"jia! ”

"jia! ”


The sound of horseshoes has not fallen, how many Dao's silhouette rushed forward, and several ups and downs appeared in a chaotic ruin.

There are wreckages of carriages and horses everywhere, and several people are screaming and screaming in blood.

Obviously, not long ago, a tragic fight must have occurred here.

"Uncle Qian!" The youngster Yue Yuan hurriedly helped one person up, his eyes rushed with anger:

"Who did it? Surnamed Gu did it?"

"Shao...Young Master." Uncle Qian choked blood in his mouth, and his face was ashamed:

"The little man is incompetent, he is not the opponent of surnamed Gu, Miss Qing and the young Master were all taken away by him. !"

"What?" Yue Yuan's body shook, his eyes almost lost.

Behind him, the middle-aged man has checked the situation here, with a gloomy face: "Vajra Palm, it's him!"

" second brother." Another person walked quickly and said:

"From the perspective of footsteps, it should be heading south. It should not be more than two sticks of incense. There should be hope to catch up."


"Go!" Yue Yuan hurriedly got up:

"Second uncle, let's go after it!"

"Don't be careless." The middle-aged man waved his hand suddenly:

"Today, it was because of hasty action that I left Xiaoqing and the others behind. That's why his way."

"This time I will chase after Mu Yun, you guys keep your hands here. , See if I can find other clues!"

"second uncle." Yue Yuan said anxiously:

"Qingmei and younger brother were all caught by surnamed Gu, how can I Stay here?"

"That's it, I can't let you go!" The middle-aged man's face is cold and solemn:

"With your impatience, go I'm afraid it won't help much, but it will become a burden."

"Although surnamed Gu's is visara refinement, it killed you Seventh Uncle, even we dare not care."


"second uncle!" Yue Yuan was anxious.

"Take good care of him." The middle-aged man left a sentence to the others and turned on his horse again.


shouting loudly, two healthy horses are already galloping away.

"Get out!"

"Young Master, don't make us embarrassed."

"I said keep out!"


The two Yue Family guards glanced at each other, and at the same time stepped forward, pinching Yue Yuan in the middle:

"The second master told Young Master stays. If Young Master insists on refusing, it's no wonder that our brother committed the crime!"

"Dare you!"

Yue Yuan was furious, but couldn't get rid of it. The entanglement of the two.


Among the jungle, the silhouette shuttles.

The short and stout Gu Xiu's feet are ill, and the whole person is flying forward like a fallen leaf.

The beauty of footwork must be superior martial arts.

Furthermore, in his hands, he also mentions one person on the left and right, so that the situation is still strong and fast, which also shows the strength.

Not long.


With a flick of both of his hands, he threw the two juniors of Yue Family under the tree, and awakened them both at the same time.

"Um..." The first woman who woke up was a young woman who was a young woman, and frowns suddenly complexion greatly changed.

She shrank up in a hurry, her eyes filled with horror looked towards Gu Xiu in front of her:

"You...what do you want to do?"

" What are you doing?" Gu Xiu smiled yin and yin, and reached out to gently lift the woman’s clean chin, and said:

"Such a little girl with soft skin and tender meat, I'm afraid I haven't enjoyed life well yet, if it's for nothing If you die, wouldn't it be a pity?"

"Ah!" The woman's lovable body trembled, a pair of beautiful eyes are already full of tears.

"It seems that you don't want to die yet, if you don't want to die..." Gu Xiu's face sank, and one hand clasped the woman's shoulder:

"Just tell me obediently and honestly, you guys What kind of poison is used to prepare Yue Family's triple poison? How can it be solved?"

He searched carefully, and there is no antidote in the team, maybe there is, but it is in the inner Qi expert.

The expert is not an opponent unless it is a sneak attack.

At the moment, the force is exerted in the palm, and the woman's shoulder bones are struggling to'ka ka' immediately.


The woman is so spoiled, why has she ever suffered such torture? She screamed loudly and burst into tears, but she shook her head desperately:

" I don’t know, I don’t know!"

"Don't know?" Gu Xiu's eyes narrowed:

"Preparation of triple poison, but the basic skills of your Yue Family, you tell I don’t know?"

"It looks like I won’t give you a bit of pain, I’m afraid I won’t speak!"

He was coldly snorted, his hands suddenly held the woman’s wrist hair The force is twisted, and the ankle is buckled in the same way.



The woman's lovable body stiffened, and the next moment she trembled suddenly, twisting her body in a scream, forcibly Distorted yourself into a weird look.

Just like a prawn that keeps struggling, it is flushed all over, with blue veins and drums on its face, and the beautiful cheeks of the past have also turned into hideous.

The hope is terrible!

"It's your turn." Gu Xiu hummed between his nose and looked towards the other person:

"Boy, don't think I will let you go by pretending to be asleep!"

The other person is only thirteen-fourteen years old, with a handsome eyebrow, but at this time he was scared to face pale.

He opened his eyes and glared at Gu Xiu, trembling lightly:

"We... won't let you go!"

"You mean yours Second uncle?" Gu Xiu squatted down, sneered disdainfully:

"He is afraid that he has already gone south to chase. Even if he wakes up, he won’t be too late to come back."

"So, you'd better be honest!"

"..." The young man clenched his teeth. Although he looked frightened, he didn't reveal the secret of the poison.

"hehe..." Gu Xiu raised his eyebrows, and slowly squatted down in front of him:

"You Yue Family are all hard bones, but it's a pity that I have the wrong side. , Specializing in the treatment of hard bones."

"Even if it is Hundred Refinements steel essence, under my craft, it must be obediently and honestly turned into a soft finger."

He single-handed Hold down the young man, and said:

"Your elder, who kept the secret for two hours, didn't he say it obediently and honestly in the end?"

"You...I..." The boy's lips trembled, and he suddenly yelled:

"I'm not afraid of you!"

"Not afraid?" Gu Xiu lowered his head and suddenly shook his hand.



The boy screamed, his left arm was completely distorted, the stubble of the forest even tore the fleshy shirt with A little blood was revealed.

Under the severe pain, the boy rolled his eyes and passed out directly.

"Heh!" Gu Xiu swept away coldly, his face revealed disdain:

"I can't bear this pain. I'm still pretending to be hard on Laozi's face."


Spitting out, he looked towards the struggling woman.

At this time, the woman had already lost her voice, and her throat made a sound of'ho ho', her whole body was extremely vicious with high drums and blue veins.

"It's time too." Gu Xiu touched his chin, pointed a little, and released the restraint on the woman.

If he continues, he is afraid that this woman will be insane directly, and even go crazy.

He knows the pain caused by the'distribution of muscles and hands'.


The woman lay on the ground and curled up, her chest undulating rapidly and desperately breathing. In just a short period of time, the sweat on her body has soaked her clothes. Full of exquisite figure.

"Say." Gu Xiu twisted his neck and spoke slowly:

"What kind of poison is used to formulate your Yue Family's triad poison?"

The woman's lovable body trembled, her confused eyes recovered a little, but there is no fear, but full of resentment.

"Heh..." Gu Xiu sneered, his face immediately cold:

"It seems that one time is not enough!"

"It doesn't matter, I have time. , I have to see who of us can last longer?"

As he said, he stretched out his hand and leaned toward the woman again.

The woman's body tightened, her eyes were full of horror, waiting for the pain to come, Gu Xiu in front of her suddenly changed her face.


Gu Xiu suddenly disappeared from the place where the wind was shaking, replaced by several cold glows.


The cold glow landed, but it was a throwing knives.

"Who?" Gu Xiu roared, his face grim.

If it wasn't for his strong cultivation base just now, plus always beware of the timely response, I am afraid that he has already been recruited, and cold sweat is all over his back at this time.


The one who greeted his roar was a sword light.

The sword light emerged from behind the tree four steps away, and with just a flash, the sharp edge was already close to the throat.


Gu Xiu's eyes shrank, and his consciousness seemed to be stagnant. Only instinct drove his hands to madly stop at the body.

Vajra Seal!


Even if his physique is strong enough, the palm of his flesh will not be able to beat the blade, and it will be penetrated in the palm of his hand in an instant.

Unabated, he pierced his shoulder.


With a stroke of the long sword, blood flies all over.

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