The remnant clouds harvest the summer heat, and the new rain brings autumn haze.

Early autumn.

It's another day.

Early morning.

The drizzle is hazy.

Mo Qiu held up the oil-paper umbrella, walked slowly out of the inner city Spirit Essence School resident, and went straight to Yingqian Street.

This is the most prosperous flower and bird market in Dongan Mansion.

Although the sky is still a bit dark at this time, the streets are already full of bustling people.

Standing on the street for a few glances, Mo Qiu put away the oil paper umbrella and walked into an anonymous clothes shop next to him.

"The shopkeeper."

He buckled the paper umbrella upside down and spoke slowly:

"Are my things ready?"

"Divine Doctor Mo." The store was clearing the shelves, and when he saw the visitor, he was immediately overjoyed and bowed again and again:

"Okay, okay, I'll get it now."

As he said, he greeted his buddy and hurried to the backyard.

Not long after, the store came out with a black robe in his hand.

"Divine Doctor Mo, this thing of yours is too special. Granny Xia took a month to barely repair it."

"It’s just that, even if Granny Xia’s hands are good, I’m afraid it is. It's not as complete as it was at the beginning, after all, some things are broken."

"en." Mo Qiu nodded, reached out and took it:

"Let me see."

This black robe is from Black Fiend Cult Beast Controlling Wanderer and was severely damaged by thunderclap seed strikes.

He has been thinking about repairing. One time he heard that there was a grandmother Xia here who specializes in knitting and embroidering. She was a must, so he took it and tried it.

Unexpectedly, it is really feasible!

Unfolding the black robe, it looks exactly similar to the original at a glance, and the weight is also light and light, as if nothing.

It's just the ability of concealed aura, which seems to be greatly reduced.

Mo Qiu slightly hesitated, just put it on his body, walked two steps, and stood still in front of the copper mirror on the side.

Before, the black robe was completely dark, silhouette and breathless, enough to cover everything from being perceived by outsiders.

Nowadays, it is only dim, and his face is a little fuzzy, which can only barely cover his figure.

The breath is even more unconcealable.

"Divine Doctor Mo..." The shopkeeper on the side rubbed his hands, his face was uneasy:

"This thing is a spiritual object, I'm just a mortal, I can barely remedy it. I did my best."

"It's okay." Mo Qiu waved his hand gently.

Although he is a bit regretful, he is also very clear that this is because the opponent has limited ability and cannot be forced.

Now I took out a few pieces of silver and handed it over:

"There is a shopkeeper, please thank me for Granny Xia."

"Divine Doctor Mo, no need , No need." The store hurriedly waved his hand:

"You are a person who has the virtue and good deeds to save the dying and heal the wounded. It is also right for the villain to do something for you. How can you collect money?"

"The store doesn't need to be like this." Mo Qiu smiled lightly:

"The money that should be paid is still to be paid. Just like someone asks me for a consultation, the consultation fee will also be paid."

"Take it!"

As I said, I passed the silver, wrapped the black robe, and left.

Since Yingqian Street is here, how can you not visit the flower and bird market here to see all kinds of rare things.

"Divine Doctor Mo!"

"Divine Doctor, I have several kinds of medicated toads here. I don't know if you need it or not. I will give it to you more cheaply."

"Old He board is polite, Yao Chan is not lacking at present."

"Qi Boss, are there any new products coming recently?"

"Yes, yes! I did it the day before yesterday. Here are a few dull-headed parrots. Although they are not very long, they are quite interesting. Come and take a look."

Along the way, people greeted loudly from time to time.

Mo Qiu is nodded from time to time, walking into the stalls and shops, teasing the birds and beasts, to see if there is anything that suits his mind.

In the past two years, in addition to his comprehension of medical skills, the bulk of the consumption of Sea of ​​Consciousness stars has been on Beast Controlling True Art.

With the ability to defend the beast, I have to try it myself.

If you come and go, you have become a frequent visitor here.

At present, many people on this street know that in addition to healing people, he is also an expert in birds and animals.


The sharp and harsh sound made Mo Qiu stop.

This kind of sound usually comes from a bird that has not been tamed by humans, and it is probably just recently captured.

Looking sideways, his eyes lit up and he walked into a shop.

"Arrow Eagle, this is rare."

"Doctor Mo." The shopkeeper here is an old man with a three-inch beard, and he came over when he saw it:

"You are right, the arrow eagle is extremely difficult to capture alive, and it is not easy to domesticate it. I don't think this one will live long."

In front of the two of them, inside a four-foot-high birdcage, The eagle with sharp eyes was screaming.

It was stained with blood, and feathers fell off in many places, like a chicken, but the imposing manner was undiminished, the sound was high and sharp, and it was unyielding.

There is a small bowl of food in front of it, but the eagle completely ignores it and just keeps pounding on the birdcage.

Even though he was wounded all over, he still kept going.

Depending on the situation, if someone can't wait for it to be tamed, its body may already be unable to stand it.

"Long old." Mo Qiu groaned a little, and said:

"How is it sold?"

"Doctor Mo wants it?" Leng Laoyi Frozen, then he smiled and said:

"Although the arrow eagle is rare, it is more difficult to tame. It is also waiting to die if it stays with us. If Doctor Mo is willing to take over, it would be great. No money. It doesn't matter if you have money."

Speaking, pat your palms gently:

"Xiao Nian, come and clean up, and send this arrow eagle to Doctor Mo's residence."



One person should be, and hurried to come.

Mo Qiu nodded with a smile, but did not refuse, but just took a step forward, slightly pursing his lips and spitting out a few times.


His voice was crisp, hurried, and the sound of the arrow eagle's frantic pounce was just a stop, he looked sideways.

A pair of eyes made a little puzzled. After Mo Qiu uttered again, he stood obediently and honestly in the bird cage.


"What a Beast Controlling Technique!" Outside the door, someone tapped his palms and stepped inside and praised:

"Unexpectedly, Doctor Mo is not only brilliant in medicine, but also expert in playing flying birds and beasts."

"Young Master!"

"Young Master Fu!"


Seeing the visitors, the shopkeeper and Xiao Er, bowed to salute.

"It turned out to be Young Master Fu." Mo Qiu turned around and bowed his hand to the other party:

"Unexpectedly, Young Master Fu also has free time to come here."

Come here There are more than 20 people, handsome and attractive, but they are the six Young Master Fu Ao of the Three Great Families Fu Family in the city.

The person called Jinao Shehai Sea, is a figure on the Hidden Dragon And Phoenix List.

Behind him, there are several men and women, all dressed in gold and jade, dressed in brocade, and they can tell that they are from a wealthy family.

"Doctor Mo probably doesn't know." Fu Ao held a folding fan, patted his palm, said with a smile:

"This store is actually an industry under my name, come and take a look , Isn't it normal?"

"so that's how it is." Mo Qiu suddenly.

Fu Family has a big family and many businesses under its name. As the leader of the younger generation of Fu Family, Fu Ao also has his own personal industry practice.

This is not surprising.

Speaking, he arched his hand and gestured to the person beside Fu Ao:

"Young Lady Feng, meet again."



Young Lady Feng is reviewing Mo Qiu back and forth, hearing this gently nodded:

"Unexpectedly, the passerby back then is now the famous Divine Doctor Mo."


"Why?" Fu Ao turned his head and said:

"Do you know?"

Fang Ping is the daughter of Fang Family's fourth bedroom and his fiancee. He is also a shrewd businessman.

Therefore, he took the other party to see his own industry.

In the future, the two will form a marriage. He is dedicated to cultivation martial arts, while the other is responsible for the business. This is the best of both worlds.

Not to mention, Fang Ping is a good-looking woman, and she speaks elegantly, which is also in line with Fu Ao's vision of his wife.

"Meeting." Fang Ping smiled:

"When Divine Doctor Mo first came to Dongan Mansion, he had a fate, and has met several times since."

"Many thanks to Young Lady Feng." Mo Qiu handed over:

"If it weren't for the help of Young Lady Feng, Senior Sister would not be able to live and work in Dongan Mansion."

"hmph!" One person behind "hmph!" is hearing this coldly snorted:

"Fortunately, you still remember the benefits of Fang Family, but in the end you don't want to lead the wolf into the house. First, you killed Jundong, and now you are still robbing the fourth room. Business!"

"Junren." Fang Ping frowned:

"The murder of Jundong has nothing to do with Miss Qin. As for business, it's just you and me that's all ."

"But..." The youngster at the back showed no anger:

"Those businesses were originally ours, but now they are all snatched by Qin Qingrong."

"Shut up!" Fang Ping's face sank:

"Ms. Qin's things are of good quality, so they naturally attract others to buy, and I can't blame others for this."

"If you have the patience, you can attract people!"

Speaking towards Mo Qiu gently nodded:

"Divine Doctor Mo don’t mind, Junren is young and ignorant, If you speak recklessly, I will take care of it."

"Young Lady Feng is polite." Mo Qiu said with a smile:

"I don’t understand business matters, but if I can It’s the best for both to benefit from cooperation. There is no need to hurt peace for some foreign objects."

"Doctor Mo makes sense." Fu Ao made a round.

"en. ”

Fang Ping's eyes flashed, looking thoughtful.

Fang Junren, the youngster behind, still looks resentful, as if unwilling.

Mo Qiu stopped slightly when he went out of the shop, then shook the head, and walked away.

Qin Qingrong's recent situation is not clear to him, but Dong Xiaowan has been with her all day, so there should be no problem with safety.

As for business...

Speaking of which is related to Dong Xizhou.

Lu Mansion's Floating Incense Powder, which can refine and blend various fragrances, is a favorite of all ladies and young ladies.

And Qin Qingrong bought and sold rouge gouache, somehow I got some formula from Dong Xizhou.

Used in business, has attracted many women who love beauty.

Since it is related to the Dong Family father and daughter, even if there is any trouble, Dong Xiaowan can solve it.

It's me, it's time to go to Lu Mansion.

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