MMORPG: The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1509 - Lu site’s communication

Chapter 1509: Chapter 1509, power and space

“Are You Ready?”Jiang Fei looked at Hua Mulan and asked.

“Yes!”Hua Mulan nodded. Her eyes were filled with determination.

“Let’s begin,”Jiang Fei said to 0541.

“Okay!”0541 replied and immediately activated the collider!

“Buzz!”As the collider was activated, the power core that Jiang Fei had put into the energy circuit began to accelerate!

“Boom!”The power core that had been accelerated to twice the escape speed flew out and shot straight toward Hua Mulan’s heart!

“It seems that the basic type of power core has been blessed at the heart.”Jiang Fei nodded to himself. Previously, Bella’s life core was also at the heart.

“Swish!”Just as the power core was about to hit Hua Mulan, the power core in her body leaped out and the two power cores began to fuse!

At this moment, Jiang Fei was also focused on watching the fusion process. If anything unexpected happened, he could immediately rescue her.

However, the accident that Jiang Fei was worried about did not happen. The entire fusion process was very smooth. In just a few seconds, the two power cores had fused into one!

“Swish!”A dazzling red light completely enveloped Hua Mulan and finally entered her body.

Two seconds later, Hua Mulan opened her eyes. At the same time, an extremely terrifying power was emitted from her body!

“Boom!”Among the people present, other than Jiang Fei, the other girls were pushed far away by this powerful aura.

“How do you feel?”Jiang Fei asked with concern.

“Master, I feel power. It’s extremely powerful!”Hua Mulan said with a face full of surprise.

“Then, have you obtained any skills?”Jiang Fei asked the question that he was most concerned about.

“Yes!”Hua Mulan’s answer made Jiang Fei feel a mixture of emotions.

After a period of fusion, Hua Mulan had obtained a skill. This made Jiang Fei very happy. However, at the same time, Hua Mulan could obtain a skill. That meant that the basic energy core could bestow skills during a period of fusion, on the other hand, Bella had not obtained anything. There must be a problem!

If it was a normal skill, it would not be a problem. As the owner of the tenth dimension, Jiang Fei knew how terrifying this skill was. Losing such a skill would be a huge loss!

“Mulan, what skill have you obtained?”Nina asked curiously. Hua Mulan was once her captain of the guards. Therefore, the two of them could be considered as half best friends. They were very close.

“I don’t know what this skill is called, but the effect should be power manipulation!”Hua Mulan said.

“Power manipulation?”The other girls were confused. They did not quite understand the meaning of this skill.

“Let me put it this way. As long as the opponent’s energy level is not more than twice my level, I can seize control of the attack power regardless of whether it is a physical attack or an energy attack. Moreover, I can also learn this skill. However, when I use it myself, I can only use attacks that are equal to my own energy level,”Hua Mulan explained.

“What the F * ck! Enhanced version of stellar transposition?”Jiang Fei was dumbfounded. This ability was too awesome. It was practically invincible!

“Doesn’t that mean that enemies who are not three times as powerful as sister Mulan are no match for me?”Ariel said with some envy. Among the people who had obtained the energy core, she was the only one who was not qualified to perform the initial stage fusion, therefore, it was impossible for her to obtain such a super skill.

“You can’t say that. I Can’t control my spiritual power…”Hua Mulan shook her head.

“That’s still very powerful!”Jiang Fei nodded. Although Hua Mulan’s power control could not shift all types of attacks, there were not many people who were good at spiritual power attacks, therefore, with this skill, she was already able to look down on everyone else.

“That’s right, Sister Mulan. You have to protect me from now on!”Ariel said coyly.

“Of course! I Won’t let you get hurt! Sir, I will always be by your side!”Hua Mulan said seriously.

“Alright! Alright!”Ariel said happily.

“Mulan, release your aura. I want to see how strong you are!”Jiang Fei said. He wanted to see how strong Hua Mulan’s strength control was.

“Okay!”Hua Mulan nodded and displayed her power.

Humanoid creature: Race Unknown

Combat Power: 9,000,000!

Although Hua Mulan’s combat power was slightly lower than Bella’s, with her ability to control power, her actual combat ability was clearly much better than Bella’s!

“Sigh! There’s really something wrong with Bella!”Jiang Fei sighed. Then, he instructed Hua Mulan to first get used to her power. It was time for him to fuse with the other girls.

The second person to accept the fusion was Nina. The process was still very smooth. After the two spatial cores fused, they released a bright purple light. A few seconds later, the light faded, nina had successfully completed the first part of the fusion of the spatial cores.

“Ah Fei, my ability is spatial manipulation!”Without Jiang Fei asking, Nina took the initiative to tell him about her ability.

Nina’s spatial manipulation ability included the simplest form of spatial displacement. However, her teleportation range was larger, the consumption was smaller, and it was more stable. If the conditions allowed, she could even bring people to teleport between planets at will!

“Hehe, I have an additional transportation captain!”Jiang Fei laughed. Because of the widespread use of technology such as phase suppressors and warp blockers, it was not easy to use spatial power to teleport people, it was very likely that he would be blocked by someone. He might even crash into the spatial barrier and die without a complete corpse.

However, things were better now. With Nina as the transport captain, Jiang Fei was much safer when he was teleporting soldiers. With the power of the spatial core, normal blocking equipment would not be able to stop Nina.

“Not only that, I can also split space within a small area and rearrange it!”Nina said with a slightly smug tone. With her calm personality, she was able to show such a smug expression, from this, it could be seen that this ability was indeed very powerful.

“Split space? Rearrange it?”Jiang Fei’s eyes lit up, space cracks were indestructible. This was common knowledge in the universe. However, Nina was able to split space. This destructive ability was terrifying. After all, space was already shattered. What was the use of having high defense?

“There are limitations. If the opponent’s strength is too strong, I can’t interfere with the space around him…”Nina said with some embarrassment.

“I see.”Jiang Fei nodded. Although he was a little disappointed, it was within his expectations. After all, if there was no limit, Nina would really be invincible.

“Come on, Sylvie. It’s Your Turn!”Jiang Fei nodded at Sylvie. Now, she was the only one who had yet to undergo a fusion.

“Okay! Let’s see what kind of ability I can get!”Sylvie came to the front of the collider and said with anticipation.

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