In the next few days, the two lived in Zuo Family, and they finally had a chance to rest after running for several months.

Qin Qingrong stays by Wu's side all day. In addition to cultivation and martial arts, Mo Qiu occasionally goes out for a walk to see the local customs.

Dongan Mansion is huge!

Only Southern City, there are several Point Star City the size, and the prosperous business is far more than a small place.

If you can't visit Southern City in a few days, you can imagine the most prosperous and vast inner city.

Sajin Street.

The street is three feet wide, with shops and stalls on both sides, selling all kinds of things from all over the world.

One of the jewelry shops has an exceptionally good business.

The two walked out of the shop, Qin Qingrong smiled, holding a hosta in his hand and fiddling with it from time to time:

"This hosta only needs ten silver tael, it looks like Dongan Mansion’s The price is not very expensive."

"Perhaps there are many similar things, the price is difficult to raise." Mo Qiu smiled lightly. Interface:

"This is a gift Yes?"

Qin Qingrong doesn't like the headdress, saying that it is cumbersome and cumbersome. This time he went out to buy things but chose them carefully.

"en. "She was gently nodded:

"I have been here for so long, and I haven't prepared gifts for the godmothers. How do you think this hosta was given to Yue'er younger sister "

"..." Mo Qiu's eyes flashed:

"Senior Sister is interested, I should pay for it."

Enter Spirit Essence School is taking the path of the uncle Yue'er. Sending hairpins also means to express gratitude.

"You are a big man, it is not convenient to send this thing to your daughter." Qin Qingrong smiled and shook his head:

"Go, go ahead and have a look, Qianniang likes red sandalwood. Ornament, see if you can find one."

"Okay." Mo Qiu nodded.

The two are young and beautiful, the other is calm and introverted, walking side by side with each other, talking very happily.

The setting sun has appeared, and the soft halo has fallen.

The flow of people on both sides is like weaving, the eaves are undulating, and the two silhouettes are mixed into it, which is exactly a picture of the market.

The hustle and bustle of shouts and shouts added a bit of embellishment to this picture.

At the end of Long Street, there is an open-air tea house.

Not many people, sitting sparsely.

The two were too tired to go, so they found an empty seat to sit down and ordered a pot of Yanyuncha to rest by the way.

"Medicine Valley is close to Lianyun Mountain, and a hundred miles away from Southern City. You will go to Spirit Essence School in the future. If you want to come back, it will not be so easy." Qin Qingrong picked up the tea, the water rippled, and his face was visible. has several points of loneliness:

"I don't know how long it will be before we can see you again."

"People have sorrows and joys, and the moon is cloudy and sunny. This is a difficult matter in ancient times." Mo Qiu's expression is indifferent:

"Senior Sister has found his relatives, and I will live without any worries in the future. I am also worthy of Master Qin's trust."

"Live up to the entrustment, you... "Qin Qingrong raised his head, and his eyes looked towards Mo Qiu flashed a little complicated:

"You are a good word, maybe it is better to be a scholar than to learn martial arts and medicine."


"Heh..." Mo Qiu chuckled:

"Senior Sister joked. It's okay to copy poems and memorize words. It really makes me specialize in books, I'm afraid I might kill him."

"That's right."

He took a sip of tea and changed the subject:

"Senior Sister what's next?"

"I..." Qin Qingrong moved his hands for a while, and his face was thoughtful:

"The godmother wants me to help my brother in the pharmacy. I have done these things before, and it’s not bad. Good at."

"en."Mo Qiu nodded.

“However, Wenboshi’s brother is weak in temperament and does not deal with commercial affairs. In the past few years, the income of the pharmacy can only be barely maintained.” Qin Qingrong changed the subject and said:

“Obviously, the medical skills are good. , But the income is very little. In my opinion, the brother's temperament is not suitable for managing a pharmacy."

"Senior Sister is going to help him?" Mo Qiu said.

"I am an outsider after all." Qin Qingrong sighed, shook his head and said:

"I said that I recognized my relatives, but it was inconvenient to get involved in the pharmacy, so I probably stayed there too. Soon."

Mo Qiu knew it, and said:

"In other words, Senior Sister just wants to get acquainted with the pharmacy and does not plan to get involved in the business."

"en. "Qin Qingrong nodded:

"Being relatives and friends, brothers are very good, but being a business partner is hard to convince."

"I asked Ganniang, the yard where my mother lived when she was a child has been bought, and it is not easy to buy it back."

She put down the tea bowl, her eyes were thinking, and said:

" Also, the Fang Family we met in the future is a big family in the inner city. I will visit and maintain the relationship in two days."

"Don't ask to know Young Lady Feng, Aunt Fang always wants to see you. "

"The Yue Family is the Aristocratic Family. We have their tokens in our hands, and we can sell them as favors."

"As long as we have a relationship Go through it. From now on, here in Dongan Mansion, it will not be difficult to find a way out..."

Mo Qiu looked at each other with a strange expression.

"What's the matter?" Qin Qingrong was taken aback when he was seen, and couldn't help reaching out and touching his cheek.

"It's nothing." Mo Qiu shook his head:

"It's just..., Senior Sister is different from before."

Previous Qin Qingrong, Innocent temperament means nothing to do with the world, but nowadays it seems to be a different person.

The influence of life's encounters on personality is generally visible.

"Really?" Hearing this, Qin Qingrong's expression changes:

"People, always change."

"Yes!" Mo Qiu should be, and his voice is soothing:

"That's good, I can rest assured."

"Boss!" Qin Qingrong looked at Mo Qiu and stayed in a daze, suddenly When the voice mentioned it, he shouted angrily:

"Are we ready for the snack?"

"Okay, okay." Boss responded in a hurry and brought four dishes to eat. , Cautiously said:

"Guest, please use it slowly."

"The tea is cold, it's really slow." Qin Qingrong lowered his head, his shoulders trembled unnoticeably :

"Junior Brother, don’t worry, if you send me to Dongan Mansion, I will definitely send you to Spirit Essence School."

"It’s all agreed in advance, yes No?"

"Yes." A hint of surprise flashed in Mo Qiu's mind, gently nodded.

"Young Lady Qin, Young Master Mo." The two had just eaten two bites of snacks, and before they had finished the snacks, there was a pharmacy guy rushing over:

"Quick, shopkeeper I’m looking for you, saying that a distinguished guest is here!"


The two looked at each other and hurriedly got up.


Zuo Wenbo's nobleman surnamed Zhao, named Dongyu, is Yue'er's uncle, and an Outer Sect Steward from Spirit Essence School.

The person is tall and thin, with a three-inch beard, dressed in brocade, and he walks with style.

It's just that the eyes flicker from time to time, giving people a feeling of improper temperament.

The back hall of the pharmacy.

Manager Zhao sits on his head and examines Mo Qiu back and forth:

"Old Xu's dísciple?"

"Yes." Mo Qiu bowed his hand:

"Junior Mo Qiu, I met Manager Zhao."

"en. "Manager Zhao nodded:

"Xu Muyun Old Xu was in Spirit Essence in his early years School is also the number one person, but it’s a pity that the unacquired has caused trouble, and can only take refuge."

"You are his dísciple, and what you learned is "Azure Capsule Medicine Scripture"?"

"Exactly." Mo Qiu nodded.

"I don't understand something." Manager Zhao stroked his beard lightly and said:

"A few days ago, a patient came to the hospital with diarrhea. After the consultation, It’s a syndrome of dampness of the spleen, so dísciple shipped the Erchen Decoction for removing dampness from the spleen. I saw no problem at that time."

"Who knows..."

"A few days later The patient was prescribed medication on time. Not only did it fail to cure, but the condition became more serious. This time, he has a syndrome of yang deficiency of the spleen and kidney. In your opinion, what prescription should be prescribed?"

This is obviously a test.

When the problem fell, Zuo Wenbo and Qin Qingrong were all lost in thought.

"No prescription." Mo Qiu gave the answer without hesitation:

"If the prescription is used, I am afraid that Gegenlian Decoction will be prescribed, but this person's diarrhea is rooted in damp-heat disease. , Deficiency of the spleen and softness of the kidney are only manifestations, and the indicators are difficult to cure. It is likely to become more serious."

"In my opinion, use Yiqi Pills!"

" The second volume of Azure Capsule Medicine Scripture, the sixth sentence of Chapter 3 has a special description, the change of damp and heat, the five internal organs appear, and when it is a solid for replenishing qi, it can get rid of its roots."

"pa …… "

There was applause, Manager Zhao got up from his seat with a smile on his face:

"Okay, well said!"

"Just by saying that, It means that your medication is no longer rigidly adherent to the scriptures, and can be flexible and can be called a good doctor. It is not difficult to enter Spirit Essence School!"

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