The manor on the island is quiet and elegant, with unique pavilions, and even the flowers and trees seem to contain mysterious.

Come on foot, step by step.

Man-made cultivation and natural growth are mixed together. Stepping into the process, even the mood becomes stable.

No doubt.

The man who built the manor here must be a craftsman with extraordinary talent.

Along the path paved with soft jade stones, Mo Qiu followed Xinyuan Master into a wide courtyard.

There are more than twenty people here, except for a bunch of civil and military officials, they are a group of maids who are pale in appearance.

The woman who is suspected of Innate is also there.

She stood beside a little girl who was carved and jade, her eyes fixed on something in the field.

That is a white horse.

Even if he squatted on the ground, he was still extremely burly, and the breath out of his nostrils was faintly roaring.

Looking closely, there is no hair on this white horse, but a layer of shimmering scales.

The fine scaly armor fits closely to its body, swaying back and forth with breathing.


An extremely rare beast, capable of manipulating water flow, running fast, and stronger as an ox.

Compared with the evil apes and python driven by Beast Controlling Wanderer, this beast is rarer and more powerful.

That layer of scale armor seems to be thin and light, but even if it is a first-class expert, spare no effort can't be broken.

This is right beside the horse, and an old man in civil costume is carefully inspecting it.

"Miss Mu Hui." The old man stopped, got up and bowed to the girl, then said:

"It's still the old problem, fluid accumulation in the abdomen, ulceration, It’s difficult to cure, and this beast doesn’t cooperate."

"wu wu......" The girl hearing this, with tears in her eyes:

"Is it going to die?"


Speaking looking towards the woman on the side, stretched out his hand to pull on the other's sleeves, and the soundtrack cried out:

"Aunt Fang, I don't want it to die!"

" Miss." The woman sighed slightly:

"The strange beasts like wild horses are difficult to be domesticated. Although Second Young Lady uses immortal art to control it, it can't stand its rebelliousness. "

"If you really want to cure it, unless you let it go, there may be a chance!"

"Let it go?" The girl curled her lips, her face stubborn:

"Is there no other way?"

"Miss, your status is honorable, why don't you want to be obsessed with this alien?" The woman said slowly:

"Besides, you are a body worth a thousand gold, but this beast has no human nature and almost hurt you several times."

"It's better to drive away!"


"no!" The girl stomped her foot:

"I don’t want it to die, and I don’t want it to go. I will keep it by my side. You must find a way."

Speaking, she stretched out her hand to point to everyone in the field, and said:

"Hurry up and find a way. If you can't do it, I will let Uncle Rube punish you!"

Mo Qiu didn't know who Lu Uncle was in the other party's mouth, but he could detect that Xinyuan beside him suddenly trembled.

It seems to be full of fear for this name.

"Your name is Mo Qiu?" At this time, the woman looked sideways:

"From Spirit Essence School, familiar with medicine?"

" It's right here." Mo Qiu cup one fist in the other hand:

"I dare not be proficient in medicine, but I just know a little bit."

"You don't need to be humble." The woman’s voice was indifferent, completely different from the tone she had just spoken to the little girl:

"Look in the past, if you can cure the wild horse, you will be rewarded!"

"If yes Nothing..."

She had a chill in her eyes and stopped making a sound.

Mo Qiu hearing this frowned, sighed silently in his heart, and unimaginable at the moment, stepping forward to the wild horse.

The old man turned sideways and got out of the way, with a distressed look on his face, he should be desperately trying to save it.

I don't know what method was applied, the ferocious horse knelt to the ground, obviously carrying giant strength, but couldn't struggle.

Mo Qiu squatted down, looked at its tongue coating and eyelids lightly, and then touched the horse's belly with his hands.

Xinyuan watched from the side, feeling anxious.

Mo Qiu is a doctor, and his medical skills are brilliant, but he only sees doctors for people, and people are different from beasts. He doesn't know if he can do it.

If it fails, I am afraid it will be affected.

At that time, it was my own sin!

Here, he couldn't help putting his hands together, reciting Amitabha silently in the heart, and praying secretly.

"Ascites, ulceration, I am afraid that I have not eaten for a few days, the tongue coating is dull, and the eyes are red." Mo Qiu got up and stood up:

"The symptoms are obvious. It obediently takes medicine."

"So..." The woman's eyes are piercing:

"Do you have a way?"

Mo Qiu groaned, Then take off the ocarina on the waist and speak slowly:

"I will try."

Speaking, blow ocarina lightly.


There was a deep, melodious sound, and the flowers and plants on his side fell slightly, and a breeze swept all over the place.

The music is not good, but everyone's eyes brighten up.

But seeing that the horse's ears, which had been closing his eyes and panting, trembled in both ears, it actually slowly lifted the head.

The big bloodshot eyes also revealed doubts.

It works!

The veterinary officer on the side was even more excited, and hurriedly handed over the prepared potion.

This time, although the ferocious horse turned his head, the struggle was not obvious, and even added a few mouthfuls.

Not long ago, I actually drank the potion thoroughly.

"Beast Controlling Technique." A hearty voice rang from the rear, which also interrupted Mo Qiu's xun:

"Unexpectedly, apart from Black Fiend Cult’s lineage of royal beasts, the shop There are people who are familiar with Beast Controlling Technique, not bad."

As the voice approached, a group of more than ten people also stepped into the place.

The head is tall, with long hair coiled up, gilt jasper hairpin on top, wearing silk yarn and gold embroidered long skirt, feet on cloud and phoenix boots, the extravagance is compelling, making people subconsciously dare not dare look more.

"Second Young Lady!"

"Elder Sister Rong!"

Seeing the people, everyone bowed and saluted, and the girl rushed with excitement. Past.

"en. ”Second Young Lady gently nodded, looking towards Mo Qiu sideways:

"What's your name?"

"Spirit Essence School, Mo Qiu." Mo Qiu puts ocarina away, his attitude is neither overbearing nor overbearing.

"Mo Qiu." Second Young Lady repeated the name, and sat down on the soft chair brought by others, saying:

"You can let the horse take medicine, It's just a great achievement. What reward do you want?"

"Don't dare to ask for a reward." Mo Qiu handed over:

"It's just a doctor's duty. If the lady thinks it is appropriate, Give some silver tael the consultation fee."

"Heh..." Second Young Lady raised her head and smiled:


She looked back and forth at Mo Qiu, there seems to be a halo in his eyes:

"You are not old, the fleshy body is well polished, go, get him some mysterious snakes."

" Yes!"

A person next to him immediately took the order.

"Go on!" Second Young Lady seemed unhappy, and with a wave of her hand, everyone in the court retreated.

Leave that little girl alone in front of her.

"Elder Sister Rong." The little girl circled the ferocious horse a few times. Seeing its breath improved, she couldn't help but patted her hand, saying:

"The man's method just now works really well. , But let the horse be obedient, I’m afraid I need to come a few more times."

"It’s okay." Second Young Lady said calmly:

"When the time comes, just call it out, hang out He didn’t dare not come."

"en." Little girl nodded, then asked her head sideways:

"But why didn’t that person want a reward just now? People are eager to be rewarded."

"You don't understand." Second Young Lady beautiful eyes squinted slightly:

"In this world, some people are like this wild horse. I am arrogant and difficult to tame. Even if my strength is insufficient, I am unwilling to succumb to others."

"Reward, no; consultation fee, but yes! In fact, it's just self-deception that's all."

She disdain to sneer:

"This and the others is just the unknown situation, and the sufferings are less. When there are more things, you will know that people are different from each other sooner or later."


"lower-class people, always lower-class people, empty and arrogant, but can withstand the beating of how many catties and how many taels?"

Speaking of which, she once again croon.


little girl suddenly:

"I see, it turns out that people are just like wild horses. If you want to be tame, you have to be a little bit Take your time."

"en?" Second Young Lady raised her eyebrows:

"Mu Hui, your words are quite insightful. No wonder grandfather would say you are Xiuwaihuihuizhong."

"hehe......" The little girl chuckled.


The skin of the black snake is invulnerable to swords and guns. It can be used as a close-fitting soft armor. The blood and flesh can provide a lot of essence. The snake gall is a strong spiritual medicine.

Three mysterious snakes are very valuable.

Mo Qiu took the corpse of the mysterious snake, said goodbye to Xinyuan Master, stepped out of Lu Mansion, and finally glanced behind him.

He has seen the people and things of Lu Mansion today.

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