"Why... how?"

Tian Fangheng muttered, with an unbelievable face, his gaze slowly swept over the corpse on the ground and Mo Qiu beside him .

With the'strength' acquired by Doctor Mo, he can resist giant ape without injury. How could Yan Qi, who is'stronger', be easily killed by a punch?

Moreover, the death is so miserable, it is simply impossible to withstand a single blow.


In addition to Mo Qiu in the field, Xie Miaoyu was the first to recover, shouted in a low voice and rushed to the side.

Now is not the time to consider these.

There is a fierce ape in front, and python in the back. You may die if you are not careful. Fortunately, the jungle is so easy to be surrounded.

Her voice awakened the others, Luo Zhenchuan body trembled, followed by the movement method to escape quickly.

Mo Qiu moved earlier, but he received a palm from the giant ape, and his inner Qi was blood-boiled, and his speed couldn't be improved for a while.

Tian Fangheng is right beside her, with the same expression of flustered, running wildly.

"si si ……"

Behind, python's tongue trembles lightly, and his hovering body suddenly leapt, like a terrifying giant arrow.


Where the giant arrow passed, trees collapsed and smoke was everywhere. The body of the python, which was more than ten meters long, was tumbling and biting frantically.

In the chaos, Xie Miaoyu and Luo Zhenchuan one after the other covered in dirt rushed out of the vegetation.


This kind of strange animal skin is rough and rough, and can be called Steel Muscles Iron Bones. With their current strength, it is basically impossible to be an opponent, even if it hurts the other side.

Only relying on the advantages of small size and flexible movements, can barely escape.

" 呲……"

Weird screams sounded after themselves, and the two running away face changed and their speed suddenly slowed down.


The python's big mouth opened, his tongue trembled wildly, and the long body of the python squirmed in an orderly manner, and a terrifying suction came from its mouth.

Break wood, leaves, and even stones and soil all rose off the ground, throwing them at the huge mouth like a black hole.

The suction is so great that the two of Xie Miaoyu at the core, their pace is getting slower and slower, and eventually they become impossible to move a single step.


Xie Miaoyu, who walked farther, clenched her silver teeth, swelling with energy, and finally moved out of the suction range a little bit.

The Luo Zhenchuan behind was not so lucky. Not only did he fail to move forward, but backed up a little bit, plowing a deep mark on the ground under his feet.

"Fairy Xie!"

Luo Zhenchuan's complexion was pale, and he tried his best to stabilize his body with a thousand catties, his eyes trembled and looked towards Xie Miaoyu:

"Help …Save me!"

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

The giant mouth is just behind him, still getting closer.

At the time of frequent deaths, his old stability has long disappeared, and tears are almost in his eyes.

"You..." Xie Miaoyu scanned the audience and saw the fierce ape chasing the other two people. There was no foreign object to borrow either.

Now the long sleeves are shaking:

"Hold on!"

The Feiyunxiu of Moonlock Temple is a must. Although Xie Miaoyu is not as proficient as Senior Sister, But also handy.

Long sleeves seem to be soft, but in fact they are extremely tenacious. They are not afraid of being chopped by swords, and instantly wrap around the opponent's wrist.


Long sleeves are tightened, Luo Zhenchuan's body shape that wants to leave the ground immediately stabilizes, and his face is immediately overjoyed:

"many Thanks!"

"Fairy, hurry up!"

"I know." Xie Miaoyu tenderly shouted, stepping on the ground, running and pulling outwards.

next moment, her face suddenly changed:



"Peng !"


Compared to others, Mo Qiu is much easier.

Even if the fierce ape is chasing him, he can rely on the Lightweight Art one after another stepping into the realm to flash past.

Seems thrilling, but never hurt.


Another big tree hugged by one person collapsed, and Tian Fangheng next to it leaped out in embarrassment.

Behind, the fierce ape with red eyes roar towards the sky, clenched his fists with both hands and slapped his chest desperately.

Next moment, all limbs slammed, turning into a violent wind rushing forward.

Compared with python in the distance, this fierce ape is obviously more flexible and faster.

The straight line speed is faster than Mo Qiu, and there is even more power to chase Tian Fangheng.


I rushed again, the roar of the fierce ape also showed some weakness, and his eyes turned to change the target.

Tian Fangheng lovable body trembled, subconsciously noticing badly, his body shape is flashing rapidly, and his mouth is even more delicate: "Doctor Mo, wait for me!"

Mo Qiu paused slightly before looking back.

I saw the fierce ape open the door-sized palm and hit the petite woman like a fly.

Although Tian Fangheng desperately dodged, he was still extremely thrilling.

He browses slightly wrinkle and subconsciously touches the sword on his body, then gently shakes his head and puts his hand on his waist.

This kind of ominous beast is rough and skinny. Even if he is allowed to chop and chop, he will not be able to kill it in a short time. It is impossible to save people and may put oneself in danger.


The silhouette flashed, Tian Fangheng grateful, and stepped on the tree trunk to move towards the front of Mo Qiu.

When the two stood side by side, her eyes flashed, and she suddenly flicked her sleeves.

Feiyunxiu——Cloud-piercing style!

Long sleeves are like arrows ready to go. They suddenly pierced out, rolled to Mo Qiu's waist, and flicked back fiercely.

He took advantage of the strength to rush forward and jumped to the side.


Mo Qiu raised his brows and shook his head slightly:


The other party obviously wanted Use him as a bait to entangle the fierce ape and delay time for his escape.

Using Tian Fangheng's movement method, the probability of escaping under the chase of a fierce ape is indeed not great, but unfortunately, this choice is even more wrong.

Faced with the incoming long sleeves, he did not evade, until he was about to curl up his body, and then suddenly he snapped his hands.

Giant strength broke out and pulled back.

The opponent's body that was rushing forward was stagnant for an instant, and then fiercely was thrown to the back of the fierce ape.


Tian Fangheng complexion greatly changed, showing horror.

The two passed by again, Mo Qiu's eyes were cold, he pointed a little, and flicked something into the other's clothes.

"Walk slowly, don't give it away!"


In the rear, the eyes of the evil apes are scarlet, and the big hand suddenly holds the lovable body. Hold it tightly.

I haven't waited for it to exert its strength, a blaze of flames bloomed from Tian Fangheng's body, swelling everywhere.

“Bang... ”

Thunder Fire surged, shaking all around.

The struggling lovable body first all split up and in pieces, and turned into flames to burn fuel, the bones are not there, and the shock continues to sweep all around.

thunderclap seed!

Mo Qiu squinted, examining the screaming fierce ape that was shocked to the ground, and his eyes narrowed again.

The explosion of this intensity failed to destroy its arm?

As for the burning of flames, apart from destroying one eye at first, only some fur was burned.

shook the head, and he wanted to turn away.


In the distance, a white shadow revolves rapidly around a python, and the mouth is constantly surprised and angry.

It’s Xie Miaoyu!

Today's Fairy Xie is no longer the previous valiant and formidable looking, and is full of blood and Final Struggle.

Although python moves slowly, its huge body can rotate flexibly. All living creatures in the python body can't escape.

Xie Miaoyu has fully displayed Lightweight Art, but it is still difficult to get out of the cage. The scars on her body make her movements slower and slower.

Not long ago, I was already desperate.

"si si ……"

Python spat out, opened his mouth, and pounced fiercely again.


A cloud of toner powder suddenly exploded in the air, and the irritating medicine powder fell on the body, directly driving python into a madness, and the huge body rolled frantically. Time has forgotten its prey.

When medicine efficacy is over, the prey that was about to be imported has disappeared, and I can only vomit a long hiss and vent unwillingness.


After a while, a black robed man fell to the ground lightly, frowning and scanning the audience:

"A few Little fellow, why are you so embarrassed?"

shook the head, the black robed man casually threw out two heads and a short spear, causing a python and an ape to scream with excitement.

"Everyone who betrays Black Fiend Cult must die!"

"Go, go to the next place!"



Under the tree.

Xie Miaoyu, who was sitting cross-legged and relieved, slowly opened her eyes, and the blood color reappeared on her pale face:

"Doctor Mo's injury medicine is really extraordinary, and it is so serious. I’m able to hold on, Miao Yu thanked you."

"You are welcome." Mo Qiu's expression is calm:

"What will Fairy Xie do next?"

"..." Xie Miaoyu's beautiful eyes are hanging slightly, covering their eyes:

"life-saving grace, no retribution, next I plan to find sect senior first, and then find someone to discuss A statement."

As the sound fell, a killing intent seemed to emerge from her body.


At this point, she shook her head lightly and looked ashamed:

"Unexpectedly, Doctor Mo is not only superb in medical skills , Even Wuyi is also a profound mystery, but Miaoyu took it away."

If the other party hadn't helped her this time, she would never have been spared.

However, Mo Qiu's demonstrated strength is also beyond her expectation. I am afraid that a second-rate expert will only this.

Mo Qiu speaks slowly:

"This Mo practice martial arts only to be close to his body, and has no intention of striving for strength."

"A good one has no intention of striving for strength!" Xie Miaoyu raised her head, beautiful eyes flickered:

"Miaoyu was eager to compete since she was a child, always wanting to win over men with her daughters, but now she understands that there are things she can't demand."

She was slightly hesitated, took out a map from her body and handed it over:

"With the strength of Doctor Mo, Miaoyu staying beside her is not only not helpful, but a burden."

"Here is the topography map of Phoenix Head Mountain explored by Great Influence. Doctor Mo can find a place on his own. If you really don't like fighting, you can find a quiet place and wait for the end of the matter."

" Fairy Xie is leaving?" Mo Qiu frowned:

"Injuries on your body?"

"It's okay." Xie Miaoyu waved his hand:

"I thought about it I think that the two strange beasts just now should be driven by the Beast Controlling Wanderer of Black Fiend Cult."

"This person is a second-rate expert, and a strange beast, even a first-rate Peak expert is not a rival. I need to tell sect senior about this, in case someone is killed again."

Said, struggling to get up.

Mo Qiu kept a few words, and saw that the other party was determined, but he had no choice but to watch the other party leave.

He didn't unfold the map until the silhouette was gone.

The eyes fell, and the brows were raised.

This terrain...

Why look familiar?

With a heart move, Mo Qiu took out a piece of'human skin' from his body, unfolded the back and compared it with the map.

Sure enough, the two are 70% to 80% similar.

Compared with Xie Miaoyu's map, the human skin with the Asura Body engraved on it has a little more path.

There are a few more, secretly!

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