MMORPG: The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1569 - Get Lost

Chapter 1569: Chapter 1569: Get Lost


Two “Female players”had died. They did not know that Jiang Fei had done something to them.

Other than the two “Female players”, there were two other male “Players”protecting the old emperor as they retreated to the back door of the palace. They wanted to kill their way out. After all, the empire had tens of millions of soldiers, as long as the old emperor could survive, he would be able to quickly gather an army and quell the chaos caused by the slaves.

Unfortunately, Jiang Fei could not let the “Players”succeed. Therefore, he had already arranged for Gilent to send people to block the back door. When the old emperor and his men arrived at the back door, they were ambushed, after a bloody battle, the old emperor’s personal guards died one after another. In the end, the emperor, who had been living in luxury for his entire life, became a prisoner.

Among the captured people, other than the old emperor, the two “Players”were also captured. Because of the quest requirement, they had descended on ordinary people. Therefore, when the players faced the enemy.., they did not even have the strength to fight back.

“My lord, we have captured the Emperor!”Gilent immediately reported to Jiang Fei.

“Kill him!”! “And all of his princes. If you do not want to die, you have to get rid of them. As long as one of the princes escapes, he will be able to organize an army to wipe you out. Only when the royal family is wiped out will the guards around the world be able to establish themselves as kings. When that happens, the world will be in chaos. You can take advantage of that!”Jiang Fei said.

“Yes, my Lord! I will do as you say!”Gilent obeyed Jiang Fei’s every word.

“That’s right! You must kill those two foreign relatives as well!”Jiang Fei took special care of the two “Male players”.

“Don’t worry, my Lord. I will get someone to kill them right now!”Gilent nodded. Then, he specifically asked his subordinate to carry out the quest.

Very soon, the two “Male players”followed in the footsteps of their companions. Until their heads fell to the ground, they did not know how this originally smooth mission had developed into such a state.

“According to the information, there are more than four “Players”on Planet Norton. However, there are no traces of other “Players”in Marla anymore…”Jiang Fei muttered to himself.

“Perhaps they have gone to do something else or escaped in advance,”Nina analyzed.

“It’s possible! Let’s ignore them for now!”Jiang Fei shook his head, although a few players had escaped in advance, it did not matter. As long as the entire planet Norton was in chaos, those players would not have the chance to obtain another million people.

After a night of noise, the entire palace had almost turned into ruins. The slaves had almost destroyed the entire palace in order to obtain the fine gemstones inlaid on the walls and the gold foil branded on the floor!

If the palace was only a loss of wealth, the women in the palace had gone through a terrifying night of hell!

These completely liberated slaves were like man-eating beasts. They did things that they had never dared to think of before. There was nothing that they could not do. They raped and plundered, and they did it even more inhumanely than the most experienced scoundrels!

However, after these demons were freed, they did what Jiang Fei had hoped. The Old Emperor and all his descendants were killed. Not a single one of them escaped. The entire Norton Empire was wiped out!

On the day Marat city was conquered, Gilent read out the “Emancipation Proclamation”that Jiang Fei had copied. For a moment, the entire Norton Star’s slaves were in an uproar. The power of role models was endless, since Marla’s slaves were able to overthrow their masters and successfully obtain their freedom, they had also obtained countless wealth and beauties. Then, why couldn’t their slaves do the same?

Therefore, the entire Norton star began to erupt with slave riots. They killed the soldiers under their supervision, killed their own slave owners, and some slaves even began to attack the city!

After the news of the Marra catastrophe spread, various regions began to organize their forces to resist and encircle the slaves who had rebelled. At the same time, the various vassals who had lost the leadership of the Emperor began to establish themselves as kings, the entire Norton planet was in a state of separation.

“Hubby, aren’t we going a little too far by doing this?”Ariel could not bear to ask. After all, the entire Norton planet had been destroyed by them. It was a little unethical to leave now.

Previously, the Norton planet was still in the era of slavery. The life of the slaves was very tough. However, most of the people were still living in peace. However, now, the entire Norton Planet had fallen into war, the war between the various vassals was still ongoing. The rebel army of the slaves was even more cruel. The losses they had caused were far greater than the losses caused by other wars!

“Sigh! I Can’t care about this anymore!”Jiang Fei sighed, they had basically completed the mission here. Although a few “Players”had escaped the net, before the planet was reunified.., no leader of any faction would be willing to give them a million people.

“0541, inform Larksy to prepare for teleportation. Our mission on Norton has been completed!”Jiang Fei said after calming himself down. This time, the mission on Norton was not difficult at all. It was mainly a test of Jiang Fei’s humanity, for the sake of the safety of the entire universe, there were times when they had to make sacrifices.

“Yes, Captain!”0541 immediately began to communicate with the ship of dawn that was far away from the planet’s orbit.

Very soon, the light beam from the ship of dawn enveloped Jiang Fei and the others.

After the white light, Jiang Fei and the others returned to the ship of dawn.

“We’re finally back…”Sylvie stretched. It was really inconvenient to be on that primitive planet. It was even difficult to take a hot bath.

“Alright! Let’s prepare to go to the next mission location. I hope it’s not this kind of mission anymore!”Jiang Fei took a deep breath and ordered larks to go to the nearest civilian gathering place. He wanted to see Vinylon there!

“Coordinates confirmed. 3.22 light years away from us! Preparing to warp…”larks was very efficient. Very soon, he had locked onto a space station.

“Boom!”As the dawnlight broke through the spatial barrier, the huge spaceship entered the phase space.

After a few minutes, the DAWNLIGHT jumped out of the phase space. Jiang Fei and the others arrived near the space station.

“Docking request has been sent…”

“Request accepted!”

“Approaching the seventh space station…”

Although the dawnlight ship was huge, it was able to operate smoothly under the control of larksy. This was the power of “Player”technology. No matter how big the ship was, one person was able to unleash its full power.

After the dawnlight ship stopped at the space station, Jiang Fei did not dare to bring the other girls along to prevent any accidents like the pig-headed girl. He left the ship alone and walked into the public area of the space station.

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