Medicine Valley is indeed the core of Spirit Essence School, Dongan Mansion specializing in medical knowledge of the place, if we really want all kinds of rare medicine ingredient can Chouqi.

Even Seven Heart Fruit, Thousand Miles Incense so, too.

After starting medicine ingredient, Mo Qiu declined the invitation to other people, went to the Medicine Valley and give his place.

After half a month, it is completely outside the off decline, has no door, concentrate mixing drugs.

Asura Pill, Vajra Butter, medicine Some grow True Qi of medicine pill, and a little experimental nature, one after another refining them.

In the meantime, do not forget self-cultivation.

Today's Mo Qiu, majoring in internal strength as Righteous Yang Art, although the medicine to help the pill, but also slow.

After all, this door has Darkevil True Body of large consumption of True Qi.

daily two hour cultivation internal strength, only enough of cultivation two hours Darkevil True Body used.

Fortunately, there Asura Pill, the Vajra Butter topical use, which door hard work, the idea is progressing rapidly.

martial skill is concerned, the major method on Pitch Po recorded.

this time, he did not help sentiment system, but purely on their own to explore a little bit of practicing.

Sea of ​​Consciousness stars, then give all saved up to prepare for the future perception of greater internal strength of the Heart.

had benefited from the good foundation laid, although martial skill on the Hei Sha Bao Lu all extraordinary, but also a series of entry.

especially Lightweight Art Floating Light Sweeping Shadow, and so close, yet worlds apart have the same purpose, it is already Small Accomplishment.

Asura Blade, poison evil sword, but also because of Yin-Yang Confusion Blade, and easy to start, skillful play.

In the meantime, Spirit Essence School only some of the benefits of belonging to the inner door and the true inheritance dísciple, and gradually open to him.


Myriad Scrolls Pavilion certain books without credit can look.

Monthly turned a few months to turn the money, medicine pill sent with more cultivation, medicines also have discounts.



great hall above.

Spirit Essence School Sect Master Li Yin sitting in the middle, the right and left sides, respectively Elder Ge, Elder Zhang.

As Third Elder Dong Xizhou, it is not always.

Another of the House below the Church Hall Master Zhang elephant, Outer Elder Koho sword Zu Qui Zutai Xia and the others.

"Mo Qiu this man, born in Point Star City, the early years of follow me promise to send dísciple Muyun study medicine and later Xungenwenzu the Spirit Essence School, is the meaning, in fact, not an outsider. "Zhang like face rich state, voice soothing, said:

" even more how, he Elder Dong the true inheritance dísciple, into the inner door, this is one of us "

. "hehe ......" Elder Ge chuckle:

"treasure like the kid, not outsiders here, do not have to detour, Mo Qiu certainly into the door to the true inheritance."

so age, so innate talent, Spirit Essence School impossible discarded.

As previously spent money on identity, even if was false, now is also true! . "Yes"

Elder Zhang nodded:

"I asked Phoenix Head Mountain trip, he shot the whole process of diagnosis and treatment of disease, solid medicine, drug research, only lack of experience barely be defective. "

" can reproduce Ghost Sect Thirteen Needles, homemade scattered through rhinoceros, high enough to explain his innate talent of. "

" en. "Sect Leader Li nodded:

"? how character"

". people around him, is not given in the evaluation of the low" Outer Elder Zutai Xia interfaces, said:

"from the Point Star City to Dongan Mansion, enough to have thousands of miles away, on the way dangerous, as one can promise a woman would dare to take on the road, but also that he is a heavy keep his promise generation."

"Ge Yuan, Li Guangran, even Xiaowan and Moonlock Temple of Xie Miaoyu, said he is reliable."

"Yes." Sect Leader Li nodded, then said:

"I've heard, he was withdrawn, not to please men happy, almost two months into the valley go out less."

"this fear is not good."

"! otherwise," Elder Ge shook his head:

"generation has always been shocking and stunning, the temper Jie weirdness, Mo Qiu be so good."

" Moreover, the absence of single-minded specializes in medical knowledge of temperament, how could a young age have this achievement? "

" Yes! "

" It is for this reason. "

"Elder Ge said that."

house few people have echoed.

". That being so" Sect Leader Li pat armrest:

"dry for two months, and let him come over, and communications down, let Mo Qiu over a trip. "

" is! "

Dianwai, someone crashed withdraw.

Not long.

change of a Mo Qiu suits face lightly, above all reasonable manner toward the great hall hand salute: ". Junior Mo Qiu, seen Sect Master, seen gentlemen senior"

". en"

Sect Leader Li bowed, eyes with a look:

"Jiulianshan issue, sect failed mostly from you, let you in danger, may have heart resentment? "

" Junior did not dare. "Mo Qiu bowed. "? Dare"

Sect Leader Li straightened up, uncertain voice:

"It appears, is still there."

then sighed, and said:

"but no wonder, after all, you no reason by this grievance, sect but know what the sidelines, is human heart resentment."

"but we also have difficulties."

"Junior understand." Mo Qiu nodded, expression did not change.

He was a just a nobody, Spirit Essence School since he was not going to offend Purple Yang Sect.

interests of balance, never tend powerhouse.

To resentment, can only blame their own lack of strength, it can only be treated as human sacrifice to give up.

". You know like" Sect Leader Li visual Mo Qiu, did not miss the slightest change in his face, a long time before slowly nodded:

"But do not worry, After Should something happens again, Spirit Essence School is up and down the pillar behind you! "

his voice is slow, but clear-cut.

Mo Qiu looked up, eyes slightly surprised.

weight of this sentence, but unclear, in particular phrase from Spirit Essence School Sect Master.

Obviously, Spirit Essence School officially accepted more than his own, and intends to focus on culture as an object. ". Mo Qiu"

Elder Ge in the side of the interface, his voice, but also make the atmosphere in the farm no longer so serious:

"today tell you to come, to arrange for you the next job two months of rest, should be from Phoenix Head Mountain battle Huanguo Lai "

" is "Mo Qiu hand:

".. I do not know what senior arrangements? "

" what you think? "Elder Ge asked.

"Junior do not like trivia, seeking the only one mind specializes in medicine, martial skill, if we stay in the Medicine Valley naturally the best." Mo Qiu opening.

Of course, if the hands of the medicine ingredient, gold and silver ran out, he does not mind going out to earn a few strokes.

Dianshang all depending on each other, the eyes are emerging smile.

In their view, a doctor of medicine as one specializes in, temper will certainly innocent, not that many brains.

This Spirit Essence School, is a good thing!

"stay at Medicine Valley, not from without." Has not been silent in the Elder Zhang, the first opening:

"But one way medical knowledge, blindly behind closed doors is not a penance, and I Although the concept of medicine you solid, but slightly less experience, the lack of flexible alert "

" not as good as this "

tap his arm and said:..

"you come with me Zuozhen the inner city, gain experience, old man here some medical books available for your study, also do not know where to ask me."

"...... just get to know the city under the elegant. "

remark fall, Mo Qiu not help but eyebrows micro pick.

Elder Zhang Essence School special position in the Spirit, because he not only highly brilliant, but each Great Influence, wealthy guest.

where he shot the diagnosis and treatment of patients, are great character of wealth wealthy.

mention Spirit Essence School, Dongan Mansion people first thought is not Sect Leader Li, but the Divine Doctor Zhang.

It can be said, transcendent Spirit Essence School status, which is most of the reason is because he has worked hard to run around outside, grow prestige.

It was, put their own as a successor upbringing?

is it possible that after yourself, such as the other general, talk and laugh with ru, no contacts STOMATOLOGY?

In this way, all day access to wealthy Aristocratic Family, greatly increasing natural position, even if the door is Great Sect Disciple have to give a bit Thin.

"able to follow the senior apprenticeship, Junior naturally willing." Mo Qiu Road:

"But I have always been afraid to see a doctor, will neglect to practice medicine, but also non-Junior talkative generation, fear is wrong "

" haha ​​...... "House Church Hall Master Zhang elephant, hearing this laughed:

". Mo Qiu, you want more, are eligible to make home father shot from the diagnosis and treatment of patients, not much. "

Spirit Essence School no shortage of family inheritance, as Elder Ge Ge Yuan is the grandson, Zhang family Medicine Valley is also a large family, and even Elder, Hall Master, also a.

"Yes." Zuda Xia nodded echoed:

". Follow Elder Zhang sits within the city, what can be described as less money is also comfortable, a lot of people wish for"

"Yes, Mo Qiu month money, is not it also the ability to turn the pages?"

"this is, of course." like Zhang nodded, then said:

"Mo Qiu, I hear you man medical consultation in Point Star City, like others collect martial arts?"

"in the future without having to so much trouble, casually mentioning, I believe there are many people willing to give you sent cultivation technique, let's Spirit Essence School is most convenient at this point. "

" of course, they must not delay the progress of martial arts because medical knowledge. "

Mo Qiu heart of a jump, such a thing few people know, even the Qin Qingrong unclear.

my surprise, it even can inquire about it.

It seems to hang himself in the Medicine Valley for two months, during a special foundation to inquire about their own, but this is the proper meaning.

Spirit Essence School, also afraid intentions were cultivated, and finally became a traitor, do not this had happened before.

immediately nodded replied:

"Junior of medicine, Martial Dao, are very interested."

"This is actually nothing wrong." Sect Leader Li opening:

". However, junior brother Dong fear will be extremely do not like you in the future in front of him, more attention to some"


. "there is something else," Zhang as straightened up and said:

"according to previous rules, sits attending inner-city doctor, the side will be as carry-on guard followed the two men."

"Mo Qiu, you too!"

"en?" Mo Qiu Yi leng.

"Xu Yue, purple diamond, you two come on in!"

heard shouting, a male and a female line into great hall.

man in his early thirties, slightly dark complexion, stern, line Rudian DPRK crowd round a ceremony is no longer silent.

about women XX, looks extraordinary, soft white skin, her large eyes from time to time swept Mo Qiu, cheeks slightly red, slightly disturbed expression.

Mo Qiu biting of lips.

named Xu Yue man he did not know, but Zhang Zhiling, he has seen, and referral of who they know, inside and outside, then had words match what they mean.

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