MMORPG: The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1532 - carrier

Chapter 1532: Chapter 1532, help

“Forget it, Bella, let’s Go…”Jiang Fei shouted from behind. He really did not want to argue with these young masters. After all, the difference in status between the two parties was too big. To put it bluntly.., killing these young masters would simply dirty his hands.

“Alright.”Bella shrugged. Although she was angry with these people, she did not have the intention to kill them.

“Wait… wait a minute. Are you martial artists?”At that moment, the third brother actually called out to Jiang Fei and the others who were about to leave.

“Oh? You know about martial artists?”Jiang Fei turned to look at the third brother and said.

“You guys are really martial artists! That’s Great!”When the third brother heard that, he was overjoyed. In just a few steps, he had arrived in front of Jiang Fei and the others. He had even forgotten about his fear of Bella.

“Why are you looking for us?”At this moment, Jiang Fei really admired this kid’s courage. He was really not the same as his underlings. Those guys were already so scared that they collapsed on the ground. They were even peeing and defecating, this kid actually had the courage to walk in front of them.

“I want to ask you guys for a favor!”Third Brother looked at Jiang Fei and said sincerely.

“What favor?”Before Jiang Fei could say anything, Salila interrupted him. She was very curious about things on Earth.

“This…”third brother hesitated when he was asked this question. He did not know what to ask for Jiang Fei’s help. He dared to stop Jiang Fei and the others just now because he was impulsive.

The reason why third brother stopped Jiang Fei and the others was because he knew their identity as “Martial artists.”He was excited because these days, third brother could almost always hear his grandfather talking about this at home, it seemed that his grandfather wanted to meet martial artists, but he could not find any connections. However, he did not know why his grandfather was looking for martial artists.

Today, when third brother saw Bella’s terrifying skills, he immediately thought of martial artists. He thought that only these legendary guys had such powerful strength.

Therefore, he impulsively stopped Jiang Fei and the others. However, when he was really asked about what he wanted, he could not say anything.

“If you’re alright, we’ll leave.”Jiang Fei could not be bothered with these guys, so he turned around and prepared to leave.

“Wait!”Third brother was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. He really hoped that he could help his grandfather and prove that he was not an ignorant guy. However, when faced with these martial artists who killed without blinking, he really did not know how to communicate with them.

“Kid, you’re not going to give up, are you?”Bella glared, and third brother’s cold sweat came down. After all, this great beauty had crushed a person’s bones in front of him!

“No! No! I don’t have any bad intentions. I just want to invite you to my house. My grandfather has always wanted to see you!”Third Brother could only tell the truth in his panic.

“Oh, what’s the matter? Do you want your family to help you? It seems that your family is quite powerful?”Sylvie said sarcastically.

“No! No! I don’t mean any harm!”Third Brother quickly clarified, although these people didn’t seem to have the intention to kill him, he had heard from his grandfather many times that these martial artists had no sense of the law. They would kill people without a word of disagreement. That was really five orders to a boxer!

“You don’t even know how to make up lies. Does your grandfather know who we are? and he still wants to see us? Tell us! Is he trying to trick us into coming to your house so that he can ambush us?”Sylvie continued to press him.

“No! No! My grandfather did not say that he must see you…”under the fear, third brother’s mind was in a mess. The more he explained, the more confused he became.

“Just now, you said that your grandfather wanted to see us. Why did it change now? And you said that you weren’t lying!”Sylvie had taken out the dagger at some point, the tip of the dagger slid back and forth on third brother’s face. Although it didn’t hurt him, it still scared him.

Speaking of which, third brother was considered pretty good among the second generation. Although he was scared, at least he didn’t lose face. If it were anyone else, they would have shit themselves by now!

“Alright, Sylvie, he did not mean that.”Nina stopped Sylvie from interrogating him. She understood what third brother meant from his messy words.

“What he meant was that his grandfather did not have to meet us. He wanted to meet a martial artist. Any martial artist would do!”Nina said as she took over third brother’s confused mind.

“Yes! Yes! Yes! That’s what I meant!”Third Brother looked at Nina gratefully.

“Your grandfather wants to meet a martial artist?”Jiang Fei was stunned. From the conversation between the rich and powerful people just now, he had guessed that this kid’s identity was not ordinary. His grandfather should also be one of the authorities in China. He was so eager to meet a martial artist.., could it be that something had gone wrong?

Although he had already left Earth, China was still Jiang Fei’s hometown. Jiang Fei was willing to help his motherland as much as he could.

“Yes, I’m not sure about the details. I just overheard my grandfather saying that something seemed to have gone wrong,”said third brother quickly.

“Isn’t there a communication channel between the military and martial artists?”Jiang Fei asked curiously.

“I’m not too sure about that.”Third Brother shook his head. Although he was a second generation, he was not in contact with these things.

“Hubby, are you going to meet that person?”Bella asked.

“Ah Fei, let’s meet him. Anyway, we have nothing to do this time around. If China encounters any problems, we will have the time to help them solve it.”Nina had guessed what Jiang Fei was thinking, therefore, she took the initiative to give him a way out.

“Yes! Yes! Let’s go and meet him!”Salila was definitely a typical person who would not mind watching a show. She was curious about everything on Earth.

“Alright then, let’s go and meet your grandfather!”Jiang Fei nodded. He was also curious as to why the Martial Artist Alliance and the official channels of communication were cut off.

“Really? ! That’s Great!”Third brother was overjoyed when he heard that. He could finally help his grandfather solve a problem.

“How do we get there?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Take my car!”Third Brother immediately said. Then, he said to his underlings beside him, “Send him to the hospital and register my name. The medical fees will be on me!”

After saying that, third brother no longer cared about these people. He even made up his mind to never interact with these scoundrels again.

A group of luxurious cars left Cang City and headed towards the direction of the imperial capital. On the way, Jiang Fei and third brother chatted. He also learned that this kid’s surname was Xiao. His name was Xiao Rui. He was the third son of his family, his grandfather, Xiao He, was one of the current authorities in China. However, his family’s influence was mainly in the political world, not in the military.

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