MMORPG: Rise of the Peerless Pumpkinmancer

Chapter 364: Assassin and Counterattack!

An unsteady Jack got out of the bar, a strong odor of liquor permeating his body. After all the drinking, he was out for a night swim, the freshwater feeling cool on his skin.

The city was as magnificent as confusing, colorful fish schools acting as road signs. Some even lit up in the dark, but it didn't stop him from taking a wrong turn.

He found himself in a dark remote alleyway…

"Ah? A dead end? Bummer…."

— Tap! Tap! —

A "passerby" just happened to walk behind him, showing a reassuring smile. But behind the friendly facade hid a scheming smile, the man inwardly laughing his ass off.

He had been worried his target would hurry back to the Palace, but the "human" had committed a great mistake. It was as if he was voluntarily making his job easier!

Dark alley? Perfect! He could already picture how proud his mistress would be, showering him with gifts!

That's why he "selflessly" sacrificed himself. "Why don't I escort you back home. The streets aren't a good place to spend the night." He amicably offered.

"Ah! Really?! How nice!" Drunk Jack was especially friendly. He'd randomly hug people, hum to himself, and naively trust anyone.

Thus the assassin managed to approach the target, grabbing his shoulder, and…— STAB! — The motion was extremely fluid and lightning quick, obviously a practiced movement.

The coral dagger stabbed right into Jack's clothes at full power.

Fatality! — Or not?!

— Clang! —

What?! Jack just "happened" to have a metal plate under his shirt, right at the spot his opponent stabbed.

That's when the entire atmosphere changed. All traces of Jack being drunk evaporated as he counterattacked! — SLASH! — He aimed straight for the opponent's neck!

The assassin gasped in shock, but his instincts kicked in as he somersaulted backward, a bloody line appearing on his neck.

"You're not drunk?!"

"You're not trying to help me?!"

Jack exaggeratedly retorted, but he was already swimming after his opponent, throwing pickaxes to slow him down!

— Woosh! Woosh! —

The assassin's first instinct was to run, seeing as his plan had been completely seen through, but he remained instead, attacking even more ferociously, akin to a wild animal.

By now, he had switched from the dagger to a large sickle, trying to dismember his target. How was he swinging so fast?! It was as if the water did not exist for him!

Jack was quickly driven into a corner. At this rate, he'd get murdered a few seconds later! But even then, he didn't worry too much. He raised his voice, shouting.

"Men, to me!"

That's when a bunch of flushed aquatic peeps appeared out of nowhere. His troops had followed the orders he had sneakily given back at the Tavern.

They all overflowed with fighting intent, eager to help their Teacher. Heck, the "doctor" was even holding homemade bombs and was itching to throw them all.


"Hell yeah! Avenge the Commander!"

Avenge?! He was far from dead! Seeing thirty "warriors", the assailant panicked, finally retreating. As he swam away, he shouted back angrily:

"So what if you survive today?! You're bound to die. No one goes against Gargan! Tch— Just you wait!…."

He disappeared, leaving this curse behind. Many tried to stop him, but he was so fast and slippery! One barely managed to grab him, but a second later, the killer was gone.

"Coward, come back!"

"We're not done fighting, you bastard!"

"Run back to Gargan with your tail coiled!"

While they happily spewed insults at the man's back, Jack couldn't help but find the situation strange. Hadn't the guy become oddly talkative toward the end?

"Gargan? No, I don't think he's involved. Otherwise, he would have personally come instead of sending an underling. I think it's just a decoy…." Jack shared.

"Hehe, I've heard this guy's voice before when he visited my shop. He used to work for the Water-Lilly Noble House, but I'm not sure if that's still the case. We'll have to investigate." One said.

But that's when a soldier that used to be a perfumer stepped forward. "Bah, you guys think I failed that grab? I succeeded! There's a trail, now! Can you sniff it?"

Sniff?! They all approached, perplexed…and sure enough, the assassin had left a sweet smell in his wake. Talk about a silly way to get caught!

"What are we waiting for then!"

— Sniff! Sniff! Sniff! —

The passerby all looked at them strangely. What the heck were they even doing?! Had they turned insane?! It didn't help that there was already a rumor brewing about the assassination.

They ignored the people that were pointing at them strangely and the few that wanted autographs from the "heroes."

"This way! Follow your nose!" What about their hearts? Oh well.

The circus act continued until they reached a specific area, one that was evident who it belonged to thanks to the large field of blue flowers just floating there….and the sign:

<Water-Lilly Noble House! No Trespassing!>

No trespassing? Talk about hypocritical for people that ordered assassinations! But it wasn't like such a puny warning would restrict them.

Jack began checking the perimeter. There seemed to be some alarm magic in place, but it looked very simplistic, something he could crack!

"Copy my movements to the letter!" He instructed his men as he led the way.

It didn't take them long to hide in the blue flower field, slowly sneaking toward a large manor in the distance. But the place was swarming with guards.

They all glanced at the defense perimeter at a loss of how one could go through such defenses. Tch— They'd have to involve the Empress or the Noble Representative…

Still, their current evidence was quite lacking to accuse an entire clan. Was it a few members scheming or all of them? A sweet scent wouldn't be convincing enough.

"Commander, what should we do?"

"We'll follow any order!"

They all stared at him, and he could feel their conviction. They'd bloody do it if he ordered them to charge headfirst toward the manor guards!

In every regime, narrow-minded nobles clung to power like leeches to blood; this one was definitely a time bomb for him.

"Sigh, I'm afraid we'll have to retreat for now. Just keep an eye on those guys and— What the fuck is that?!" Jack couldn't help but gasp.

They all turned toward the main gate…

They could hear the sound of fighting and then…BOOM! Something exploded…underwater! No, it wasn't an explosion. It was one crazy powerful attack!


Countless guards were sent flying, crashing heavily as an arrogant voice echoed. "The likes of you, stopping me? Are you utterly insane?! How ridiculous!"

They all recognized that mighty voice….Gargan?! Most of Jack's men turned pale.

"Is he actually allied with them? Isn't that really bad for us?"

But just as they were shaking, thinking of the possibilities, the towering giant marched straight to the manor's front doors.

"So this is the home of the coward exploiting my name, is it?."

Oh shit! He was far from an ally. He had come here for revenge! Oh, and he was positively pissed! This much was evident as he growled at the place's owner when she appeared.

"Sir Gargan, what brings you?—"

"Hehe, playing dumb? Let's have some fun, shall we!"

The Seahorse casually picked a large boulder by the entrance...and then freaking threw it full power! His muscular arm was even mightier than the catapults they had made.

The rock streaked through the air and… — CRASH! — It felt like the entire world trembled at that moment, at the cost of the poor manor.

The thing began collapsing like a stack of cards piled up on unsteady dominoes. With this, he'd finally be appeased, right? Apparently not!

The giant was already grabbing another boulder, the traumatized noble urging him to stop. "Please have mercy! I know who caused the problem! I'll hand him to you!—"

"Oh? You should have said so in the beginning!" Gargan nodded with an "amicable" smile, grinning as the assassin was delivered to him.

"Please enact judgment. It was this stupid servant's fault!" The noble in the back happily chippered. She had utterly given up on her servant, even looking at him with disdain.

The poor guy was thrown to the wolves. All he had done was obey orders from the very beginning! He hadn't succeeded, but that was only because of Jack's experience.

This was so damn unfair!

Gargan had already started ripping his arms and legs "playfully", the poor guy screaming like a pig getting slaughtered.

But he didn't speak even then, simply glancing at his mistress. All he wanted was an acknowledgment of his sacrifice, but all he got was disdain.

Why?! He had always been loyal, so why?! He had always looked up to her, but she had never even glanced at him! This was so unfair! That's when he lost the will to resist.

He cracked and told everything...

It had been the noble Mermaid's plan from the start. She'd send an assassin to kill Jack and would blame it on Gargan. This would have given her plenty of time to scheme.

The more the poor guy spoke and the more livid she became. "He's a liar! Don't trust him! There's no way that I—"

"Don't worry. I forgive you." The Seahorse's voice sounded so nice….but that's when he dashed toward her.

"Nooooo!" A heartwrenching scream escaped her as she tried evading to no avail.

A second later, her bloodied body was in his grasp as he chuckled sadistically. "Oh well, that should give a good example." He nodded, satisfied, bringing her away and killing more guards.

"Give the lady bac— ARGG!"

"I'll stop you fro— CRACK!"

Just as he passed by the blue Lilly field, he chuckled as he stared straight at Jack's hiding company. "Don't worry. It will be your turn soon, hehe."

Even Jack felt his blood turn cold.

They had to deal with this monster?! Negotiating was 100% out of the question now! He turned to his shivering men: "Anyone has an idea on how to defeat that guy?"

"D-defeat him?!"


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