On the table, there are throwing knives, daggers, bows and arrows, Yin-Yang Confusion Blade, thunderclap seed, light charms...

Mo Qiu examines several things in front of you , Slightly hesitated, finally left the bow and arrow.

This thing is still useful in the body refinement stage. Now, it will only slow down his speed.

At least until there is no Peak arrow technique.

"Doctor Mo!"

There was a shout outside the account:

"It's ready, the army is urging."

"Okay." After tidying up the things on his body again, he walked out with a sword hanging from his waist.

In the camp, there was a mess of porridge at this time.

Everyone packs things up, in groups of three or four, gathered together, ready to go with anxiety.

For some reason, the military government interviewed various Great Influences, but suddenly they wanted to launch a full counterattack against the rebels.

Reserves, healers, and even those who cook with fire, as long as they are armed with martial arts, must take action.

Mo Qiu, of course, will be no exception.

"Doctor Mo." In the chaos, one person came on foot:

"Have you ever found a good companion, if you don't mind, why not follow us up the mountain?"

The person here is Xie Miaoyu from Moonlock Temple.

She smiled happily and sent out an invitation.

"Fairy Xie." Mo Qiu bowed his hand to the opponent, and happily responded:

"It's so good!"

At this time, the Taishan Gang camp is full Chaos, everyone is looking for acquaintances, Mo Qiu's acquaintances are not there, and there is nowhere to go yet.

If you choose to go alone when you don’t understand the situation in the mountains, you are joking about yourself.

Xie Miaoyu came here obviously to make a good bond.

After all, in the eyes of others, although Mo Qiu has been trained as True Qi, the time is too short and the strength is still very weak.

At this time, going up the mountain, life or death is uncertain, she throws an olive branch, and the other party will naturally be deeply grateful.

"It is Miaoyu's blessing to be able to walk with Doctor Mo. Even if he encounters a strong enemy along the way, he has confidence." Xie Miaoyu smiled heartily, expressing kindness without being arrogant, and gestured:

"There are a few companions who are all outside. Let's go up the mountain together to take care of each other."


Go out of the camp, first look What arrived was a team of running armoured soldiers, the collision of the armour leaves, assaults the senses.

"Law Enforcement Group." Xie Miaoyu said in a low voice:

"There is a ban on retreat in the military, and these people are specially prepared for those who break the ban."


"Unexpectedly, one day I will wait for it!"

"This is to catch everyone up the mountain." Mo Qiu frowned and said:

"What happened on the mountain?"

"Some accident happened." Xie Miaoyu's eyes flashed:

"But Doctor Mo, don’t worry, a group of rebels, remnants, whatever How can I turn the sky."

"Even more how, it is good for us."

"Benefits?" Mo Qiu looked sideways.

"Doctor Mo don't know?" Now, it was Xie Miaoyu's turn to look surprised, and paused to say:

"The reward for beheading the rebels is doubled on the original basis. Double, no one told you about this?"

"..." Mo Qiu was dumb.

He really doesn't know, it is estimated that other people don't think this matter can be related to him.

while speaking, the two have come close to a squad.

Two men and one woman, one of the men saw Xie Miaoyu and hurriedly greeted him:

"Miaoyu, you are back."

As for the look towards Mo Qiu, it is more conflicting.

The other two were whispering, hearing this also looked up.

"en."Xie Miaoyu nodded, with a polite tone of estrangement, stretched out one after another and introduced the three:

"This is the Second Young Master of Wu Xing Yan, Yan Qi; Luo Zhenchuan of Nine Mountains Villa, I, Senior Sister Tian Fangheng, you know."

Mo Qiu nodded, one after another I saw it.

Yan Qi is dressed in brocade clothes, with a sword on his waist, and looks good, except for his eyes.

Luo Zhenchuan has a dark complexion, reserved, and looks a bit serious.

As for Tian Fangheng, this woman and Xie Miaoyu have always been unable to get along, so I didn't expect that they were also together.

"Doctor Mo, I met again." Compared to Xie Miaoyu's kitschy and not vulgar, Tian Fangheng is nothing but charming.

The waist, as thin as willow branches, twisted gently, and came to Mo Qiu, accompanied by a rich fragrance:

"Don’t worry, this time going up the mountain, Senior Sister will take good care of him. You."

Speaking, giggling, it seemed extremely funny.

"Senior Sister, don't be kidding me." Xie Miaoyu's face changed:

"Law Enforcement Group is over, we are afraid to drive away later, let's go up the mountain first."

"Miaoyu said that." Yan Qi hurriedly nodded echoed:

"Go, talk while walking."

A few people are not old, However, they are all carrying True Qi, and they can be regarded as young talents. They belong to the elite of the younger generation in their respective forces, and their temperaments are also different.

Along the way, it can be seen that Yan Qi is very active and shows a good impression of Xie Miaoyu repeatedly.

Luo Zhenchuan is relatively dull, but occasionally a few sentences are just right.

In addition to Mo Qiu, several people are connected through Xie Miaoyu.

This woman is called exquisite and exquisite, but she is not fake. She already knows the potential of making various sects at a young age.

However, if these things are done by men, it will naturally be friendship and pride.

When a woman does it, it is inevitable that someone will point fingers behind her back.

As a woman, some things are inconvenient after all.

At this time, even though Xie Miaoyu has a free and easy temperament, and has a hearty talk, she is also a little helpless in the face of Yan Qi's love.

Alienation and closeness are both inappropriate.


As soon as he walked halfway up the mountain, Luo Zhenchuan's expression suddenly became pale:

"Be careful."

Mo Qiu Brows slightly raise, he looked over in a little surprise, and the other party's ear strength was as if it were different from his.

"Nine Mountains Villa’s nine-hole heart lock can open six senses, which is quite magical." Xie Miaoyu said with a smile:

"Even if a second-rate expert approaches, Don’t even want to hide Brother Luo’s ears."

Mo Qiu nodded.

Buddha cultivation technique also has this kind of beauty, but his cultivation time is still short, and he can't fully explore its potential.

"I'm over." Luo Zhenchuan shook his head, his expression relaxed:

"It's a few little thieves."

"I saw it." Yan Qi Coldly smiled, step forward.

The forest leaves in the front shook, and a few people rushed out in a panic, and the color immediately changed when they saw the five people.

The first one made a decisive decision, loudly shouted:

"Escape separately!"

"Can you escape?" Yan Qi sneered, his body suddenly snarled, his waist The long sword flashed out.


The sword wind broke through the air, and instantly penetrated a person's head. With a wave of his hand, the person's left ear was cut off.

"Chuck..." Tian Fangheng smiled softly, his body fluttering close to one person, and his sleeves hit the other person's chest.

The thin and long sleeves fell on his body, but like a rolling stone, the man's chest sank three inches.


spit blood, staggered to the ground.

They are just a few rebels who know martial skills. The two of them took action and they were cleaned up in the blink of an eye.

Tian Fangheng took the kit in hand and put the two left ears in. The cruel movement was actually extremely elegant by her.

"Let's go!"

Xie Miaoyu shook the head and stepped forward:

"We will first go to the place we made an appointment with sect senior, and wait to meet After that, continue to go up."

"Fairy Xie." Mo Qiu asked:

"What's the specific situation on the mountain?"

These days he He has been cultivation, not listening to foreign affairs, and his knowledge of information is far less than those of the second-generation elites of Great Influence.

"For some reason, many Black Fiend Cult experts popped up here, blocking the top of the mountain to prevent people from approaching." Xie Miaoyu gently stroked her hair and explained:

"A few of them A top-notch Peak player, even if many forces join forces, they will not be able to break it for a while."

"My task is mainly to stop the rebels halfway up the mountain and let the expert rush to the top of the mountain, Black Fiend Cult's remnants will not attack from..."


Before the voice fell, her voice condensed.

The other people have already discovered that something is wrong, their bodies tightened and looked towards the chaotic jungle ahead.


The forest shook, and three big men with packages on their backs appeared in front of the five people. Both sides looked at each other in a daze.

"Interesting." Yan Qi raised his eyebrows, his face was excited:

"Rebels who want to go down the mountain and escape?"

"In that package Bulky, it should be a good thing brought down from the mountain, so..., it's cheaper for us!"

"Get out!" The headed big man looked anxious and looked back, as if he was afraid of something. , Suddenly gritted his teeth and moved towards the five people rushed over.

The speed is extremely amazing.

"Be careful." Xie Miaoyu's complexion condensed:

"Is an inflow expert!"

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