The breath enters the body, quietly sinks into the flesh, skeleton, and even internal organs, and disappears in a flash.

Mo Qiu's heart is turbulent, no matter how stable he is, his body is lightly shaken, and he has already lost his original posture.

He opened his eyes and his face was excited.

Sure enough!

Although it is just a strand of Floating Grey Qi, its effectiveness is unpredictable.

But with the help of the Sea of ​​Consciousness system, he can indeed cultivation after understanding Buddha cultivation technique Perfection.

The key to this work, after being perfectly coordinated with the fleshy body and spirit, attracts the so-called'Floating Grey Qi' into the body.

This will strengthen the fleshy body and increase the blood.

This seems easy, but it is extremely difficult.

Even if Mo Qiu's understanding of the cultivation technique has reached perfection, he still has to settle down and get to a certain state before he has a chance to succeed.

Others can't be cultivation.

But ordinary people cultivation this skill, it is naturally impossible at first to understand the key to the cultivation technique. It takes years or even more than ten years of accumulation and adjustment to attract a strand of Floating Grey Qi into the body.

For such a long period of time, there is no achievement, who can persist?


As Old Cui said, this function does have the magical effect of improving the roots, and the potential is amazing.

In time, Mo Qiu will become the powerful Body Refinement expert of Fleshy body, there should be no problem.

Apart from this, this work has other magical effects.

The three shining stars in Sea of ​​Consciousness made him smile even more.

Change to the past, unless you take medicine or breakthrough realm, otherwise it is impossible to light up three stars in one night.

Nowadays, it can!

This is also the reason why Mo Qiu chose to understand Buddha first.

Medical skills and martial skills, although they can improve their skills and strength in a short time, they are not helpful to the cultivation base.

The cultivation technique, which focuses on Body Refinement, is fine.

The improvement of the cultivation base can feed back to itself and increase the number of stars lit up every day. Isn’t it sharpening an axe does not delay the work of chopping firewood? First delay the work of chopping firewood. it is good.




"Ziwen, Zixuan, come and meet Brother Mo." Gu Wu with a beard face laughed and gestured:

"Called Martial Uncle!"

Behind him, followed by a youngster with a man and a woman, two youngsters with stern looks and stern expressions.

"Don't, don't." Mo Qiu waved his hands again and again:

"I am the same age as the two, no need to be like this."

"Hey!" Gu Wu Big eyes glared:

"Brother Mo is Elder dísciple, how can you mess up your generations, what are you two dilly-dallying doing?"

I was glared at by the father, but the two youngsters face each other. If you are unwilling, or bow down obediently and honestly:

"Martial Uncle!"

"Two people, don't have to be like this." Mo Qiu hurriedly stepped forward to help:

"Hall Master Gu said all jokes, no need to take seriously, I just wait for the peers to discuss it."

"This is not a joke." Gu Wu shook his head:

"Don't think Brother Mo is young, but he is already proficient in medicine and martial arts, and he has learned a little."

"Yes." Fu Xing on the side also agreed:

"Bone forging a cultivation base and superb medical skills. This is the comment of the inner courtyard. It really is Heroes come out from the Youth!"

Two youngster hearing this immediately brightened up, and the eyes when they saw it were also Changed.

"Just kidding." Mo Qiu shook his head, and hurriedly changed the topic:

"This Mo is here for the first time, I don't know what arrangements the next two have."

"I'm about to say, Brother Mo sit down first." Gu Wu nodded, stretched out his hand to signal:

"Here, your monthly payment is two taels a month, which may not be consistent with what the inner courtyard said."

"Indeed." Mo Qiu raised his eyebrows:

"The inner courtyard said that my monthly payment is three or two."

"Uh..." Fu Xing whispered from the side:

"The inner court's account is indeed two and two, but in our hands, it is indeed only two and two."

Mo Qiu is dumb. .

These two greed for ink are too just and honorable, right?

But there are actually quite a few silver taels. In Point Star City, only the old Master who has worked in Qingsang Pharmacy for more than ten years has it.

And here, it is the worse.

"In addition to monthly money, we can receive a certain amount of medicine from the inner courtyard every month. After the profit is sold, there will be rewards." Gu Wu touched his beard and said:

"This For a sum of money, Brother Mo, plus medical consultations, etc., can also have an extra income of silver tael every month."

"Sometimes when you meet a high customer, it can be even higher. !"

Mo Qiu squinted his eyes slightly, slowly nodded.

"In addition." Fu Xing interface:

"Every year, branches in Northern City will take turns to collect medicine from mountains, and each place will take turns for two to three months."

"During this period, the monthly money will be two and a half, and there are other rewards. It is very uncomfortable not to spend the night in the mountains."

"Not bad." Gu Wu nodded :

"When it's our turn, Brother Mo can also spend money to walk the inner courtyard if he really doesn't want to go."

"Actually, many people are eager With this opportunity, it’s most hateful for people in the inner courtyard to eat at both ends!" Fu Xing complexion slightly changed on the side, and hurriedly said:

"Gu brother, speak carefully, speak carefully! "

"Nothing." Gu Wu waved his hand:

"Brother Mo is not an outsider, so what can I say?"

Mo Qiu smiled lightly.

Regardless of whether the other party is really straightforward, or deliberately telling yourself, in short, the kindness is true.

It looks like it shouldn't be sad in the days to come.

"Mo...Martial Uncle Mo." At this time, Gu Ziwen on the side whispered:

"You have been forged at your age. The innate talent is really good. I don’t know about cultivation. What martial arts are you?"

"What are you talking about?" Gu Wu frowned:

"Don't ask me!"

"It's okay." Mo Qiu Shaking his head:

"The martial arts of my cultivation is called Dragon Snake Strength. The inheritance of a small place is nothing but Little Brother has a solid foundation. It seems that it will not take long to forge bones, and it is normal to become a leader."

He is proficient in medical skills and martial skills, and his eyesight is naturally good. At a glance, he can see that the foundation of Gu Family siblings is solid.

Definitely not comparable to Sect Elite, but much better than him.

Compared with Mo Qiu before the cultivation Buddha at least, the two have much greater hope of breakthrough acquired.

"Brother Mo, too much praise." Seeing people praise his child, Gu Wu didn't have much joy on his face, and said calmly:

"I don't want their cultivation base to be high. It's better to learn medicine well, so that you don't know when you die."

"You two, don't need to be so concerned about martial arts. You have time to learn medicine with two Martial Uncles."

"Father!" Gu Ziwen curl one's lip, showing resistance.

"Brother Gu has a good heart, but everyone has aspirations." Fu Xing sighed lightly and said:

"The innate talent of the two of them no longer medical skills, but is learning Wu, it’s not good to reverse it forcibly."

"I’m also worried..." Gu Wu’s eyes were complicated, as if thinking of something he didn’t want to mention, he couldn’t help but sigh:

"that's all, that's all!"

As a newcomer, Mo Qiu didn't say much.

In this way, he sits for a consultation at noon every day, dispenses medicine in the afternoon to do some trivial chores, takes a rest in the month, and arranges the rest of the time by himself.

In a flash, a few days have passed.

During this period, he contacted Manager Zhao and Qin Qingrong, but they didn't have time to come over for the time being.

Gu Wu has his own house and does not stay overnight at the branch.

Fu Xing also has a place to go. Nearly half of them will not come back within ten days. For a while, Mo Qiu has become the greatest character in the branch, and a dozen other subordinates rest here.


The golden-yellow liquid lowered the palm of the palm, and the heavy weight made the flesh hollow and the wrist trembling slightly.

Vajra Butter!

Looking at the object for a moment, Mo Qiu rubbed his hands gently, kneading it with strength, and then evenly spread the whole body.

After a while, a feeling of warmth emerged from the skin, and moved towards the inside penetrated.

Skin and flesh, muscles and bones, internal organs...

Under the action of Vajra Butter, his whole body is like being in a steamer. The skin and flesh have been strangely red, and the circulation of vitality and blood has increased several times.

Skin and flesh jitter, muscles and bones bouncing, internal organs squirming...

In a short moment, the fleshy body grows rapidly at a perceptible speed, giving people a punch that can smash everything Illusion.

This feeling is different from the cultivation Buddha.

Cultivation Buddha, the muscles and bones will grow after the breath enters the body, although it is slow but stable.

The use of Vajra Butter is similar to tamping and forging iron blocks containing impurities until it becomes Hundred Refinements steel essence.

One focuses on growth and the other focuses on compression.

Not long after.


Mo Qiu opened his eyes, his skin trembled, and the hard ground under his feet suddenly cracked.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, seven starlights also light up.

Vajra Butter's effectiveness is far beyond his imagination. This is the first time that the medicine has increased by almost 10%.

If it continues like this...

What will happen?

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