MMORPG: The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1615 - , Red Flame sect

Chapter 1615: Chapter 1615, Red Flame sect

“Father! Father! Are You There?”Qiu Xiaoming shouted as soon as he reached the door of the study room.

“Stop making such a big fuss! What a disgrace!”A voice came from the study room.

“Father! I have something important to do!”Qiu Xiaoming shouted.

“Come in!”The voice in the study room was deep and powerful. It was obvious that Prince Gong was also an expert.

After getting his father’s permission, Qiu Xiaoming brought Jiang Fei and Sylvie into the study. As soon as they entered the door, Qiu Xiaoming began to introduce them. “Father! These two are guests from the Zhen Xing Yuan family!”

“Oh?”Prince Gong, who was originally writing on the table, did not care about his good-for-nothing son. However, when he heard the words “Zhen Xing Yuan family”, he suddenly raised his head!

“Brother Yuan, this is my father, King Gong Qiu Kui!”Qiu Xiaoming introduced him.

“Yes!”Jiang Fei was just about to step forward and bow. No matter what, the person in front of him was over 50 years old. Even if Jiang Fei bowed, he would not be at a disadvantage.

“Xiaoming, get out!”At that moment, Qiu Kui waved at Qiu Xiaoming and chased him out of the room.

“Father! I have something important to tell you!”Qiu Xiaoming did not know what to say and wanted to defend himself.

“Get Out! Also, inform the people that no one is allowed to go near the study room without my notice. Anyone who disobeys will be executed!”Qiu Kui said sternly.

“Oh…”hearing his father’s tone, Qiu Xiaoming did not dare to say anything more.

After Qiu Xiaoming closed the study room door behind him, only Jiang Fei, Prince Gong, and Qiu Kui were left in the study room.

Just as Jiang Fei was about to open his mouth to break the awkward silence, Qiu Kui suddenly walked out from behind the desk.

“Greetings, High Ambassador!”Qiu Kui actually knelt down on one knee in front of Jiang Fei.

“You’ve seen me before?”Although Jiang Fei was shocked, he remained calm on the surface. After so many years of pretending to be thirteen, he had learned how to remain calm.

“No! I have never left the chaos realm. However, I know your accessories!”Qiu Kui said as he pointed at the ball hanging on Jiang Fei’s waist.

This ball was an equipment that Jiang Fei had taken from the “Players”. After the previous bet with the “Players”in the quarry, Jiang Fei knew that this was a one-time defensive item, it could block attacks for a limited number of times.

Since he knew how to use it, Jiang Fei naturally would not let the orb lie in the ring’s space. Therefore, before this operation, he had already used blood drop to recognize the orb as his master.

However, what Jiang Fei did not expect was that Qiu Kui before him actually said that this orb was the high ambassador’s Keepsake!

Although he had a million questions in his heart, Jiang Fei was still very calm on the surface.

“Get up,”Jiang Fei said calmly as if he was really an ambassador.

“Yes, my Lord!”Qiu Kui stood aside respectfully. At this moment, he no longer had any airs of a Lord?

“Tell me, when was the last time you saw this bead?”Jiang Fei pretended to be nonchalant and asked.

“Two months ago, the family sent an ambassador to the planet Tumulus. That Lord carried this bead with him. He also told me that in the future, anyone who carries this bead will also be an ambassador of the family!”Qiu Kui did not suspect Jiang Fei, therefore, he did not hide anything from Jiang Fei.

It turned out that the Qiu family on planet Mars was actually a branch of the Yuan family of the town star. They mentioned that the Yuan family was in charge of planet Mars. It was not just the Yuan family. In fact, the four big families of the town star, Wang Xie and Yuan Xiao, each controlled a planet.

Two months ago, an emissary from the Yuan family came to planet Mars. That person had brought the ball with him. According to that person, the emissaries of the Yuan family would bring the ball with them in the future. Therefore, when they met.., qiu Kui mistook Jiang Fei as the emissary of the Yuan family!

“Damn it! There’s no need to ask! That emissary must be the ‘player’who descended!”Jiang Fei was as clear as a mirror in his heart. However, he could not tell Qiu Kui about this.

“Lord Emissary, do you have any orders for me?”Qiu Kui asked respectfully.

“Not yet. Do you know where that emissary went?”Jiang Fei asked. He urgently needed to know where the player was!

“I’m not too sure about the details. I think he went to the Crimson Flame sect,”Qiu Kui said.

“Crimson Flame sect?”Jiang Fei asked in confusion.

“The Crimson Flame sect is the third largest sect on planet Mars. There are many experts there. The messenger seems to have something to talk to them about. I’m not too sure about the details!”Qiu Kui said.

It turned out that although martial arts were prevalent in the five directions, the true experts usually gathered in the center of the planet, the town. On the other four planets, it was very rare to see an overlord level expert with more than ten million combat power.

And even so, these martial artists were mostly gathered in the various large sects. In the secular world, there were very few high-level martial artists. Families like the Qiu family that helped manage planets seemed to have unlimited glory, but to the four large families.., they were at most a bookkeeper, not even a butler.

Therefore, although these families that were in charge of managing planets had great power in the secular world, in the eyes of high-level martial artists, they still didn’t have much status, including some of the large sects on the Mars Star. Although they didn’t dare to attack the Qiu family because of the Yuan family’s power.., they would not dare to attack the Qiu family. However, they would not give the Qiu family face either.

Therefore, if the Yuan family had something to do, they would send an envoy over personally. This was because the strong would only give face to the strong. Even if you were the envoy of the Yuan family, if you were not powerful enough, the other party would still ignore you.

“Crimson Flame sect… Crimson Flame sect… do you know where this sect is?”Jiang Fei asked after repeating it twice.

“I know!”Qiu Kui then pointed out the location of the Crimson Flame sect to Jiang Fei on the map.

“Alright! I’m done here for the time being! If there’s anything, I’ll come and look for You Again!”Jiang Fei nodded and left Prince Gong’s residence with Sylvie.

After returning to the inn, Jiang Fei briefly explained the situation to the girls.

“So, the so-called upper-class society here does not have any contact with the descending ‘players’?”Bella asked.

“That should be the case. Obviously, the environment here is very similar to Earth. Martial artists and ordinary people are from completely different worlds!”Jiang Fei nodded and said.

“So, are we going to the Crimson Flame sect next?”Nina asked.

“Yes, that’s what I plan to do. I think that the identification device will have a reaction somewhere in the Crimson Flame sect!”Jiang Fei guessed.

“I agree with this plan. Moreover, even if we can’t find any traces of ‘players’in the Crimson Flame sect, we can still use them to find the locations of other sects. If there are no signs of ‘players’in these sects, then they should have arrived in the town star!”Nina said.

“It’s settled then. We’ll go to the Crimson Flame sect and those sects first. If we can find any traces of ‘players’, that would be the best. If we can’t find them, we won’t waste any time. We’ll go straight to the town star!”Finally, Jiang Fei made his decision.

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