MMORPG: The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1553 - had to be dealt with

Chapter 1553: Chapter 1553 had to be dealt with

Just as the “Players”had failed the quest and started killing on Planet Ayer, Jiang Fei and the girls had already returned to the ship.

“Honey, we have destroyed the players’quest. They won’t do anything drastic, right?”Ariel asked worriedly.

“We can’t care about that anymore. There are too many things that we need to do. If we consider everyone’s safety, we might end up with nothing!”Bella voiced Jiang Fei’s thoughts, although it was certain that the “Players”would take revenge on planet El, Jiang Fei and the others really did not have the time to be Saviors.

“Ah Fei, where are we going next?”Nina asked.

“We’re just looking for a planet that has people living on it. I think Vinylon is already waiting for us,”Jiang Fei said. After all, there was more than one party that accepted the population quest, there were hundreds of parties that were doing quests on the primitive planet. Although Jiang Fei and the others had already destroyed two planets, it was still a drop in the bucket for the total number of players.

“Lux, search the nearby planets that are inhabited!”Jiang Fei ordered.

“Yes, my Lord!”Lux immediately accepted the order and started searching on the star map.

Very soon, Lux’s search came to a result. “My lord, there is a space city 350 light years away from us!”

“Alright! Prepare to warp!”Jiang Fei immediately nodded.

Space cities were a product of the great colonial era. In the vast universe, there were only a few planets that were suitable for habitation. Therefore, when they could not find a suitable planet to migrate to, the various technological races began to build super-large space stations in space to ease the population pressure, these space stations had simulated mountains and rivers in them. It was like a man-made paradise.

However, these space cities floated in space. After all, they were not as safe as actual planets. After all, whether it was meteors or space wars, they were too easy to threaten their safety.

Therefore, these space cities were just a product of the beginning of the great colonial era. Later on, interstellar warp technology continued to spread, and more and more habitable planets were discovered, therefore, people did not need to build space cities anymore. However, those space cities that had been completed were not abandoned because the residents there had developed feelings for their homeland after a few generations.

However, these space cities were clearly no longer in the mainstream society. They were most likely nursing homes for the elderly, or relay stations or supply points for long-distance interstellar travel.

However, to Jiang Fei, these space cities did not play an important role in the universe. What he cared about was that there were people above him, and there were ordinary people. This way, Vinylon could descend and give him the rewards of this mission, and he would announce a new mission!

“Warp Engine Ready!”

“Space jump begins!”


As larks spoke, the ship broke through the dimensional barrier and instantly jumped into the phase space!

The distance of more than 300 light years was not too far in interstellar travel. After more than ten minutes, the ship had left the phase space. At this time, it was only about 500 light seconds away from the space city.

“Bella, I’ll be back after I see Vinylon. You Don’t have to follow me. I’ll take the shuttle. It’ll be faster this way,”Jiang Fei said to Bella and the others.

“Alright then. Be careful on your way,”Bella and the girls nodded.

“Hurry up and come back, Honey!”Ariel urged.

“Okay!”Jiang Fei looked at the girls and summoned his own personal shuttle.

After boarding the shuttle, Jiang Fei left the dawnlight and flew toward the distant space city.

“0541! Provide basic information about the target city,”Jiang Fei said on the shuttle.

“Yes, Captain.”0541 quickly pulled up the relevant information about the space city.

According to the information, the space city was built 20,000 years ago during the great colonial era. Although it had a long history, it had been used until now because it was well maintained and constantly repaired.

However, after leaving the mainstream society, this space city had now become a large space supply point. Its main function was to supply energy and food to the passing ships.

“Is there anything special about this space city?”Jiang Fei asked.

“There is no relevant information. It should be an ordinary space supply point,”0541 replied.

“Alright.”Jiang Fei nodded. After flying at sub-light speed for more than ten minutes, the shuttle had already reached the space city.

“Captain, the other party has sent an identity confirmation code,”0541 reported.

“Reply to the other party’s identity confirmation. Tell them that I need to resupply the food,”Jiang Fei said.

“Okay!”0541 immediately replied to the space city’s identity confirmation message.

“Hello, General Jiang Fei. I am happy to serve you. Please land on Hangar 75!”The dispatch station quickly arranged a berth for Jiang Fei, after all, Jiang Fei’s position as the fleet commander of the merchant alliance was quite useful.

One had to know that no matter where in the universe, people from the Merchant Alliance were very welcome. It was not because of anything else but just because these people were rich! They would always bring a large amount of wealth with them. Who would not want to make a fortune from them?

Coupled with Jiang Fei’s status as the commander of the fleet, the control station of this space city quickly arranged a VIP berth for him.

After landing on the tarmac, Jiang Fei had just stepped out of the shuttle when he heard the whispers of the staff not far away.

“Did you see that? This is the latest model of the MOROLAS portable single-handed shuttle! And it’s a limited edition!”

“The Merchant Alliance is really rich!”

“Yeah, just this shuttle alone can buy dozens of patrol boats, right?”

“It’s Out! It’s Out! The rich are out!”

“Wow! So Young! It would be great if I could hook up with such a rich person. I would not have to work so hard in the future.”

“Why don’t you look in the mirror? With the pig-faced faces of the people of Planet Pige, would a rich person fall for you?”


Jiang Fei ignored the ground crew and walked straight through the parking lot. He wanted to go outside. In Jiang Fei’s opinion, there were many people outside, so he had a better chance of meeting vinylon.

However, just as Jiang Fei was about to walk past the ground crew, the pig-headed female ground crew of planet Pige suddenly walked up.

“Ah! Handsome! Can I get to know you?”said the pig-headed female ground crew with her big eyes. Although her eyes were big and bright, Jiang Fei still felt nauseous when he saw the pig-headed female ground crew.

“You…”just as Jiang Fei was about to reject her, the pig-headed female ground crew suddenly said in a low voice, “I have something good for you to see!”

From the pig-headed woman’s eyes, Jiang Fei understood her identity — Vinylon! However, Jiang Fei felt as if a million grass mud horses were galloping past him. This made Jiang Fei want to throw his head back and roar, “Vinylon, you really are not a picky eater. How can you do this!”

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