Chapter 1515: Chapter 1515: A desperate counterattack

“Brothers, the battle plan has changed! The fleet is to slow down immediately and concentrate the energy to supply the front shield!”Tesla’s expression did not change after receiving the order, but he already understood his own situation.

Although no one was willing to be used as bait, as a soldier, Tesla naturally knew that there would be sacrifices in order to win, and today, the one who was sacrificed was him!

“Get the PSIONITES to supply all their psionic energy to the shield. Whether or not we can survive depends on the speed of our brothers!”Tesla gave the order.

In an instant, the left-wing fleet began to slow down. At the same time, the shield at the bow of their ship became brighter and brighter.

“Boom, Boom, Boom, boom…”another round of cannon fire destroyed a few frigates. Due to the addition of the PSIONITES, the defense of the warships of the Audra Empire skyrocketed. In addition, Dawn was currently on the move, the hit rate would inevitably drop, so the losses of the Tesla fleet this time were not as great as before.

“My Lord! The enemy is coming for us!”At this time, the radar personnel of the Tesla fleet had also noticed the movements of the Fifth Fleet.

“Come on! It’s good that they took the initiative to move closer to us. This way, the fleet on the right wing can complete the encirclement faster!”Tesla nodded slightly.

“Sister, there are still 500 light seconds left from the enemy’s left-wing fleet. Our fleet is about to enter the attack range!”Lux said to Aurelia at this time.

“Order the gray horse-class drone carrier to release the drone formation. The cobalt-alloy light frigate will shrink in defense. The guard air defense vessel will pay attention to intercept the enemy’s drones,”Aurelia ordered methodically, the other ships of the fifth fleet were worse off. If they all entered the attack range, then it was obvious that the enemy would be able to hit them as well.

Following Aurelia’s order, the fifth fleet behind the dawn immediately began to release the drones. More than a dozen gray horse-class UAV carriers carried two squadrons of drones, and in an instant, a large number of drones took off, like a dark cloud, they pressed down on the front of the fleet.

The small and nimble drones were extremely fast. They quickly left the fleet and headed straight for the Tesla fleet.

“Sir, the enemy has released a large number of drones!”At the same time, Tesla’s adjutant began to report on the battle situation.

“Is the enemy an aircraft carrier fleet?”Tesla frowned. Logically speaking, a fleet consisting mainly of drone aircraft carriers did not have too much direct firepower. They usually relied on drones for ultra-long-range combat, on the other hand, they hid in the distance to carry out kiting tactics.

However, today, the fleet Tesla was facing not only had extremely strong firepower, but they also took the initiative to attack. This kind of action was very puzzling.

“Release the unmanned fighter jets to intercept!”Although he did not understand, Tesla still gave the order to respond.

“Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh…”on the Tesla fleet’s side, a large number of unmanned aerial vehicles also set sail to intercept the 5th Fleet’s unmanned aerial vehicle fleet.

After a few dozen seconds, the two fleets encountered each other. The fighter jets kept fighting in the air while the 5th Fleet’s uavs went straight for Tesla’s fleet.

Faced with the threat of the bombers, the Tesla Fleet’s uavs definitely could not let them pass. They tried their best to intercept and destroy these bombers. However, the 5th Fleet’s uavs that were escorting the bombers were not to be trifled with either, for a moment, the huge number of unmanned fighter jets tangled together in a chaotic mess.

“No! The enemy is an aircraft carrier fleet. There are too many unmanned fighter jets. We Can’t stop them!”Tesla frowned, although he had a few unmanned aircraft motherships on his side to support and defend against the air, because there were too few of them, the unmanned fighter jets that he carried could not keep up with the enemy for a long time.

“Order, fire the fleet’s main cannons. Target the area where the drones are engaged!”

“Order! Move the defensive spaceships to the front of the fleet and try to intercept the remaining enemy drones as much as possible!”

After Tesla gave the order, the entire left wing fleet immediately reacted. All the ships’main cannons fired at the same time. There was no need to aim at anything. They just needed to fire at the battlefield where the drones were entangled!

“Boom boom boom boom…”beams of energy beams flew past. In an instant, the battlefield that was entangled with the drones was cleared. More than 90% of the drones were vaporized, whether it was the Fifth Fleet’s drone formation or the Tesla Fleet’s intercepting drones.

However, there would always be some who slipped through the net due to the actions of the cannons and mosquitoes. Without the entanglement of the intercepting drones, the remaining bombers once again increased their speed and pounced on Tesla’s fleet!

“Sizzle sizzle sizzle…”the defensive spaceships at the forefront of the fleet fired. They were equipped with high-frequency laser weapons with extremely fast firing speed. This type of invincible weapon had a short range and low power. Hitting a warship was basically no different from scratching an itch, however, it was extremely efficient when it came to fighting drones.

Moreover, each defensive spaceships were equipped with dozens of high-frequency laser weapons. Therefore, the effect was just like shooting a sparrow with a shotgun. With a single hit, there would be a whole bunch of them!

However, the number of drones in the fifth fleet was too many. Even if the defensive spaceships used high frequency laser weapons to intercept a portion of them, there were still hundreds of bombers that broke through the blockade!

“Boom Boom Boom…”the one-eyed magic missiles carried by the bombers poured out!

“Sir! The Yoshino, the Solon has been sunk!”The Adjutant’s voice was very painful, although Tesla’s fleet had already lost a few warships, the two that had just been sunk were heavy cruisers. They were one of the core forces of the fleet, and they were also Tesla’s most precious assets.

“En!”Tesla only nodded lightly. Since he was acting as bait, he had long been mentally prepared. Not to mention the two heavy cruisers, even if his flagship was destroyed, he would be buried along with it, tesla was mentally prepared.

“Sizzle sizzle sizzle…”the high-frequency laser weapons of the defense spaceship continued to fire. A large number of bombers and fighter jets of the Fifth Fleet were blown up. However, before these bombers were blown up, they continued to pour out their own missiles.

“Boom Boom Boom…”a few more frigates and light cruisers were destroyed. Tesla’s mouth twitched slightly when he received the battle report.

“High energy reaction ahead! Dodge!”At this time, the fleet alarm sounded. It was obvious that the main cannon of the Aurora had been recharged!

“Boom, Boom, Boom, boom…”another few light warships were destroyed. At this time, Tesla’s fleet was already crippled. The overall combat strength of the entire fleet was not even 40% of its peak strength, and they had yet to enter their firing range!

In other words, their own fleet was about to be completely annihilated, and Tesla and his fleet had yet to fight back. One could imagine how aggrieved they were.

“Damn it! Even if I die, I still have to fire a shot at these bastards! Attack with all my forces!”Tesla’s eyes were red, and he immediately ignored Adams’order to slow down, seeing that the enemy fleet was about to enter his firing range, but his own fleet was also running out. If this continued, Tesla might not even have the chance to counterattack!

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