MMORPG: The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1558 - the rebellion began

Chapter 1558: Chapter 1558 bewitching

There was a saying that the speaker did not mean what he said, but the listener did. When these random customers in the tavern said it, they would treat it as a joke. However, when Jiang Fei heard it, it became an important piece of information!

Originally, the one million slaves would arrive in Mala in three days. When that time came, the players’quest would be completed. Once they left, Jiang Fei and the others would have come for nothing.

However, now, the heavens were helping Jiang Fei. The heavy rain in the south had caused the traffic to be blocked. The one million slaves would definitely be late in arriving in Mala. This meant that Jiang Fei had more time to destroy the “Players’”quest.

“That’s great! Now, we have more time to contact Aldo,”Ariel said in a low voice.

“Yeah, I thought we were running out of time. Now, the heavens are helping me!”Jiang Fei laughed.

“Ah Fei, don’t be too happy. If these people arrive on time, be careful not to be caught off guard!”Nina poured cold water on Jiang Fei to prevent him from being too happy.

“Yeah, those slaves will be severely punished if they fail to meet the deadline. So, in order to avoid being punished, they will definitely think of a way to come earlier,”Bella reminded.

“Okay! Don’t worry. I Won’t get carried away,”Jiang Fei laughed.

“Hey! Look, isn’t that Aldo?”At that moment, Si tuying pointed into the distance and said.

“HMM? !”Jiang Fei and the others immediately turned around and saw a desolate figure walking over from afar. Not only did this person not ride a horse, but he also did not have a follower by his side..

“F * ck! It really is Aldo. How did he end up like this?”Jiang Fei was shocked. When Aldo entered the palace, he was still in high spirits. How did he end up like this now.

“Did something happen?”Ariel asked worriedly.

“Let’s Go! Let’s go and take a look!”Jiang Fei immediately stood up and walked out of the tavern.


As they were not far away, Jiang Fei and the others quickly arrived in front of Aldo. However, the Prime Minister acted as if he did not see Jiang Fei. Not only did he not scold him, but he also did not kneel down and bow, instead, he was knocked on the shoulder by Jiang Fei and did not say anything.

“Prime Minister?”Jiang Fei turned around and chased after Aldo. He stopped in front of Aldo.

“AH? ! You? Who Are You?”Aldo was clearly shocked by Jiang Fei. However, he did not open his mouth to scold Jiang Fei or raise his hand to hit Jiang Fei.

“Hehe, Prime Minister, it doesn’t matter who I am. The important thing is that you don’t seem very happy…”Jiang Fei laughed.

“Hey! Go away. I’m not in a good mood today. I don’t want to make things difficult for you.”Aldo sighed and ignored Jiang Fei. He was ready to walk toward his mansion.

“Prime Minister, I know that you’re in trouble. I’m here to help you!”Jiang Fei smiled. Anyone could tell that Aldo was in trouble, therefore, Jiang Fei deliberately said such words to attract his attention!

“Oh?”As expected, when Aldo heard Jiang Fei’s words, he immediately raised his head.

After looking at Jiang Fei from top to bottom, many thoughts flashed through Aldo’s mind. Judging from the attire, Jiang Fei and the others did not look like poor people. Moreover, he was really at a loss at the moment. Therefore, when he heard that Jiang Fei was here to help him.., he could not help but want to grab hold of this life-saving straw!

“Can you really help me?”Asked Aldo.

“That depends on whether you want to get out of this predicament, Prime Minister,”Jiang Fei smiled calmly. He was quite good at pretending to be thirteen to scare people.

“Forget it!”Aldo finally made up his mind. He was desperate now. Therefore, since Jiang Fei said that he could help him, even if there was only a one in ten thousand chance, he had to believe it.

After that, Aldo Let Jiang Fei and the others into his manor. In the living room, both parties took their seats.

“Do you really have a way to help me?”Aldo asked.

“Sir, let’s talk about your problem first,”Jiang Fei said with a smile.

“You don’t Know?”Aldo frowned. Previously, Jiang Fei had said that he was here to help him solve his problem. He had thought that Jiang Fei and the others already knew the whole story. However, now that Jiang Fei had asked.., he could not help but think that Jiang Fei and the others were liars.

“We only know a general idea. Your sister should not be as favored as she used to be, right?”Jiang Fei deliberately said only half of what he said. He guessed that Aldo was troubled by this matter. If not, he could just say half of what he said.., he could also change his words later.

“Hehe… That’s true!”Aldo sighed and then told them the details of how he entered the palace today.

It turned out that Aldo had been summoned by his sisters to enter the palace today, and the purpose of entering the palace was to discuss the matter of the harem fighting for favor. After entering the palace, Aldo knew that the situation of his sisters falling out of favor was more serious than he had imagined.

Ever since those mysterious women entered the palace, the old Emperor had never visited his sisters again. Not only that, the old emperor also issued a series of oral orders, which were almost all to improve the treatment of those women, he had also arranged strict security measures for them.

For a time, Aldo’s four younger sisters were practically thrown into the cold palace. They could not even see the old emperor anymore.

After receiving this news, Aldo felt as if he had been struck by lightning. Although he knew that his younger sisters could not be pampered forever, he did not expect them to fall out of favor so quickly.

Aldo knew very well that his sisters falling out of favor was a sign that he would step down. Once he stepped down, the enemies that he had offended previously would not let him go.

“Very soon, the family members of those women will be on stage. When that time comes, I will definitely die a horrible death!”Said Aldo with a bitter face.

“Hehe…”Jiang Fei smiled slightly after listening to it. Aldo did not know that those mysterious women were actually “Players”. They were not in the mood to fight for the position of Prime Minister of the Norton Star. As long as they had the population.., they would leave immediately.

However, although he knew that Aldo was worrying about nothing, Jiang Fei did not want to explain it to him. If this kid was relieved, who would work for Jiang Fei!

“F * ck! If they push me too far, I will fight them!”Aldo slammed the table.

“Eh? I got it!”Seeing that Aldo was desperate, Jiang Fei suddenly had an idea.

“Sir, do you have an idea?”Aldo immediately asked. He was born poor and had just tasted the sweetness of life. He valued his life the most. If it was not a last resort, he would definitely not go all out.

“HMM! I have an idea!”Jiang Fei smiled and whispered a few words into Aldo’s ear..

“Can this work?”Aldo frowned.

“Don’t you want to take it one step further?”Jiang Fei smiled like a demon. However, what he said earlier had deeply tempted Aldo. It made him afraid and unable to suppress the greed in his heart.

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