Since the week, Mo Qiu slowly opened his eyes, feeling a trace of True Qi growing in his body.

Hold the five fingers lightly, and the arm slightly strengthened, you can feel the muscles, bones and flesh have become stronger.

The internal strength mental method can turn human qi and blood into True Qi, and True Qi feeds back the fleshy body and strengthens the essence. The two are mutually positive circulation.

The fundamental reason is to take in more energy.


Very important.

Rice food is impossible to meet the needs of Martial Artist, and big fish and meat can provide more vitality and blood.

Of course.

The best is still the medicine that can replenish the essence, and even the pill that directly enhances the cultivation base.

But these things, think about it, know that they are expensive, and it is difficult for the non-family generation to support it.

Apart from this, the more important thing that affects the cultivation base is the cultivation technique.

Superior internal strength, may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

Righteous Yang Art belongs to the middle class. The cultivation is calm and peaceful, and there is little worry about cultivation deviation, but the shortcomings are also obvious.

That is, progress is slow!

Even if Mo Qiu has a Fire Dragon Pendant to promote True Qi, Buddha will enhance the foundation and increase efficiency.

But with the current progress, if you want to achieve the second-rate realm of External Discharge of True Qi, it will not be possible within ten or eight years.

He is not very old, even if he is second-rate ten years later, he is only in his early thirties, and he belongs to Peak in the entire Dongan Mansion.

But compared with the real Heaven's Chosen Child on Hidden Dragon And Phoenix List, it's as different as Heaven and Earth.

"Doctor Mo." Seeing him open his eyes, one person walked immediately and handed over a bowl of rich broth:

"You can enter the cultivation all the time, you This temperament, this Wei person is really ashamed of being inferior."

"Just kidding." Mo Qiu took the broth and replied with a chuckle:

"If it wasn't for Wei brother and Zhou Senior is brave, so I don’t have to worry about danger, how can this Mo sit still?"

"haha..." Wei Liang laughed:

"Doctor Mo is polite."

Wei Liang is the discipline of Qiu Lie, the eight-armed heavenly king.

Mo Qiu has seen with his own eyes that when the opponent is running True Qi, his whole body is like a steel essence pouring, forcibly by the strength of oneself breakthrough, a bandit cottage.

Its power is so powerful that it is one point stronger than the peer second-rate expert Snowflake Knife Zhou Wuzhou senior.

"Although the name of my great barbarian Bull Vigor is not good, it is one of the four true inheritances of Taishan Gang." Wei Liang has a strong body and a very bold temper. He doesn't mind talking about himself. Cultivation technique:

"Speaking of hard work, Purple Yang Sect's profound body and Starseizer House's celestial suspension are stronger."

"Of course..."

He smiled carefreely and said:

"When it comes to Dongan Mansion's hard work, it is Black Fiend Cult's Darkevil True Body, which can only be said to have been lost."


Before the advanced acquired, Mo Qiu was impossible to know about these things. Knowing it is useless.

At the moment, with a thought, I asked curiously:

"Lu Mansion, is there no Peak body refinement hard work?"

"Lu Mansion......" Wei Liang hearing this startled, his expression is a little complicated, shook the head and said:

"Lu Mansion doesn't need these, no matter how high the martial arts cultivation is, I'm afraid it won't be in their eyes."



"Become the Innate who is in ten-thousand does not have one."

"Innate." Mo Qiu's eyes lit up :

"How many Innates are there in Dongan Mansion?"

"Very few." Wei Liang shook his head:

"They are too far away from us, even if they know It’s useless, but it’s okay to talk about it."


He opened his mouth and suddenly exploded a ball of fireworks in the distance, and the muffled sound spread all over the place. .


"A signal for help!"

"Which power is it?"

Seeing the fireworks in the sky curl up, his expression could not help becoming serious.

They know exactly what this signal represents.

"Let's take a look." Zhou Wu is nicknamed Snowflake Knife, and he is good at Lightweight Art and Blade Technique. Then he thought a little and waved his hand:

"Follow up."

This Taishan Gang has a small number of teams, more than a dozen, but nearly half of them are experts.

The speed of action is amazing.

Several li mountain road, for them, is no more than a cup of tea, so Shaoqing rushed to the vicinity of the communication.

It's a pity that I'm still a step late.

"They are not happy to help!" The corpses on the ground and the multi-colored costumes illustrate their identities.

"Martial Uncle." Wei Liang turned over a corpse, complexion slightly changed:

"It's a golden whip and silver knife Senior Qian!"

"en "Zhou Wu narrowed his eyes, and walked closer.

Golden whip and silver knives are second-rate experts who are not happy to help. Although their strength is not as good as Zhou Wu, they are not bad.

Unexpectedly, it happened.

The swords that were once carried with me have disappeared, and they have obviously become the spoils of war of others.

"Three knives, four swords, with fist marks and palm marks on his body, at least four people besieged him." Zhou Wu's eyes flashed:

"One of them, received It hurts!"

With his experience in the arena, he can't read it wrong.

"Martial Uncle!" There was another voice not far away:

"There are blood stains here. They should have escaped from here. There are a lot of blood stains. The injured must be A lot."

"Shall we chase it?"

"Oh!" Zhou Wu got up and was about to walk over, suddenly turned his head and looked at the jungle on the side:

"Who? Come out!"

Mo Qiu also turned around at the same time.

"Brother Zhou, it's us." The entire group came cautiously from the jungle and glanced at the scene:

"What happened?"

" Brother Su." Seeing the person coming, Zhou Wu's eyes lit up:

"You just came here. It should be a sneak attack from Black Fiend Cult. Brother Qian also suffered if the money did not cross."

"What?" Hearing this face changed, someone hurried forward.

"Azure Bamboo Society." Wei Liang approached Mo Qiu and whispered:

"Azure Bamboo Society is a gang and a Chamber of Commerce. The people in it are very mixed. It’s better to be careful with them."

"en."Mo Qiu nodded.

"Wei Liang!" There, two second-rate experts discussed for a while, and they have already made a decision.

"Yes." Wei Liang hurriedly responded.

Zhou Wu greeted him and said in a straight face:

"The group of people should not have gone far, and they were injured. It happened that Brother Su was also there, we follow."


"Others, stay here first."


From the scene, although the visitor killed the unhappy person, he himself The same is not easy.

Of course, you can't let go of this opportunity. Otherwise, waiting for the other party to conserve strength and store up energy will be more troublesome.

On the other side, the people of Azure Bamboo Society also gave an explanation, and a group of good players immediately followed the trail on the road.

There are more than twenty people left in the two parties.

For these things, Mo Qiu, who is'proficient in medicine and loose in martial arts,' naturally stays behind as usual.

"Doctor Mo!" As soon as he sat down, a member of the Azure Bamboo Society came over with a smile:

"I heard that Doctor Mo has exquisite medical skills, and he is polite. That's it!"

"You are welcome, you are welcome." Mo Qiu hurriedly bowed his hand in return:

"Your Excellency is..."

"Anyang Three Friends, Jin Yi." The visitor laughed:

"A nobody, it is normal if Doctor Mo doesn't know him, but I hope I can take care of it in the future!"

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say." Mo Qiu changed his mind and stretched out his hand. Signaling:

"Brother Jin, if he has nothing to do, why not sit down and talk?"

"No, no." Jin Yi smiled and waved:

"This Jin didn't dare to interrupt Doctor Mo's rest. It is enough to get to know him, so I won't continue to bother."

Speaking, he said goodbye.

Mo Qiu raised his eyebrows.

This person comes and goes in a hurry, but it is weird.

Three Friends of Anyang...

His eyes flashed, looking thoughtful.

Since the second half of cultivation Buddha, Mo Qiu's five senses have been greatly improved, and he is already a second-rate expert.

Just now, he and Zhou Wu discovered the incoming person at the same time.

What's more mysterious is that Buddha has greatly improved his perception of the emotions of others, and can detect certain things that ordinary people tend to ignore.

Just as before.

When the Azure Bamboo Society entire group appeared, a killing intent for oneself also quietly emerged.

The killing intent is fleeting, if it were not for the sharp increase in spirit strength and sharp perception, Mo Qiu would also ignore it.

The person who revealed the killing intent to himself seems to be one of the "Three Friends of Anyang".

Today, two of them have stayed.

The remaining people on the two sides did not touch too much, but slightly conflicted with each other and sat around separately.

Time is passing slowly.

After a long time.

"Something's wrong!" A member of Azure Bamboo Society got up and looked at the jungle, browsing frowned:

"It's been so long, why haven't there been any movements?"

"Indeed." The Taishan Gang people also hesitated:

"According to the truth, even if you don't come back, there should be some movement."

"is it possible that ...... "

"Don't think about it, the remnants of Black Fiend Cult are few experts, and the group of people are still injured. What can happen to two seniors?"

Mo Qiu secretly followed the'Three Friends of Anyang', and the remaining two were equally surprised, not as if they were fake.

"Stop the sound!"

"There is movement!"

There was a sudden silence in the field.

next moment.

"hong long long..."

The dull and low voice sounded from afar, like a wave, sweeping from afar.



Wolf roars, tiger roars, and beast screams, like billowing thunder, flood into the eardrums.

"Not good!"

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