"cough cough..."

Mo Qiu's body trembled, coughing violently, and even his expression flushed red.

"Doctor Mo?" Yue Yuan was taken aback.

It's just a condition. I haven't said any conditions yet. Isn't that true?

"No...I'm okay." Mo Qiu held his breath, waved his hand, and explained:

"A little problem, it won't get in the way."

Then he said:

"Brother Yue really has a way to take people across the border?"

"Of course!" Yue Yuan nodded:

"But this Yue There is also something to ask for."

Mo Qiu and Qin Qingrong looked at each other before speaking slowly:

"Brother Yue might as well speak and listen."

"No hurry." Yue Yuan glanced all around, looking cautious:

"The top priority is to find a safe place first. If there are chasing soldiers, it will be a disaster."

"That's right."

At present, three people in one car and one section of the road once again, and choose the mountain trails that are difficult for horses to walk.

Until the sky was faintly bright, I stopped at a sheltered place in a mountain col.

"cough cough..."

Mo Qiu curled up, coughing constantly, his face flushed.

"Doctor Mo..., are you really in the way?" Yue Yuan felt worried and hesitated in her heart.

This one, is it reliable?

"It won't get in the way." Mo Qiu waved his hand:

"Brother Yue, let's talk about the conditions!"

"So..." Yue Yuan's eyes flickered. in the vicinity Sit down on a piece of boulder, looking thoughtful.

For a long time, I spoke slowly:

"Frankly, this Yue is different from you. This visit to Dongan Mansion is nothing but for shelter."


"Yes!" Yue Yuan took a deep breath and said:

"This Yue is originally from Dongling County, and his family background is pretty good, but what an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a criminal, because something attracts a gang of wicked people."

Here, he has a hideous face, gnashing teeth:

"Those wicked people Ruthless and ruthless, I destroyed my whole family. It was a fluke that this Yue was able to escape."

"Uh..." Mo Qiu opened his mouth:

"Brother-in-law's mourning."

I have to say that this kind of thing is very sympathetic, but it seems to have nothing to do with him.

is it possible that want two people to help him get revenge?

This is naturally impossible!

"The enemy is fierce, and this Yue did not expect to be able to avenge the hatred, but only wanted to continue the Yue Family incense." Yue Yuan sighed and said:

"But I found out two days ago that I myself It seems to have been poisoned, it seems that the group did not intend to let this Yue go!"

"Poisoned?" Mo Qiu's eyes moved.

"Not bad." Yue Yuan nodded.

Immediately rolled up his long sleeves and exposed his arms. There was a strange red mark in the middle of his arms:

"If Doctor Mo can detoxify me, this Yue will be your life. Saved, what difficulty is there over the other side?"

Mo Qiu got up and looked thoughtful:

"I need to check it."

"Please!" Yue Yuan gestured with his hand.

Firmly, Mo Qiu stretched out his hand to press the pulse of the opponent, and only felt a shock in his fingers when he tentacled his hands.

really strong!

His eyes narrowed.

Yue Yuan’s spontaneous power has already taken the form of acquired True Qi.

In Point Star City, Mo Qiu has given several visara refinement experts a pulse, and none of them has this strength.

This shows that if it's not that the cultivation technique is special, it's that it's an extraordinary natural talent.

Same as viscera refinement, let's get started, those few of Point Star City are simply not opponents of this person!

When I change my mind, my strong and powerful pulse is also reflected in my heart one after another.

After a while.

Mo Qiu retracted his arm, his eyes were contemplative, only when paused stretched out his hand and gestured on the red mark:

"Brother Yue, I need a few drops of blood here."

Speaking, coughing again.

"No problem."

Yue Yuan answered cleanly. With a stroke of his finger, his sharp nails would tear the skin apart and use a concave stone to help the blood.

Mo Qiu hurriedly reached out and took it, took some medicine powder out of the bag, and dripped it into the blood one after another to observe the reaction.

"Junior Brother." Qin Qingrong leaned closer and lowered his voice:


Poison is not what Azure Capsule Medicine Scripture is good at. Even Master Qin would be very troublesome, and she was naturally a little worried.

Of course, Mo Qiu not only got Azure Capsule Medicine Scripture, but also Old Mu, Old Ding's medical books, and Poison Scripture.

These Qin Qingrong do not know.

Yue Yuan is even more nervous, even her breathing becomes unstable.

"It's a rare mixed poison." Mo Qiu thought for a moment, and said:

"It should be three kinds of poisons mixed together. Some of them are intoxicating grass, which can It numbs the muscles and bones and weakens the strength of Martial Artist."

"I can't see the other two kinds of poisons. Even if they are not fatal, they are extremely difficult to get rid of."

, His eyes looked towards Yue Yuan could not help but be a little surprised.

The physique is terrifying if you can still have such strength even if you are poisoned in your body!

What is the cultivation technique of the opponent's cultivation?

If the strength is intact, I am afraid that even if you encounter Ling Wan, the golden eagle with eyes, you may not be able to resist.

"I can't see it." Yue Yuan's face was gloomy:

"In other words, Doctor Mo can't cure the poison on my body?"

Voice, It's getting colder.

"You can say so." Mo Qiu didn't seem to hear the change in his tone, and said with one hand on his cheek:

"If you don't know the specific three kinds of poisons, I'm afraid that no one can solve this poison."

"I can only slow down the time of the poison's onset and reduce the torture. No matter how much it is, there is nothing I can do!"

"Is it? "Yue Yuan's eyes moved.

"Not bad." Mo Qiu sighed and said:

"Brother Yue, the poison on your body is really helpless. You can delay it for a month or two at most, when the time comes. How or what will happen, as for the things that take us over..."

"It's okay!" Yue Yuan suddenly shook his hand:

"This Yue is not a caregiver, as long as I am already grateful for reducing toxicity."

"Brother Yue has a good belly!" Mo Qiu's complexion condensed, and he couldn't help but arch his hands:

"this Mo blushed with Shame, during this period of time, I must think about how to help Brother Yue solve the poison."

"Then it will work." Yue Yuan laughed:

"If Doctor Mo If you can get rid of the poison for me, this Yue will also repay your kindness after he saddles his horse."

"Just joked, joked." Mo Qiu waved his hand again and again:

"this Mo is not good at medical skills, However, Dongan Mansion must have a famous doctor, and he should be able to solve the poison on brother Yue."

"I hope so." Yue Yuan's expression changed, seeing the eyes of the two of them, and then he smiled:

"As for the matter of crossing the border, hand it over to me."

Speaking, take something out of the body package:

"Please see, two people, what is this "

"Lu Yin!" Both eyes lit up.

"Not bad." Yue Yuan nodded:

"This guide is from a family and has an official seal. It is true and true, and it is enough for the three of us to pass."

Mo Qiu relaxed, his expression slowed down.

However, after seeing the traces of the poison spreading on the opponent, a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

Poisons are generally used by the weak on the powerhouse. It is rarely heard of strong people poisoning the weak.

Furthermore, poisoning can't be done by ordinary methods.

This'Yue Yuan' must have something to hide.


What does this have to do with yourself?

As long as you can bring two people into Dongan Mansion, it doesn't matter what secrets the other party has.

Thinking of this, he smiled again.


At the same time, on the official road outside several dozen li, more than a dozen people are riding horses.

There are young and old riders, each with a hideous face, hatred in his eyes, as if there is nowhere to vent a monstrous resentment.

"Surnamed Gu, you can't escape!"


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