After one hour.

The silhouettes of Mo Qiu and Dong Xiaowan appeared in front of a hidden canyon.

If it hadn't come to the front, no one would have noticed that this is actually a canyon leading to the other side of the mountain.

The narrow part of the gorge only allows two people to pass side by side, and the wide part is no more than two zhang. The intertwining vines above form a natural barrier to block the sight of others.

"No wonder..."

Looking at the dark gorge in front of him, Dong Xiaowan was stunned:

"I guessed that they were walking The waterway, the place to land is nowhere to be found anyway."

"Unexpectedly, there is a place of charm and beauty here!"

She went through the last few days in her mind. The place where the accident happened every month is in the vicinity without exception.

"There should be an ambush inside." Mo Qiu's face was gloomy, and said:

"Senior Sister, what should I do next?"

This passage is dark and quiet. , If someone is lying in ambush, even a second-rate expert can't think about it easily.

"Hmm..." Dong Xiaowan beautiful eyes turned, reaching up and pointing up:

"Go up!"

"Above?" Mo Qiu raised his head , The voice can’t help but hesitate:

"Some...a little bit taller."

The shortest place that can block the line of sight from below is ten meters, and the height is even more reachable. Dozens of meters.

Although the vines look very strong, they are full of thorns and it will not be so happy to walk.

"It's okay." Dong Xiaowan moved his hands and feet, tightened his back and took a heavy knife, looking towards Mo Qiu:


"OK ......"

Before his voice fell, the whole person was lifted by the other party, and a few took advantage of the strength to soar into the sky on the rocks.

"My Lightweight Art is called Fengxing Wuying, and it was given to me by a friend. Its subtlety is no worse than Purple Yang Sect's Purple Yang Sect's Purple Sun Flying Technique." Dong Xiaowan performed the movement method, the sound was unexpected It doesn’t fluctuate at all:

"Don’t worry, as long as you don’t get nervous, I'll keep you safe!"

The wind whistling on your side and the lower body hanging in the air, you don’t feel nervous. impossible.

Fortunately, Mo Qiu is not what it used to be, so he calmed down and relaxed his tight body.

Dong Xiaowan showed admiration, but did not say anything. He concentrated on the movement method and flew forward.

Not long.


When the breeze swayed, the two of them had already passed through the canyon.

"I've been here." Dong Xiaowan glanced around, frowning her eyebrows:

"Mountainside South Slope, can't you think that this place is so close to where we and Moonlock Temple are?"

Mo Qiu nodded echoes:

"This is under the lights."

"It looks like it doesn't have to be so troublesome when I go back." A trace of doubt flashed in Dong Xiaowan's eyes:

"The distance is so close, it stands to reason that even if they can't find their hiding place, there should be a little bit of horse's feet exposed."

" is it possible that, as Elder Liu said, are there spies among us?"

while speaking, the two did not stop there, but continued to follow the traces on the ground.

Maybe I feel that I have reached a safe zone. The people of Black Fiend Cult didn't do too much cover up here, so it is not difficult to track down.

The two hurried, and Mo Qiu suddenly stopped shortly afterwards:

"Wait a minute!"

"What's the matter?" Dong Xiaowan raised his eyebrows.

"There is a strange smell." Mo Qiu's eyes are serious:

"I am afraid that someone has been poisoned around here!"

"Oh." Hearing This, Dong Xiaowan's complexion did not change, and he took out something from his arms and handed it over:

"Tortoise shell mysterious pill, used to avoid poison."

Seeing that Mo Qiu's complexion is different, She spoke indifferently:

"You forgot, what Spirit Essence School does. Since ancient times, medicine and drugs have not been divided into families. This kind of poison is nothing."

"Yes." Mo Qiu nodded, took the pill.

He has also heard of the name of Tortoiseshell Xuandan, although it is more extraordinary than the rumors of avoiding poison pearl.

I didn't expect Dong Xiaowan to have one, and I don't seem to know one.

Not long before moving forward again, Dong Xiaowan suddenly stopped Mo Qiu and jumped onto the tree trunk.

"Sound off!"

Mo Qiu obediently and honestly held his breath, even locked the essence with the movement method, without revealing the breath.

Lock the movement method, he has already repaired it to perfection.


Dong Xiaowan's whispered surprise came in her ears. She seemed to be surprised at Mo Qiu's state, but she didn't ask much, and they both fell slightly at the same time. The body, looked not far away.

There, a group of more than ten people carrying goods with their hands, were leaping towards a seemingly simple camp.

These people are strong and strong, walking like flying, and the weakest cultivation base may also have the strength to forge bones.

A man with long hair fluttering at the head, but a woman.

The distance is far, Mo Qiu can't see the woman's appearance, but can see the hot body of the other person.

The slim long dress shows a full chest, slender legs, and round buttocks, which no longer tempts men all the time.


Dong Xiaowan's voice is low:

"It should be Mu Junji and Gu Wu who killed this woman, with her waist wrapped around her It’s a soft sword. When the sword is thrown out, the clothes are scattered, and an Avatar body will be exposed to seduce a man. If the opponent is distracted, he will be hit."


"Even martial arts are so mean!"

I could hear that her voice was full of anger, even a hint of jealousy that was not easily detectable.

Mo Qiu's eyes contracted, staring at the woman, seeing people walking away, couldn't help but lower his voice and asked:

"What is her name?"

"Zhao Miaoshu, also known as Rakshasa Sword, is a woman full of evil spirits." Dong Xiaowan said:

"A few years ago, she was found by her husband to have an affair with others, so she actually killed her husband’s whole family and fled. After leaving the city, I did not know when I joined Black Fiend Cult."

"Zhao Miaoshu." Mo Qiu repeated.

"Don't think of revenge." Dong Xiaowan glanced at him, and said:

"Although this woman's mannerism is disgusting, she is really capable of External Discharge of True. Qi's second-rate expert."

"Of course, as long as you ignore her crooked ways, it should be the weakest existence in the second-rate!"

"Can Senior Sister take her?" Mo Qiu's eyes moved.

"You look down on me too much." Dong Xiaowan voiced disdain:

"This kind of woman can't walk ten ways in my hands, but there is still a true expert."

Speaking, she stretched out her hand and pointed towards the center of the camp in the distance:

"The black clothed person is unimaginable, and I even suspect it is the Darkevil True Body of Black Fiend Cult. Fist. It’s also very hard. I’ve had a head-to-head encounter with me several times, and I have no absolute chance of winning in a head-to-head confrontation."

Mo Qiu frowned.

This camp seems small and simple, but in fact it has murderous intention every step of the way, with nearly a hundred people.

Moreover, there is almost no weak person!

Don't say that there are only two of them here, and there is nothing you can do if you double up.

His eyes flashed and said:

"Senior Sister, what should I do next?"

Dong Xiaowan slightly hesitated, said:

"I'm staring here, you go back and report to inform Purple Yang Sect and the expert of the army to come and kill them!"

He said that he took a token from his body and placed it in Mo Qiu's hands:

"Give this thing to Zhu Wen Elder of Purple Yang Sect, or the commander of the army, Yuan, they will believe it."

Mo Qiu thought for a while, nodded responded.

Looking at the situation in the distance, this group seems to be leaving.

If he stays and continues to track him, he is likely to be exposed, so he will miss the opportunity instead.

Go back, there will be no danger. When the time comes, the army will move out, and it will be able to wipe out the remnants of Black Fiend Cult in one fell swoop.

"I'll give you a ride." Dong Xiaowan stretched out his hand and pulled Mo Qiu through the woods. After a while, he jumped out of Lixu:

"You go home quickly. I am afraid that it will not be completed in a short time. I am responsible for continuing to watch."


Mo Qiu responded, without hesitation, and turned to Jumped down from the tree and ran towards the station.

Although he doesn't have Dong Xiaowan as lithe as a swallow, Lightweight Art, so close, yet worlds apart, is not slow in Siamese realm.

All the way hurriedly, jumped onto a rock.


The cold icy voice made his body suddenly stagnate.

Slowly turned sideways, and saw a few silhouettes stepping out of the jungle under the hazy night.

"Is it you?"

"Young Master Duan?"

The two stared at each other in a daze.

Duan De blinked. He didn't know Mo Qiu himself, but he remembered that the opponent was there when he was humiliated.

Dong Xiaowan’s Junior Brother?

Now frowned:

"Why are you here?"

"I..." Mo Qiu opened his mouth and suddenly narrowed his eyes.

It was only when he was close that he could see clearly that the few people beside Duan De were not wearing Purple Yang Sect costumes, but were exactly similar to the remnants of the group of Black Fiend Cult, all black clothed.

"I'll come out and walk." His eyes flashed, and his feet moved back slightly:

"Young Master Duan is so Yaxing, I haven't rested at this late hour, so I won't bother you. Say goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, the body flashed without waiting for the other party's answer, and the movement method moved towards the side rushed away.

"Heh..." Duan De's eyes flashed, his mouth lightly, and then he flicked with one hand:

"Take him!"

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