The people who waited until the Yue Family woke up and changed their directions eagerly. The captured men and women were already out of trouble.

The woman collapsed under her feet, and the boy's arm was scrapped. The two helped each other out of the woods slowly.



The middle-aged man got off his horse and pounced on the two of them:

"How are you doing?"

"Two...second uncle." Seeing her relatives, the woman immediately softened and said with tears in her eyes:

"The man twisted off Xiaowu's arm, I...I'm fine."

"Woo..." The young man was even more unbearable. He knelt and cried, his voice was frightened and fearful.

"Let me take a look." The middle-aged man looked cold and solemn, and he tapped the juvenile's acupoints to check his injuries:

"What a ruthless method!"

His eyes shrank, his expression of resentment was on his face, and he didn't forget to comfort him:

"Xiaowu, don't worry, Spirit Essence School has a Divine Doctor with a bone-forged connection, maybe he can help you heal it."


"Even if it really doesn't work, your Third Grandfather can forge a fake hand!"

"en." The young man was nodded with tears in his eyes. After all, he is too young to be so strong.

"That's right." The middle-aged man looked back:

"Aren't you caught by surnamed Gu? How did you escape? Where is surnamed Gu? "

"Someone saved us." The woman twitched her nose and choked:

"The man killed surnamed Gu, so we were able to escape. He covered his face. I don’t know who it is."

"This..." The middle-aged man frowned:

"Gu Xiu's stuff was also taken away by him?"

"en!" The woman is nodded.

"second brother." The man behind said in a low voice:

"This is not easy. The surnamed Gu always has the name Dao Idol and the face, the masked man How to check?"

"..."The middle-aged man's eyes flashed:

"No matter who took things away, they must go to Bailong Tongdang to fetch them, when the time comes to think of a way."

"You go inside to see the situation, I will take them two back first, Xiaowu needs to go to Medicine Valley as soon as his arm is broken."

" OK."

Before the sound fell, one silhouette rushed into the jungle.

Not long ago, the horses' hoofs slammed into the distance.


At this moment, Mo Qiu is on his way back.

He has already taken off his face mask, standing on a high hill and looking into the distance, his eyes are full of surprises.

"Three Yin Intersection, middle grade corpse site!"

According to Corpse Refinement Technique, there are three types of corpse sites: high, middle and low, low grade cemetery, middle grade shade, high grade treasure.

From Point Star City to Dongan Mansion, the journey is a thousand miles away, but not to mention the middle grade corpse site, even the low grade cemetery that meets the requirements.

Unexpectedly, it's coming to an end, but I got what I wanted.

"With this middle grade corpse breeding ground, the strength of the walking corpse will be able to quickly recover. If you bury several decades, you may be able to become a real zombie!"

Just a newcomer walking corpse , Can rival the acquired Martial Artist, how strong should the real zombie be?

Mo Qiu is very much looking forward to this.

Unfortunately, it takes more than ten years to refine zombie, even if he succeeds, he is already old.

It can only be left to future generations as a means of maintaining the family business.

Thinking of this, he accelerated under his feet, and rushed towards the direction he came when he came. After a while, he saw the stone pavilion in the distance.


Mo Qiu stopped after a pause.

But I saw it next to the stone pavilion, not only Qin Qingrong, but also a group of caravans staying here.

There are nearly a hundred caravans, and many of them are elite guards. Seeing their posture of making fire and cooking, they will not leave tonight.

Mo Qiu looked intently in the dark, pondered for a moment, then folded back and returned to the woods again.

Not long.

"Who is there? Come out!" A caravan guard suddenly turned around, moved towards a tree and roared.

A few people around blades and swords unsheathing, look on guard.

"Sorry." Mo Qiu moved out from behind the tree a little bit, raised a rabbit with one hand, cautiously said:

"Senior Sister and I have been resting here all the time. "

"Junior Brother!" In the crowd, Qin Qingrong's eyes lit up and hurriedly got up to greet:

"I am here."

Beside her A woman in's looked up and stretched out her hand to signal:

"Let him come over!"

"Yes." Hearing this, the guards put away the sword.

Mo Qiu was brought to the front and saw the woman's appearance clearly. She was a woman in her early thirties.

Looking at the costume, it's not like the ladies, but the dress of the family.

Looking sideways, an elegant frame was parked not far away, guarded by a group of female guards.

There should be the owner of the team.

"In the wilderness, leave a weak woman here alone, and you can rest assured." The woman glanced at Mo Qiu and shook her head gently, her tone seemed a little dissatisfied.

"Aunt Fang, I let him go." Qin Qingrong hurriedly said:

"We have been doing this for the past few months. Thanks to Junior Brother for taking care of me. I'm used to it."

"Really, you have suffered a lot along the way." Aunt Fang has pity in his eyes, gently nodded:

"Forget it, go Eat something, rest early, all go to Fucheng, and then follow us all the way."

"many thanks Aunt Fang, many thanks Aunt Fang!" Qin Qingrong's beautiful eyes lit up and hurriedly thanked them.

"You don't have to see the outside like that." Aunt Fang smiled softly:

"You helped the young lady solve the troubles, and you should give back to you. It is also right to help you, and I feel kind to you when I see you "

"Really?" Qin Qingrong said with a smile:

"To be honest, Qingrong is the same. I always feel that Aunt Fang is like a family member I haven't seen for a long time. "

"You can talk." Aunt Fang smiled and tapped Qin Qingrong Qiongbi:

"I would rather have you as a junior."

"That's good." Qin Qingrong looked naive:

"If Aunt Fang doesn't dislike it, how about I recognize you as a relative?"

The two talked cordially, It made Mo Qiu a little dumbfounded. How long did it take to climb up to relatives?

When they came back to his senses, the two of them had come to the back of the team and sat down beside the walking corpse covered by wooden planks. They were not far away from the caravan and just separated by wooden planks.

"What's the matter?" Mo Qiu asked.

"Not long after you left, they came." Qin Qingrong lowered his voice and said:

"It is a member of the Dongan Mansion Fang Family, it seems that they are not small in power."

Mo Qiu nodded.

This group of guards is a strong personality, well-trained, and impossible from a small door.

But they don't know much about Dongan Mansion, and they don't know what the so-called Fang Family comes from.

"It happened that Young Lady Feng was a little uncomfortable. I diagnosed and treated her little problem with her daughter's family." Qin Qingrong continued:

"Aunt Fang is Miss's nanny, What happened later is what you saw."

Although her medical skills are not very good, she also learned a lot of abilities, especially in gynecology, which is pretty good.

"speaking of which." Qin Qingrong glanced back and said:

"The people at Dongan Mansion are really different from outside."

"Yes." Mo Qiu nodded agrees:

"Neither the Yue Family nor the Fang Family yelled at them as soon as they met. They acted in a more gentle manner than the outsiders."

"Yes." Qin Qingrong said with emotion:

"I have been outside for a long time. Everyone looks like a wicked person. People's hearts are separated from their belly. I don't dare to relax like this. I won't have to spend any time in the future. I'm very worried."

"That's not necessarily." Mo Qiu sit in the lotus position:

"Perhaps it is because Dongan Mansion is suppressed by government soldiers, and it is necessary to violate the law and discipline. I have a lot of concerns, but I'm afraid of fraud."

"Fortunately, you don't have to be divided into life and death at every turn."

"Yes." Qin Qingrong should be, and asked in a low voice. Said:

"The matter is over."

"en." Mo Qiu nodded.

"How did you find the fake'Yue Yuan'?" Qin Qingrong was puzzled.

"medicine." Mo Qiu thought for a while, did not hide her:

"I made some tricks on the medicine I gave him. Of course, the distance is not too far. Otherwise, I can’t find someone."

"So..." Qin Qingrong relaxed, whispered:

"Actually, just tell the Yue Family people and let them do it. , You don’t have to take such a risk."

"I cured the fake'Yue Yuan' and detoxified it. If the Yue Family knew it, I would be inevitable." Mo Qiu gently shook his head:

"Forget it, the matter has been resolved, don't mention it anymore."

"Yes." Qin Qingrong should be, shrinking from the side to fall asleep.

Mo Qiu was lost in thought, and when he was silent, he took off the package and inspected the contents.

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