Mountainside location.

A dense vine pours down the mountain, like running water, covering the rocks behind it.

At this time, the vines were violently torn apart, revealing a cave in the back that was simply carved by hand.

The entrance of the cave is nearly ten feet high, and the inside is black. The rocks that originally blocked the entrance have been completely shattered.

A group of people are busy here. More than a dozen wooden boxes were lifted out of the cave, which shows a lot of gains.

But at this time, everyone who found the cave looked angry, blades and swords unsheathing and glared at the people on the opposite side.

One person roared even more:

"We found this treasure place, and we carried it out. Why should I give it to you?"

"Why?" Opposite, a woman with slender legs and a graceful figure sneered out:

"Treasures of the world, those who can live!"

"It's just us There are many people and strong strength. If you are not convinced, you can try it!"

She scolded her softly, leaning on the strong and bullying the weak, but she didn't care at all, but rather proud of herself.


"Purple Yang Sect, too overbearing!"

"Jian Bingru, you also rely on the power of your father and brother , Have the ability to do it yourself, I will never be afraid of you!"

These people have different costumes and weapons. They are obviously from different forces, but they are equally angry.

Only facing Purple Yang Sect and his party, they didn't dare to really do it, they only shouted again and again.

"Shut up!" Jian Bingru complexion turned cold:

"Which one has the ability to chew, come out and let my old lady see, see if my sword is sharp or your mouth is sharp!"

Everyone is hearing this, and the sound is muted at the same time.

This woman is the third daughter of Purple Yang Sect Vice Gate Lord. Although the cultivation base is not high, her status is extremely outstanding.

He has a hot personality and is spoiled by his father and brother, and his behavior has always been arrogant and unreasonable.

According to reports, her fiancee was killed a few months ago, and the temperament has become more extreme.


At this time, a beast roar suddenly came from a distance. It was still far away at first, but it was already nearby when the sound fell.

Hearing this voice, everyone around the entrance of the cave was overjoyed, showing an expression of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

"It's the monster that guards the treasure!"

"It's back, it looks good now, I wonder if the people of Purple Yang Sect can solve it?"


"We lost two people before we led the strange beast away..."

"Heh!" Jian Bingru sneered disdainfully, and stretched his hand backwards:

"Elder Chu, you can take someone there, take that thing away, the province will get in the way here."

"Yes." In the back, Chu Zhuang seems to be used to being instructed. Nodded with expressionless face:

"Ge Yuan, come with me."


Ge Yuan nodded, two people one after the other welcome To the alien beast not far away, he took out the medicine powder on his body.

For the people of Spirit Essence School, it is common for people to go into the mountains to collect medicine and meet strange animals, and they have rich experience.

However, when he was running, Ge Yuan, who was young, was quite uneasy when there was no one.

They are the doctors accompanying Purple Yang Sect, who are responsible for diagnosis and rescue, so why do these trivial tasks?

Along the way, you must be driven by people to drive away animals and birds, and even to make a fire. As a well-known figure of the younger generation of Medicine Valley, I feel unwilling to do so.

Seeing the strange beast being led away by the two, Jian Bingru looked back again, his pretty face was gloomy, and he glanced at everyone coldly:

"Honestly, hand in all the things you secretly hid just now. Come out, don't be uncomfortable!"

There was silence in the field.



In the crowd, two people suddenly got up, like an electric flash, and rushed to the side of the jungle. go.

Obviously, they are hiding something in their bodies.

"courting death!"

"Leave me!"

In Purple Yang Sect, there is no need for Jian Bingru to speak, and several silhouettes are already shot, Chasing away.

Compared with the small forces here, the people of Purple Yang Sect have a higher cultivation base and stronger strength.

But in a moment, the silhouette has returned.

One of them, with blood on his hands and grinning grin, scanned the other side of the eye horribly before handing something to Jian Bingru.

Jian Bingru took it, swept his head down, and the beautiful eyes lit up:

"Royal Beast..."

Just as soon as the voice was spoken, she was caught Life was suppressed, but the excitement on the face showed a lot of clues.

Black Fiend Cult once had one sacred, two wonderful five divide ability and eight peak experts.

Three of them are especially talked about, they are Beast Controlling Wanderer, Myriad Poisons True Monarch, Thousand Transformations Scholar.

One person can defend against all kinds of beasts, one person can detoxify all kinds of poisons, one person is good at organs, and both possess incredible secret skills.

Although it is an unorthodox way and has a great reputation, it is second only to Black Fiend Cult inheritance.

There are strange beasts guarding this place, and the treasures are also painted with insect beasts, so the hidden objects are obvious.

"Go." Jian Bingru lightly waved his bare hand:

"Bring things here!"


" Zheng..."

On the opposite side, blades and swords unsheathing, everyone's body is tightened.

"Why?" Jian Bingru pretty face has a chill:

"Wait, you want to do it?"

"You better think clearly, wait for real When you start your hands, it won't be so easy to end."

She was coldly smiled, and the people beside Purple Yang Sect were already approaching in strides, and her body surged.

They are not many, but none of them are weak.

Three of them are among the best in the second-rate.

The people on the opposite side looked at each other in blank dismay, most of them have quietly retreated, and their weapons are hanging down in secret.

The situation on the court is obvious. Strong players are extremely unwise. If they can't get things, they will just lose their lives.

"hmph!" Jian Bingru glanced at everyone, disdainful smile:

"A group of mobs, shameless people, I want to see, who dares to stop in front!"

"pa slap......"

Suddenly, there was a clear applause from behind.

"So majestic, really domineering, it really deserves to be Purple Yang Sect's thorny poisonous flower, Jian's Third Young Lady."

Everyone heard it and looked at it.

I saw one person walking with a strange pair of swords on his back. Although there was only one trifling, he had the momentum of a thousand troops.

"Ghost sword Zhou Yi!"

"It's him!"

"First-class expert......"

With this As people approached, there was chaos in the field again, and this time even Purple Yang Sect everyone changed their colors.

"Zhou Yi." Jian Bingru has a pretty tight face:

"What do you want to do?"

"Do what you were doing just now "Zhou Yi is short and sturdy, with a hideous knife scar on his face, hearing this coldly smiled:

"little girl, did you hand over what was in your hand, or did Zhou do it yourself?"

"Dare you rob us of Purple Yang Sect's things!" Hearing this, Jian Bingru raised his eyebrows and looked at baleful aura.

"Hey..." Zhou Yi sneered:

"Others are afraid of you Purple Yang Sect, but Zhou is not afraid, girl, I think you are still good..."


"So courageous!"

Before he finished his words, his eyes suddenly opened, and the Ghost Head Sword immediately unsheathed behind him, cutting out two blood-colored arcs in the air.

" 嚓!"

Sword light is released as soon as it is released, and the two second-rate experts of Purple Yang Sect have regressed after vomiting blood.

The gap between first-rate and second-rate is too much, especially when the other party is still an expert among them.

"For the face of Purple Yang Sect, I will spare your life this time." Zhou Yi glanced at a few people coldly, and stretched out his hand: "But if you think Zhou does not dare If you do it with you, it would be a big mistake, hand it over!"

The fiendish qi on his body was placed outside, and the temperature around him seemed to drop a few degrees, and Jian Bingru's face was also pale.

This made her understand that if she is not obedient, the other party will really kill!

At this moment, the sound of footsteps in the distance sounded again.

The grass shook, Chu Zhuang and Ge Yuan led the strange beast to another place, and they just turned back.

Just out of the jungle, the two of them were taken aback for a while, and they dared not approach for a while.

"Continue!" Jian Bingru's eyes lit up, and he suddenly threw the scroll in his hand at the two of them:

"Quickly, bring things up the mountain and give it to my uncle Shangguan! "

The scroll traverses an arc in the air, traversing ten zhang or so to Chu Zhuang and two others, no matter how good the Lightweight Art is, it is difficult to catch up.

"Who dares to pick it up!" Zhou Yi turned sideways, his body was rushing with baleful aura, and his murderous intention seemed to lock the two of them.


Chu Zhuang took a meal.

I looked at the flying scroll, then at Zhou Yi, who was looking at the cold glow, taking two steps subconsciously.

I also hand in hand Ge Yuan who is not knowing what to do.


The scroll fell to the ground and rolled in the grass before it stopped.

"You..." Jian Bingru gritted his teeth and stomped his feet:


"Heh..." Zhou Yi's face was coldly restrained:

"It's still interesting."


A gust of breeze suddenly blows over here, and the silhouette swayed in the field. The scroll is already in the original position. The ground disappeared.


"Beast Controlling True Art?" Mo Qiu, wearing a black robe, appeared not far away, gently tossing the scroll in his hand:

"Unexpectedly, it was this thing. Since it is a masterless object that falls on the ground, you are welcome."

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