
On the official road, several riders are riding their horses.

The imposing manner, the majestic, four-hoofed, windy steed roared, leaving a long smoke behind.

The rider looked humble and turned his head frequently, his eyes were full of fear, as if there was something terrifying behind him.



A shadow passed in the air, piercing the chest of a rider, and directly led the person off the horse.

"Want to escape?"

"You can't escape!"

The gloomy voice floated from behind, suddenly up and down, suddenly left, suddenly right, makes people elusive.

"Six sons, you escort the owner to leave!" One of the riders gritted his steel teeth and roared abruptly:

"Others, stay with me to stop the chasing soldiers!"


The riders are all elite, and their temperaments are firm. Hearing the sound, they pulled up the reins and returned against the trend.

One person was left with tears in his eyes, gritted his teeth and carried the old man on his back, desperately beating the horse under his crotch.

In the rear, the shouting of killing came to an abrupt end in the blink of an eye.


The six sons looked back and saw that the chasing soldiers arrived again, and suddenly flung the rein to tie the old man on his horse.

Then flew up, flicked the short spear in his palm, and rushed towards the rear chaser with a roar and moved towards the rear.

"I'm fighting with you!"


With a hard hit, the people here have to stop. He himself was shocked by the giant strength and vomited blood.


The horseshoe hurriedly stopped in front of a huge manor, causing the guards to jump and intercept.


"The owner!"

"What's the matter, go call the doctor!"

In a flash, There was a mess at the entrance of the manor, and a group of people swarmed out and sent the unconscious old man into the inner room.

Behind, a few dark shadows flashed past, quietly sinking into the jungle not far away.

"What should I do?" A dark shadow whispered:

"The surname Nie is not dead. Once what he heard is leaked out, the Lord will never let us go !"

"Nie Family Villa is not a small place, there are so many experts inside, and a few of us are courting death even if we go in." One person said muffledly:

"Look at the situation first, Young Master Is Du here yet?"

"He is entangled, but he will come back soon if he wants to come, let's wait."

"If the surnamed Nie wakes up What should I do?"

"He hit the palm of the second master and then the finger of Young Master Du. It’s not easy to wake up!"

"Yes, let’s watch it first. Change, don't mess up your position."


The voice quietly fell silent.

Not long after.

In the manor.

The gray-haired old man frowned and lowered his wrist, stroked his beard lightly with one hand, and spoke with a heavy tone:

"The injuries in Villa Lord Nie's body are extremely strange, like being poisoned by fire. Qi is disorderly and unbalanced. This is the first time an old man has seen this."

"Old Qian!" A woman hearing this pale and trembling said:

"What do you mean by this?"

"Please forgive the old man's incompetence and poor learning skills." Old man sighed and said:

"The current situation of Villa Lord Nie, The old man can’t see through, let alone where to start."


As soon as this word fell, everyone in the field changed their colors and their expressions were full of expressions. Panic, panic, not knowing what to do.

The woman shook her body even more. If she was not supported by the people around her, she would have fainted on the spot.

Only a middle-aged man is still considered stable, said solemnly:

"Money is old, there is no way at all?"

"Four villagers." Old Qian gave his hand and said:

"For today's plan, the old man can only use the method of sealing the veins to lock the owner's injury, but he can hold it for two days at most."

" , You need to ask a famous doctor to make a glimmer of survival!"

"Then go to Fucheng!" The woman braced herself:

"If you don’t go to Medicine Valley, there will be a glimmer of survival!"

"Then go to Fucheng!" Many, including Sect Leader Li and Divine Doctor Zhang, will surely save the owner."

"Nothing!" The middle-aged man hearing this shook his head:

"The owner was in a coma, No one is spared. The person who started it is obviously very powerful. It is difficult to guarantee that you will not be attacked when you go out."


He looked towards Qian Lao. , Said:

"I remember that once the method of sealing the veins is used, the most taboo thing for the sealed person is to be disturbed."

"Not bad." Qian Lao nodded:


"If it is possible, it is best to invite a famous Medicine Valley doctor to Zhuangzi to treat the owner."

"However, within two days, whether it is going to Medicine Valley or going to In Fucheng, time is a bit tight!"

"It's okay." The woman gritted her teeth:

"Riding the black horse in the backyard, it is fast enough to go back and forth."

"Fourth Uncle." A youngster in the house said at this time:

"I heard that the little Divine Doctor Mo Qiu is now in Fugui Mountain Villa. If not, please come and try?"


"Doctor Mo?" The middle-aged man's eyes moved slightly:

"Also, although the little Divine Doctor is young, it is said that he is skilled in medicine. You will bring someone there to invite you."


"In addition, just in case, we will arrange for a few people to go to Medicine Valley, and try to invite another doctor to come."


His eyes Slightly narrowed, looking outside the village:

"Call the security guard of Qi Manor, search the neighborhood to see if there is any suspicious entry. Once found, all of them will be taken down to prevent the inviting team from being ambushed."



With an order, everyone responded.


“creak ……creak ……”

On the rugged mountain road, the ruts press on the fallen leaves, making an orderly sound, falling into In the ear, it also makes people feel quiet.

Mo Qiu sat cross-legged, his eyes closed tightly, his breathing was deep, and he seemed to fall asleep, but in fact he was in a calm state.

In his body, the powerful medicinal power of Asura Pill is surging back and forth in the flesh, skeleton, and internal organs.

On the skin, a layer of dull oily light is also quietly fading, and the medicinal power of Vajra Butter is slowly immersing in the body.

Even True Qi has grown in an orderly manner under the nourishment of Seven Stars Pill, using secret techniques to temper the fleshy body.

Darkevil True Body!



Sometimes, a thin layer of invisible strength suddenly appeared on the surface of Mo Qiu's skin .

Although the strength is first appearing, it is sturdy, and when the clothes are touched, the fine fibers are broken up in an instant.

Even leather belts can easily explode.

Like his skin, there is a layer of invisible strength hidden in it. Any item or touch will decompose, and it will erupt without a trace.


One mouthful of impure air, Mo Qiu opened his eyes and touched his clothes, only shaking his head and smiling bitterly.

It's time to change clothes again!

In this situation, he has become accustomed most recently, and he has carried several sweaters with him for easy replacement at any time.

Strength is apparent, this is a symbol of second-rate expert.

Of course, his own true Qi Cultivation Base is far from enough, but the fleshy body is strong enough, and Darkevil True Body has completely entered the Fifth Layer.

With Strength of Fleshly Body alone, you can explode with all your strength, and you can also show your strength, no less than a second-rate expert.

It’s just that I just stepped into the Fifth Layer, and I’m not proficient in power control. I often damage my clothes, which is inevitable.

changed clothes, Mo Qiu stretched out his hand to lift the curtain of the car. The frost outside has arrived, and it is another winter.

"Half a year."

His soundtrack sighed, and his eyes were a little erratic.

In the past six months, he has officially stepped into the eyes of the upper class of Dongan Mansion. His life is completely different from the past, and his friends are all nobles.

Eating and drinking are arranged, and the access is all the frame. Even the rest is arranged properly.

At first, Mo Qiu was still very uncomfortable and made a lot of jokes.

Fortunately, he doesn't care much about foreign objects. Once he gets used to it, he feels calm and cultivation every day.

In terms of True Qi, little progress has been made.

Righteous Yang Art is righteous and peaceful, it is unlikely to be advanced by leaps and bounds, and his cultivation time is also limited.

It is hard work, martial skill, and progress is rapid.

Especially Darkevil True Body, thanks to the assistance of body refinement holy product Vajra Butter, as well as the seamless use of Asura Pill, it can be described as rapid progress.

In just half a year, it has entered the Fifth Layer. Strength of Fleshly Body alone can resist the second-rate expert.

The aspect of martial skill.

Asura Blade and Poisonous Sword are also Small Accomplishment, and they are integrated with Yin-Yang Confusion Blade to increase the formidable power.

As for Lightweight Art, it is Mo Qiu's only pride.

Without the help of system and medicine, Peak Lightweight Art Floating Light Sweeping Shadow was forcibly repaired to the Great Accomplishment Realm world.

You must know that the entire Dongan Mansion can be compared with the Lightweight Art of Floating Light Sweeping Shadow mention on equal terms, but only five fingers.

Nowadays, under spare no effort, his speed is almost as fast as when he used the light charm in Phoenix Head Mountain.

Perhaps, Mo Qiu is an extraordinary natural talent in Lightweight Art.

The only regret is that this Lightweight Art lacks some key points, and it seems that Perfection is hopeless at present.

"Big Brother Mo." saw a flash, Zhang Zhiling's pretty face appeared outside the window:

"What are you looking at?"

"Landscape." Mo Qiu stretched out his hand, his eyes flickered, and said:

"Brother Nie is worried about father. If the next road is not too difficult, let's hurry up!"

"many thanks Doctor Mo." Nie Rong, who is riding a horse, is hearing this, with gratitude:

"Walking through this section of the road, the front is the official road, no It will be too bumpy."

"That's good." Mo Qiu nodded, once again glanced at the jungle in the distance, then lowered the curtain.

He has five keen senses, but he has noticed a flashing killing intent there.

Who is it?

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