"bully intolerably!"

the bedroom, a beautiful woman Huarong gas random chatter, livid Mianfan:

" even if I had insulted child, a little lesson is that Dong Xiaowan He regards this heavy-handed? "

" broken bones are a good few ...... "

Speaking here she choked voice, beautiful eyes tears: "! Yun-ming, today is not your brother, Jun caves by this and other grievances, all up to you to call the shots ah"

"sister." Fang Yunming brows slightly wrinkle, said with displeasure:

". Do not blame me speak bluntly, why come to such a field-Jun-dong, is ever too spoiled"

"this was a lesson, a good thing."

"What?" the woman surprised a moment, widened his eyes looking straight past:

"Fang Yunming, what do you mean , own nephew was seriously wounded, you do not say help but hit a person when he's down! "

" I ...... you ...... "

she incoherent, shortness of breath hearts and minds under direct teapots grabbed the side of the jug to throw the past.

"sister." Fang Yunming dodge avoid, cheeky helplessness:

"hands that Dong Xiaowan, the characters on Hidden Dragon And Phoenix List, but also elegant and Lu Mansion very good personal relationship. "

" I do not say that, even today, is the big brother here, this feeling we can only swallow. "

his sincere tone, nonetheless says dissatisfied the heart of the son of the woman, was severely roar.

"disgrace ......"

"own nephew was hit, but also humble, I have not seen you this wimp!"

" you do not get involved, well, I have to find someone to shot, will recover to justice for my child! "

" sister. "Fang Yunming mouth, and do not know where to start, just in time steward led a person to come:

"Er Ye Wan doctor came."

"come quickly!"

sound off, one hand medicine cabinet, it is extra baggage, leaving a three-inch beard middle age person on the line into the house.

towards two call soon, come to sit on the couch side.

I do not know why this man came in, the field of the atmosphere becomes a bit strange, Fang Yunming body slightly bent, kind of too far.

is the woman head down, like to come some conflict, or fear, arrogant and despotic just changed appearance, does not say anything. After

"Well ......"

pulse, Wan doctor slightly hesitated, channel:

"impulsive Tough pole Hyun Jin, broken bones catalyst into the body pulse, start with the good news people do not take a human life means. "

" to Bone Replenishing Cream topical, long Xu Dan used within two or three months time should be able to recover. "

"there are workers Wan doctor." Fang Yunming relaxed, polite towards the other hand:. "these days, even take the trouble to spraying". "should be"

Dr Wan indifferently smiled:

"Now that we have a deal, Fang Family things that we do without so see outside."

"this is a long Xu Dan to warm water day one. "he took out a bottle from the medicine chest medicine pill hand it over, then said:

". so I'll come with cream "

" many thanks.. "

" Wan thanked the doctor. "

Fang Yunming, thanked the woman in unison, accompanied the other line out of his house, and asked medication details.

Inside the house.

pale of Fang Jundong lying in bed, his hands clenched, his teeth clenched, eyes like a real anger.

"! Uncle Liu"

". Laonu in the" house steward heard this came up:

"Young Master something?"

Fang Jundong cheek twitching, growled: ". Young Master" "! I want that woman, living death"

Uncle Liu cheeky embarrassed:

"You also hear, not the ordinary people who Dong Xiaowan, Laonu simply do not speak, even if can do it, afraid Er Ye will not promise. "

" no. "Fang Jundong close your eyes , suppressed voice said:

"I'm talking about a woman who called Qin Qingrong, yes ......, as well as the name Mo Spirit Essence School dísciple, I want them both dead, if not obscure my heart of hate "

" this is ...... "Uncle Liu face slightly changed:

"! Qin Qingrong ordinary traders, however, has not been difficult, but who Doctor .! Mo seems to have no small reputation "

" That first surname Qin captured "Fang Jundong roar eyes open, his hands flapping desperately mattress:

" take her to I come here, I was going to cooked, let her know that offend end of this Young Master. "

" quick, go! "

he shouted again and again, and let Uncle Liu heart random chatter, hastily nodded: ". yes, yes"

"This arrangement Laonu people in the past."

"creak ......"

door open, Wan once again the doctor came in, he swept eye Fang Jundong, gently shook his head:

"Young Master Fang, who now have to hurt you, is not easy to get angry, if has been so, even if the spirit pill and marvelous medicine is useless "

Fang Jundong cheek twitching, his temper has always been arrogant, namely actually extreme pressure heart anger, nodded and said:

". Wan senior said was "

said Ceshou:

".! Uncle Liu, do not go "

Uncle Liu Mianfan raising, but looked look eyes glared over Fang Jundong, after all nodded:

"is Laonu which ......"

just "murderous aura!" in Fang Jundon G stood before the body Wan doctor suddenly complexion turned cold, looked up and looked towards the roof:

"Who's there? "

greet him, the sky is cold light.

eighteen throwing knives falling like rain, round after round of cold glow across the bottom, there is partial soft misty flying all.

"Peng! "

hole in the roof, tiles, wooden rafters filled the air, dust and more diffuse Quartet.

" Young Master Caution! "

" Dare! "

thundering roar sounded the same time.

Wan doctor, Uncle Liu shouted moving, hold onto the party should put a knife to knock out.

"call! "

After the knife, a straight man fall like a meteor fell to the ground, punched boom to heaven.

fist down, Heaven and Earth a dark, terrifying pressure surge also fell three person.

"Great Dark Heaven Fist Art! "Wan doctor eyes eyes opened, palms bucked the trend:

" You're Black Fiend Cult of people? "

" Peng! "

Quan Zhang intersection, the underlying strength lovers, come to the body vacated, Wan doctor foot of the floor also crashing burst.

" Darkevil True Body! "

Wan then changed complexion doctor:

" Who are you in the end, Black Fiend Cult accident has nothing to do with us, Sect Lord Qi insists, can not blame us. ! "

" hmph "come dressed in a black robe, hearing this coldly snorted:

" death! "

body in the air, come long sleeve wave, a touch of cheerful killing intent from the blade glow is already stuck, anxious to cut from.

" Asura Blade! "

Wan doctor looking for a condensate, slanting claw fingers into a buckle body, such as eagles which rotates back and forth three feet.

" bite ...... "

claw knife collision, was actually the sound of metal collision of the issue.

External Discharge of True Qi!

this person is revealed in this moment of martial skill, strength, is already well-known figure among the second-rate.

even, most likely was a leading expert!

but next moment, Dr. Wan is a shrink eyes, body subconsciously violence back, crashing crashed into the wall behind.

touch sword light, shine in his eyes, as the only halo Between Heaven and earth, across two zhang place.

" Asura Blade Sha Zhao, Universe in the Sleeves? "

this style moves like the rumors, but it seems some differences, but also to Wan doctor brows slightly wrinkle.

In this moment, it has been swept sword light I had Uncle Liu's throat.

among all the doctor came back to his senses, ready to counterattack the occasion, Fang Jundong has even come to throw over the bed, thereby stopped in his footsteps.

"Peng! "

He had just caught Fang Jundong, on the other side who came an hidden interior strength, exploded directly in the body.

" pu! "

Fang Jundong throat a sweet spot blood spout from mouth, blood, internal organs and even mixed with debris, is Divine Immortal hopeless.

the million doctor also its startled and had to stop there, sit and watch Lightweight Art each other to display their escape.

"who? "

" bold fanatics, do not dare to trespass Fang Family homes! "

" stop him! "

inner courtyard, roar again and again, but since the quick action shots of people, a strike is not immediately fled.

Lightweight Art and concealment magic and extremely brilliant, flash stature to dodge the dark at disappeared.

only a handful of several expert, barely catch up.

"Wan doctor, how is it? "

" My children! "

At this time, Fang Yunming, the woman has also been hastily feel, to see the scene here, are looking for a change.

no breath of Fang Jundong, even more so the woman lovable body trembled, directly collapsed to the ground, wailing howl burst into tears.

"cultivation technique, to see who should be cast Black Fiend Cult of people. "Wan doctor eyes flashing:

" I do not know why, had found here. "

" Black Fiend Cult? "Fang Yunming surprised a moment, look over here already is with a deep sense of resentment:

" So, he's come to you? "

" is you, you! "The woman is heard rise, roaring lunged over:

" you ruined my children! "

" two. "Wan doctor dodge avoid, deadpan opening:

" Maybe other Young Master Fang is to come perhaps, after all, to kill this Wan, he's still too weak some cultivation base. "

" In addition ...... "

" The key now is to find the man, if not in case we missed something, fear is not good for anyone! "

" ...... "Fang Yunming clasped, clenched teeth.

" Er Ye. "

In a little while there chasing the past guard Hui Bing:

" The man Lightweight Art badly, disappeared near Wan King House, too many people there, we have no way to count them search. "

Fang Tianming gloomy face, bowed quite a while, before waving weakness:

" report Yamen, say we met here Black Fiend Cult remnants, while preparing for the post-Jun-dong things to big brother messaging. "

"Yes! "

" ...... ah, my children! "

The woman burst into tears, tears.


Wan King House.

brightly lit, wine and meat fragrance.

"Junior Brother, where have you been, so long to come back. "See inside the Mo Qiu, Qin Qingrong hastily got up to greet:

" We are going to thank you, if not you invited Miss Dong, Aunt Fang afraid there is a good hard, Fang Family estimates will ton of bricks. "

" Here are excellent musicians bits of melodies, listening to the God, unconsciously to be a bit of a long time. "Mo Qiu Dan Xiao:

" I drink a cup full when apologize. "

Then, he drank a toast, put down your hand, wrist and shook it difficult to detect.

cultivation technique practiced on him after all beginner Pitch Baoruh , and not the aid system, limited formidable power, only trifling recipe.

If not caught caught off hand, can not come back overwhelmed by fear or two to say.

Fortunately, , all goes well.

"Senior Sister. "Thought, Mo Qiu sideways opening:

" I'm going back tomorrow to meet with Medicine Valley Elder Dong, as you also follow a trip, Fang Family there, lay it down on the bar! ? "

" en "Qin Qingrong beautiful eyes flashing, slowly nodded:

" or, going thanked Miss Dong. "

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