The larger the more rain the next, already drawing to a close.

inside the tree, Mo Qiu sitting cross-legged, the shape of eyes closed.

in the Sea of ​​his Consciousness, halo flickering stars, numerous road complex thoughts across successive, gradually showing the complete topography.

With system, but a few years, he had mastered many martial arts.

On the subtle, Song Clan Blade Technique, Heavenly Net Art, Clear Wind Sword Art and the Heavenly Character Nine Strikes, Seven Stars Step, etc., are different.

On the formidable power, as most places Flash Sword.

terms and martial arts realm of deep, but it is not yet how mastery of Clear Wind Sword Art respect.

After all, only this door martial arts, related to acquired level.

and brought, after Mo Qiu perception Clear Wind Sword Art, martial arts realm have increased throughout the layer.

Perhaps Clear Wind Sword Art of formidable power is not too strong, but a strategically advantageous position, as he was able to help.

past can not figure out, can not think of a place, and now can where water flows, a canal is formed of understanding.

As Flash Sword.

men strong, strong, but many restrictions.

Now again, wherein the multi-defective, can be improved if, when and watery formidable power becoming less restricted.

This will have a prototype of Five Steps Single Death!


gradually perfect the prototype finally come together to form a sentence characters engraved on the Sea of ​​Consciousness screens.

"Om ......"

starlight flickering, dim moment.

next moment, a surge came from nowhere, but as it should be by rights the thoughts uppermost.


darkness, a pair of eyes suddenly opened, meaning sharp pierce the darkness, sword shadow enlivened however Zheng Ming.

"Zheng ......"

sword light pierced the darkness, tear the rain, just a flash, had already appeared outside the two zhang.

Five Steps Single Death!

sword shadow of a collection, showing Mo Qiu stature.

pelting rain falling, delicate leaves unbearable destruction have bent, his stature was still straight.

Heavenly Net Art cover your whole body, raindrops touched his flesh, instant fragmentation, looked dispersed.

And Mo Qiu's silhouette, also crashed through the heavy rain, straight distance away.

After the out of town, he chose a small diameter, the Jungle, was found to prevent whereabouts.

arrow technique to hurt, let pursuers downsizing, it is to avoid being Weisha people.

But these tools can only be stopped by ordinary person, as well as being behind the pursuers expert, also requires a setback of their frustration and your spirit.

Only in this way, be considered the safe!

Now Sword Art successful, but yesterday it selected the target, it was revealed on the occasion edge.


jungle, Mo Qiu carrying swords, eighty, not many had come to a wide area.

middle position, with three tents.

From time to time there are two tents where screams, cries came, apparently are living inside wounded.

in the final candle shining a tent, sometimes visible silhouette moved, no other noises.

"Big Constable Ouyang Yue, viscera refinement expert, to hand the dragon Palms famous, powerful strength, these are the team leader."

thought flashed, Mo Qiu keep the foot body, such as a sharp arrow, straight out from the jungle toward the last tent.


His foot ground, Dragon Snake Strength outbreak, darting mud, stature is already out about one zhang land.

Several breathing, appeared in the guard's line of sight.


"There are enemy break camp!"

His speed is too fast, the guards have never expected to find himself Yudi, not react to the breakthrough line of defense.


long knife scabbard, and welcome air explosion cut.

tenacious leather tent separated therefrom under this blade, but also surprised face is exposed inside the silhouette.

"Ouyang Yue, take my knife!"

Mo Qiu loudly roared, stature and pelting rain penetration tent together, straight into the middle of that burly big man.

He menacing, people knife consistency, power and influence of Sheng was actually let others farm flavor of a lag.

a time, did not react foes.

"You are!" Ouyang Yue first cold voice, then that is both shocked and angry:

"Mo's surname, How dare, there is a road you do not go away to the west, hell nowhere unsolicited vote. "

" really courting death! "

big roar in his anti-refundable, stature and shoved it sprang from a theme, such as Zhang Shi Long facing the blade light strike out.

dragon Palms --wyvern formula!

As viscera refinement expert, Ouyang Yue are a breath with giant strength, even if the rush force is powerful pomp.

Zhang Shi together, there whistling winds, pelting rain struck out even by its rewind.


Mo Qiu coldly snorted, the same stature, Daoshi more and more fierce.

Song Clan Blade Technique --Coldshock Single Blade!

this style Blade Technique decisive mood, regret a knife, and an enemy to all burning much of imposing manner.

Ouyang Yue eyes flashing, his position in the second only to fire Detective eye golden eagle Ling Wan, will not fight from both sides suffer with Mo Qiu.

in the air when the lower body, Zhang Shi transformation, as Chuanhuahudie hit the blade light from all directions.


"out of place ......"

Ming Jin Qi storm, staggered down.

Mo Qiu stature unchanged, Ouyang Yue is beating eyes, subconsciously swept his own shoulders.

, where a narrow impressively marks emerge.

just a trick, as the viscera refinement expert, he went so far as to hurt?

Even if that person had come prepared, he rush to meet the enemy, but also shows that the bearer of the strength is not weak.

Sword Art proficient doctor's?

put his mother's fart!

in front of the youngster, and he is afraid, he is a genuine of viscera refinement expert.

"adult careful!"

"Good Zeizi!"

Until this point, the tent of other people react, stood up, shouted out loud.

But this time, Mo Qiu has rushed Ouyang Yue again.

but this time, Ouyang Yue did not want confrontation with his foot a little toward the back to the whole person, while the mouth shouted: "! Brothers, together with the"

voice hardly ever, Mo Qiu been flipped when empty, toward the diffusing nine throwing knives as looked lasing away.

Heavenly Character Nine Strikes!

nine knife after he was nine knife.

more than eighteen throwing knives prevents other people's actions, but also to Ouyang Yue had to stop dodging.

Zhang Huyuan year but forging bone success, not fame Asia viscera refinement, the Mo Qiu is now stronger than he, hidden weapon practices are worse.

Flying namely to develop their full, with trifling was actually a person, forcibly suppressed field includes a viscera refinement expert, including six Detective.

Ouyang Yue looking gloomy, he learned movement method transforms the extreme, doing all they could to dodge the knife.

Meanwhile hearts Anhen:

let you crazy sometimes, hidden weapon until the time runs out, I'll wait for the shot, Seoul, Three Heads Six Arms also ......


at the occasion of his heart talking, eyes suddenly light up, a surge of extreme chill moment from caudal straight into the forehead.


sword light!

a sharp rays of light cut the darkness, shining in his eyes, in addition to the perception that sword light nothing else.

next moment.

Ouyang Yue speak, a light body, the whole person is already floating fly, caught in vague consciousness.

last moment of his coma, a crisp hearty voice of drift into the eardrum, and farther away:

"This is just a warning, to catching, I wonder, then start with ruthless! "

how is it possible?

Here with their own, there are three forging bone, a viscera refinement, and Bing Jia is complete, even fancy come and go.


also own people ......


body landed, his consciousness into a coma.

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