"Golden Skin Medicine, gloves."

One person stopped in front of him, squatted down to check:

"What kind of cultivation do you want to change? technique, medicine pill?"

Mo Qiu replied:

"Second-rate internal strength mental method, superior martial skill, or High Level Pill medicine that promotes True Qi."

"Heh..." The visitor chuckled, and the soundtrack disdain:

"Only with these two distinct things, I want to trade such a treasure, you are too whimsical, right?"

"If a friend doesn’t want to trade, he can find another place." Mo Qiu narrowed his eyes, his voice was gentle:

"In addition, it’s not two things, but one of them for one thing. !"

The other party is already the fourth batch of people over here, without exception, hearing this is just like everyone else before.

This is no wonder.

Although the cold iron mysterious claws are extraordinary, their shape is extremely ordinary, and it can even be said to be a bit ugly.

As for Golden Skin Medicine, it is a popular product and it is worthless.

But this is not the case.

Not to mention the sharpness of the nothing that cannot be broken of the cold iron mysterious claw, but Golden Skin Medicine is also extraordinary.

This medicine is made by Mo Qiu after reading Poison Scripture, pharmacopoeia, medical books, and many medicine pill medicine recipes such as Rongyangyuan, Jinchuang, Ghee, etc., enhanced by the system.

It can be described as the Great Accomplishment of his current medical skills. When it comes to medicine efficacy, it is by no means inferior to the six treasures of Spirit Essence School.

Indications of knife and axe injuries, broken wrist fractures, it sounds easy, but only after using it will you know the miraculous effect.

Moreover, it is not easy to refining, Mo Qiu also only has two bottles on him.

More importantly, this kind of life-saving thing should be more expensive at this time.

Watching the other party leave, Mo Qiu could only sigh in his heart.

He didn't feel that he offered too high a price, he only regretted not writing a few more words, and on the contrary it was more troublesome.

"This glove..." A slightly surprised voice rang in his ears, and Mo Qiu immediately looked back intently.

The distance is so close, I have never noticed that Lightweight Art must be extraordinary!

"Isn't it true?" The person in front of me was dressed in a black robe, and his voice was hoarse and unpleasant:

"Standing owner, can you go ahead?"

"Yes." Mo Qiu nodded:

"But you can only touch, and things can't leave the booth."

"Of course." Nodded here, He squatted down and stroked the Han Tie Xuan claws, his fingers trembling imperceptibly.

Looking at it for a moment, someone said:

"The stall owner wants a cultivation technique, medicine pill?"

"Second-rate cultivation technique, superior martial skill, High Level Pill medicine, two gloves for one, Golden Skin Medicine one for one." Mo Qiu said:

"Of course, if there is a first-class cultivation technique, Peak martial skill, you can also change gloves. "

"Um..." The visitor gently rested his chin:

"It's not cheap."

You can enter the first-class cultivation technique, the largest Spirit Essence School , And only Medicine King Manuscript and Spirit Essence Heart Art.

Among them, Spirit Essence Heart Art just said that there is hope to be first-class, and it is extremely rare to truly achieve first-class. It can be used as the basis of inheritance in the weak Sect, which shows how precious these methods are.

Mo Qiu is not in a hurry, he knows the value of cold iron mysterious claws.

"My friend, in the next rivers and lakes, you will lose people, and the cultivation technique you learned will undoubtedly bring about one's own destruction." The visitor was silent for a moment and said:

"Really don't change anything else. "

"Oh!" Mo Qiu thought through his face:

"You should know this glove and know its value. I wonder what you can exchange for it?"


Is there someone who knows the goods, he doesn't mind saying a few more words.

"This." The visitor took out a leather buckle resembling a hidden weapon from his body and opened it gently.

Inside there are eight dark-colored, pill-sized objects.

"This is..." Mo Qiu's eyes flashed:

"Yue Family's thunderclap seed?"

"A friend is someone who knows the goods." He praised and said:

"This thing is inspired by Inner Strength and can be turned into Thunder Fire. There is nothing in about one zhang, and the formidable power is amazing."

"Even if it's a first-class expert, it's hard to get out of it head-on. How can I change it?"

"The power of the thunderclap seed can be heard in the world, and it's really amazing." Mo Qiu retracted his gaze and said:

"However, this thing is exactly similar to the sleeve crossbow and the dark sword, and it needs to touch the opponent to have an effect."

"And... "

"It's a one-time thing!"

Said, shaking his head gently.

Thunderclap seed is indeed powerful and powerful, but such disposable items are not worth the same as the cold iron mysterious claw mention on equal terms that can be passed down from generation to generation.

Even if it's eight grains, it won't work!


The visitor took a step forward and opened his mouth to speak, but Mo Qiu reached out his hand to stop him, his voice indifferently refused:

"Thunderclap seed change Golden Skin Medicine can, change the gloves, it won't work!"

The visitor was stagnant.

paused, there seemed to be a struggle in his eyes, he hesitated for a moment, then slowly took out something from his body.

It is a palm-size wooden box.

He stroked the wooden box, his eyes full of dismay, and finally handed the wooden box over with a light sigh:

"Friend, how about adding this thing?"


"en." Mo Qiu raised his eyebrows:

"What is this?"

The other party is so cautious, it makes him curious.


The lid of the box was opened, revealing a piece of dark yellow paper with various patterns and characters painted on it.

The visitor stroked the paper and said:

"Doesn't a friend know?"

"I don't know." Mo Qiu shook his head:

"Your Excellency wouldn't want to use this piece of paper to exchange for my cold iron mysterious claw, right?"

"It is really cold iron mysterious claw!" The visitor's eyes lit up:

"According to legend, Black Fiend Cult once had a holy, two, five, and eight great expert, one of whom’s weapon was this cold iron mysterious claw."


He Muttering in the mouth, eyes hot, it took a long time to come back to his senses, take out the paper from the box, and said resolutely: "This thing comes from the person of cultivation!"

"What!" Mo Qiu face changed, his eyes flashed and said:

"The rumored Immortal Cultivator?"

"Yes." Nodded, he lowered his voice and said:

"This thing is called a magic talisman. Don’t look at it, it seems to be just a piece of paper. In fact, there is a mysterious inside."

"It is said that there are many kinds of magic talisman, my one It's called the light body charm!"

"The light body charm?" Mo Qiu said:

"is it possible that, it can make people lighter?"

"Almost." Come nodded:

"After stimulating this talisman, the person who holds it will as lithe as a swallow, and the speed will naturally increase."

"Ordinary second-rate experts, the speed can even be doubled!"

"Double?" Mo Qiu face changed, listening to the other party's voice does not seem to be fake, only the soundtrack sighs:

"Immortal means, really mysterious."


He hesitated and said:

"I heard, immortal things , Mortals can’t drive it, this magic talisman..."

"Don’t worry, since I plan to trade with this thing, I won’t do any useless work." Someone approached slightly and said:

" I don’t know the other immortal things, but this light charm can be stimulated as long as it is contaminated with human blood essence."

"blood essence." As a doctor, Mo Qiu naturally understands what blood is. essence, but I don’t know that blood essence can also drive immortal items.

"There is one more point." The visitor hesitated for a while, and then said:

"You are not the case, this magic talisman actually has restrictions on its use, and it will be lost every time it is used.

He unfolded the magic talisman and continued:

"According to the following estimate, using this light talisman for two hours, it should exhaust the immortal art."

two hours?

Mo Qiu's expression pauses slightly.

No wonder...

If it can be used indefinitely, the value of this light charm can be much higher than the cold iron mysterious claw.

"Your Excellency is sincere!"

"Nor." The visitor chuckled:

"If you want to come to a friend who is willing to make a deal, you will also check the quality. By then I will discover that something is wrong."

"Indeed." Mo Qiu nodded:

"Thunderclap seed, light charm, change for cold iron claws?"

"Not bad!"

There was silence in the field.

The opponent's eyes are piercing, and Mo Qiu is lost in thought.

These two distinct things are not precious, but none of them meet his own needs.

What he asked for was the cultivation technique and medicine pill.

"Friends." When the visitor saw Mo Qiu's face change, he suddenly said:

"You probably don’t know that the remnants of the Black Fiend Cult going up the mountain this time are very different from what I thought before. "

"It is reported that there is a stronghold of Black Fiend Cult hidden in the mountains, there are many experts in it, so this trip is extremely dangerous. If you don’t really want this cold iron mysterious claw, you can actually lighten your body. Make sure that one person survives!"

"Heh..." Mo Qiu raised his head:

"Your Excellency is a good lobbyist."

"Never mind!"

He nodded, said:

"I promised to trade, but regardless of the light charm or the thunderclap seed, the color must be checked first."

"as it should be by rights !" The coming person is overjoyed.

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