moon was already gone. What was it exactly that it had planned?! She kept following, getting ready for a desperate strike. 

If she had to, she'd go 1 v 30. She had no confidence in pulling it off, but she probably had a 30% chance to succeed. Their coordination wasn't perfect. 

As long as they showed a slight opening, she'd be able to dash in, cut the man's hand and leave with the Jade. It was all about timing. 

She bid her time, prowling akin to a predator. 

But just as they were about to leave the Forest, they all frowned. Why was it so hot? Also, why was there smoke? The chase suddenly came to a halt. 

An enormous wall of fire blocked the way!

How?! This Forest wasn't that easy to burn. So many had tried without success…but Moon Moon had somehow succeeded.

"Woo!" (Stop, Villains!) 

The little wolf howled with satisfaction. Its new barbecue spell hadn't let it down! The only issue was that it was on the wrong side of the wall to actually help. 

The first one to recover from the shock was Bubblegum. 

While the other players were stunned or trembling, she struck. She appeared akin to a ghost in their midsts. Instantly a few heads rolled. 

"Die!" She uttered with fury. 

At first, they felt fear, but it soon turned into ridicule. This girl had to be dumb! As if an assassin could deal with all of them at once! She'd be the only one dying! 

They mercilessly struck her, attacks raining from all directions. 

But that's when the atmosphere around her changed. 

Her eyes started glowing golden. She showed a savage appearance, and…tails appeared?! Long fluffy orange tails. What the heck was this?! Dagger wielding with her tails?! 

"World of Shadows." The world turned dark as she spun around, pushing the entire group back. Some died. Others flew a distance away, leaving her target alone in the smoke. 

In one swift motion, she managed to grab the Jade and the hand still holding it. Success! She hurriedly fell back…or tried. 

The maimed and angry leader chuckled. "Did you think it would be so easy? You really are foolish, aren't you." 

She found her feet solidly stuck to the ground, unable to move even a centimeter. That's when she finally noticed the glowing ethereal chain between her and the guy. A curse?! 

"Tch— You're as annoying as that asshole. But, what are you gonna do now, eh? You're screwed!" He gloated, his men already coming back. 

She could hear the goblins heading this way, but they would be late. 

She had already used all her mana in the last attack. 

She wouldn't survive this for sure. 

But instead of freaking out, she gave a beautiful smile, screaming a powerful "Catch!" the kidnappers moved to intercept. Whatever she tried, they shot it down, but she didn't 

She didn't even bother with them, turning toward the raging inferno. Then she…threw the Jade in there!

"You bitch, you're insane! Fire has cleansing property. There's no way a trapped soul would ever survive something like that! You just screwed him completely!" He screamed. 

It barely took a few seconds for the Jade to fly across, landing on the other side. 

"Woo!" (We did it!) 

Howls of celebration resounded across the place. The little wolf had managed to catch its master! Now, they just needed to find a method to get him out of there!

He'd still be fine, right? Right?! 

Bubblegum soon got brutally murdered. 

As for the kidnappers….they were already burning along with the innocent bystanders. As the heat brought incredible suffering, they wondered who really were the bad guys…

Environmental Destruction to the MAX!…. 

━━━━━━ POV ━━━━━━━

The people here were insane, barbaric, and foolish! 

How dare they treat a noble Elf lady like that?! While death rained down upon the King something, she huddled on the ground, trembling. 

This was so disgraceful! She couldn't help but want to curse everyone involved. They would have to pay for this! 

When a group made a run for it, she followed them. Were they heading to Town? There had to be someone smarter there, right? They'd realize who she was and bow down. 

She crawled after them, having to pass near disgusting goblins. Smearing her beautiful hands and visage with blood and dirtying her clothes. 

This was the worst!— Or so she thought. 

It didn't take long for her to change her mind. 

She felt sick as she sensed the inferno spreading across the Greenwood Forest. She could hear the trees' cries of agony. 

Monsters! They were utter monsters! How dare they commit such atrocities?! This place belonged to her race; it wasn't theirs! 

She hid in the soil, barely surviving it. All she could do was wait for it to be over, trembling all over. It was so hot! Many times she felt like she would be cooked alive. 

Her unblemished skin became burnt, and she couldn't feel any water in her entire body. She barely had the strength to stand. 

As she saw the aftermath of the destruction, she felt rage invade her. She glanced toward the Town, a plan forming in her head. 

1. Meet the Town Leader 

2. Tell him of her identity 

3. Replace him or become a shadow ruler 

She'd then make the necessary changes to her plans. Yes, this would do for sure! Everyone would bow to her once they understood her actual background. 

Thus began her journey to change the world…. One that ended very abruptly as black-cloaked men appeared before her. 

"Hehe, this has to be our lucky day. First this and now the rumored Elf young lady, nice!" One of them cackled evilly. 

In his hand, there was a jade, one he had stolen from a wolf… 

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