"When ......"


"Gouzei, you hope to die!"

Outside, the screams lasted but a moment disappeared, Mo Qiu forehead immediately surfaced layer of cold sweat.

such a short time, Duan Buping impossible exhaustively to kill everyone.

So ......

"da da ...... ......"

crisp footsteps echoed in the cave, only to hear his voice, to bring an invisible pressure.


Duan Buping no choice has been a very small probability of kill everyone to silence, but return to the cave.

Compared to others, he is more focused on Mo Qiu!

"I am a child ...... how?"

cold icy voice, like endless hidden anger, looked echoed in the cave:

"Dong Xiaowan, the how is he? "

he never thought, Duan De dead, but also to die at the hands of Mo Qiu.

So to see Duan De long sword at the moment, Duan Buping first reaction is, unfortunately, his son met with Dong Xiaowan, the results are scored, long sword became Mo Qiu hands of the spoils of war.

He therefore urgently want to know, Duan De in the end how going?

is captured under?

or been killed?

But no matter what kind of wanted results are extremely good.

in the dark, Mo Qiu a movable eyes.

He also wanted to understand the problem, but even so, it can not change his current situation.

"call ......"

Qingtu aggregate of the moment, Mo Yun lock movement method, Perfection seamless realm of method so he was covered completely convergence breath, just as the people behind tight stickers rocks generally have no living thing should be in the air.

cave dark, pitch dark, if not near to conspire view, I believe that no one could detect his presence.

External Discharge of the second-class expert True Qi, too.

"Get your ass out!" Roared ** rolling back and forth in the hole, stirring the dust.

Duan Buping stand at the intersection of several of the hole, eye Yinhen Pan:

"When I really can not get you not?"

"So a short time, how far can you escape? want to come to Tibet in which channel the vicinity of where. "

" you can not escape! "

growl, he suddenly raising his hand toward the left side of the hole fiercely blow, whistling winds whirling away immediately.

"crackle ......"

For a time, the cave flying gravel, the sound constantly, as long as someone will certainly not hide inside.

"Bang ..."

Zhang Shi comic, the underlying strength whistling.

This is obviously a stupid way, very consuming True Qi, but is also very effective measures.

hong long long ears sounds a little bit closer toward you, Mo Qiu can not help but sank.

External Discharge of True Qi and inflow expert completely different.

Spirit Essence School inflow many expert, such as Gu Wu, seedlings per pass and the others, but very few second-class expert.

Even Elder class, are mostly second-rate.

This and other Martial Artist, every move Allied giant strength plus body, if the body is not True Qi, almost no proposition possible.

Just now, he just suffered a blow, had sustained internal injuries, as desperately throat, breathing heavy.

If the hopes of finding ......


nine deaths and still alive!

death under the pressure of the crisis, Mo Qiu heart emerge ripples, actually gradually stabilize.

one time.

have felt he could not bear the sight of blood, murder is a loss, but it can now quietly and proximity to an impasse.


life and death, there is great fear!

Mo Qiu is not afraid.

Instead, he is still afraid of death.

But after experienced many hardships, they are not because of fear in the heart and loss of reason.

fluctuate rapidly beating hearts, let shrink his eyes, my heart speed up, but the surface calm waves.

lock body tactic restraining aura, Dragon Snake Strength surging back and forth beneath the flesh, can erupt at any time.

Sea of ​​inner Consciousness, a four-legged three and six arms, face looks sinister terrifying ghost, quietly surfaced.


ghost, a significant, do eliminate distractions.

Mo Qiu flashing eyes, dark eye flashing glow like there, who also will change slightly.

It is said that this door came from 'Immortal Cultivator''s method, does not directly increase a person's strength, there Gengu improve, control relies instead on the magical effect.

to be understood that the cultivation technique, Mo Qiu already clear in mind.

However, the use, but many have poor.

improve Gengu better said, a day cultivation more and more skilled, and control their own issue is far from satisfactory.


at a pressure of life and death, stroke actually breakthrough.

breakthrough after, cultivation base is still the case, but the operation seemed much less impulsive constraints.

thoughts move, i.e. to impulsive!

"Bang ..."

not far from the roar renewed, Mo Qiu eyes flashing, along with the stature quietly shifted several feet.

He moved quickly fall silent, just go hand in hand with a rumbling sound, sound off also will stop stature, to ensure that their actions will not be found.

sound again and again, he is also more deeply inward.

"Bang ..."

voice sounded again, Mo Qiu while displaying movement method, so close, yet worlds apart flash is nearly ten feet.

However, this time, was completely different.

Just from the sound of it, but halted abruptly, his feet landing sound subtle moment pass out.


Mo Qiu a shrink eyes.

"I found you!" Duan Buping roar like thunder, followed by a surge of roaring winds, straight into the side door.

dusty, shielding the eyes and ears, Mo Qiu only growl, while the sword block body Baotui occasion.

"When ......"


like a heavy car crash, Mo Qiu body startled, leveraging off, enlivened only a few staggered landing.

sweep eyes all around, came to the cave was actually more rare open area, although the number of channels from around, but do not be near. Among

". Kid" dark, Duan Buping fuzzy silhouette of slowly close:

"I said, you can not escape!"

Mo Qiu heart sank, subconsciously touched his waist one thing, it would be crazy eyes flashing.

"said my children how the?"

Duan Buping only one son, and Duan De's innate talent is extremely high, but the sect real power relations Elder climb, after achievement to far beyond him.

If the accident ......

here and think, his mind could not help a shrink, but the eyes emerge murderous intention, impulsive begin to stir.

Mo Qiu stabilize breathing, Essence Replenishment Pill, Fire Dragon Pendant is also temperature dependent fleshy body, so that maintaining Peak physical state, the mouth is a slow road:

"I said you'll let me "

" Oh ...... "Duan Buping light load, for a trifling body refinement of the people, he did not even bother to lie:

"? I'll let you dead feel better "

" ...... "Mo Qiu silent, paused, it said:

". I said, afraid you do not believe "

". say! "

" Duan De, was to kill me. "

" Relying on you? "Duan Buping face revealed disdain.

He acknowledged Mo Qiu in Body Refinement Realm good strength, but to kill Duan De, far qualify.

"Yes." Mo Qiu Stern nodded, while the sword of a, affixed to the body and rushed toward each other: "? You see how this move"

Yin-Yang Confusion Blade - upside down style!

sword tumbling, vertical displacement, the number of channels knife shadow key instantly enveloped Duan Buping whole body.

"Yes." Duan Buping cold voice:

"But it is good ......"

"! Shua"

He voice hardly ever, eyes suddenly emerge nine cold glow, sub-shot his eyebrows, throat, chest and other key.

hidden weapon --Heavenly Character Nine Strikes!

"courting death!" Duan Buping furious, and other moves that are good for ordinary people, for him, it was just humiliating.

immediately hands over the pages, thousands of magic palm True Qi Ning however, defeated the moment to buckle knife and struck the sword.

next moment, his expression suddenly changed.


Mo Qiu eyes opened, the body inner Qi blood crashing outbreak, the skin surface is also surfaced strange red.

lock body formula - burning blood!

another outbreak will undoubtedly lead to physical damage, but to date, he's too busy that many of the.

while the foot of a step, rocks crack, Seven Stars Step, so close, yet worlds apart even swallow water and many copy three-step method Yunjin governing actually obtained at the moment, Movement method surge a chip.

"ci ......"

sword piercing, si si sound.

extreme rushes of blood influx sword, as driven as True Qi Sha Zhao Yin-Yang Confusion Blade of.

Yin-Yang Chaos!

Yin-Yang Slash!

compared to kill Duan De occasion, because at this time Mo Qiu Buddha successful, impulsive affect the harmony, the speed becomes faster, more power, but also moves more sharp.

I believe change places, even positive proposition, he can be strong to kill Duan De vitality in the electric dance!

Unfortunately, ......

Duan Buping not Duan De!

"Bang ..."

True Qi terror before the outbreak of the sword, the power of the wave Tough without rival as unstoppable, engulfed Quartet.

field in silhouette shaking, a series of broken rocks, such as the collapse looked like a fresh arrow fly, a person also will be staggered back.

"Good! Good effort!" Duan Buping palms reach, head bowed and looked towards the chest, eyes grim twist.

There, he split clothes, and even the skin, are surface trace of blood.

"You actually can hurt me?"

Although the breeze was just affected, damaged skin, but this is the case, as the Body Refinement Realm of Mo Qiu enough pride !

this point, have never even Duan De ......


Duan Buping a stiff body, suddenly looked up and look Mo Qiu.

He could hurt himself, so Duan De have never done a thing, is it really possible to be explained Duan De kill it?

idea has not yet fallen, had been angry impulsive dash Mo Qiu, thousands of magic palm enveloped the Quartet:


Mo Qiu discoloration of the surface, turned and fled.

He has done a try, even if spare no effort has not the slightest chance of winning, the only alternative way to escape, but perhaps because Huangbuzelu, he selected channel is the most narrow at the rear.

"hong long long ......"

underlying strength roar, from wide influx channel, which is shattered rocks, rustled down turned into powder.


After a moment, Mo Qiu heavy landing, in the hands of the sword clatter fall aside, he also is not on the speed of the opponent, even more how this was a dead end.

sounded wroth Duan Buping a step closer, he first consumed True Qi to find someone, is running all the way to fight, for a time, had some force fatigue.

Fortunately, the opponent at hand, and have no way of escape:

"escape, I see you where to escape today whether you kill me in the end have no children,? ! are all mortal "

" eh "Mo Qiu pale, corner of the mouth flow blood, hearing this but it is indifferently smiled:

"? I think not ...... ! "

" Do not you find this dead end, I can not escape, you ...... not hide? "

" en? "Duan Buping face changed, he found lying Mo Qiu Meng lift the wrist on the ground, do not know when a pinch in his hand a black cartridge.


black glow piercing, the entire channel passing moment.

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