Yaqian Street.

As the name suggests, it is a street in front of Yamen.

As a place where officials come and go, there are many nobles here, but they are not favored by merchants, and I don’t know why.

Bailong Tongdang, one of the few commercial shops here, is not open to the outside world.

Standing in front of the pawnshop, Mo Qiu carried two parcels in his hand, gave a speechless sigh, and shook his head away.

It's just taking two things and asking him for five hundred silver tael, which is simply a robbery.

If he had not made a lot of income in recent years, and some net worth, I am afraid that he would have to go on an errand for nothing today.

Back to the residence, he took the things out of the package.

Among them, what Elder Dong asked him to take out was an 800-year-old Dragon Saliva Grass.

Herbs, ten years are treasures, a hundred years are treasures, and a thousand years are spiritual medicine.

Millennium spiritual medicine belongs to the rumored existence, even with the power of Medicine Valley, it has never been possessed.

This 800-year-old Dragon Saliva Grass is the most precious herb of Spirit Essence School.

In the sealed ice box, the medicinal power is not lost, and it can also be seen that the appearance is perfect and the roots and roots are complete.

After examining for a moment, Mo Qiu took out a wooden box.

This thing was taken out with the pawn ticket he got in his early years. I don't know what's inside.


When the lid is opened, the first thing that catches your eyes are two gray, not metal, not jade stones.

The stone is just the size of a grip. When you pick it up and look closely, you can see a little jade texture faintly.

Squeezed, very hard.

"What is this?"

Mo Qiu was puzzled. The storage fee of several hundred silver tael will not be wasted on ordinary stones, right?

However, he is neither a jade stone merchant nor a mason, and he does not know much about stone.

Put down the stones, there is still a book in the box.

There are four characters on the cover of the book.

The Secret Record of Thousands of Machines!

Take out the book, open it at will, and inside it is a description of machinery and equipment.

There are text and pictures.

Sleeve crossbows, syringes, arsenopyrites, meteor ropes...

There are even god-arm crossbows, dragon beard thorns, and even the rainstorm pear flower needle that can kill Innate in the rumor!


Mo Qiu's eyes were bright, and he was in ecstasy. Turning back and forth, Mo Qiu found the deadly needle he had used.

This kind of hidden weapon can kill second-rate experts, but in this thousand-machine secret record, formidable power is not even ranked in the top ten!

Ranked in the top three, power can be called terrifying.

Under certain conditions, all of them can kill Innate!

Organizations, hidden weapon, poison, gunpowder... and so on, this book of secret records is all covered!

"Gu Xiu, Yue Family."

Mo Qiu raised his head, his face in thought.

Yue Family is famous for its refining tools, and it was also called a wealthy family in its prosperity, even surpassing the current Three Great Families.

However, the last two generations have gradually declined, and now few people know about it.

Many hidden weapons are completely lost.

Not to mention Peak hidden weapons such as Rainstorm Pear Flower Needle and Yan Luo Box, even the deadly horny needles are no longer produced.

I want to come, I am afraid that I have lost true inheritance.

No wonder the Yue Family members were so anxious at the time that even the youngster was dispatched to win Gu Xiu.

It turns out that the root cause lies in the secret record of the thousand machines!

Flicking the cheats in his hand, Mo Qiu's eyes flashed, then turned to the mechanism technique section to observe.

After a while, he couldn't help but frowned.

This Secret Record of A Thousand Mechanics is indeed exquisite, but many parts of it use code words, which are obscure and difficult to understand.

If you want to learn Peak's Secret Art with this book alone, it is almost impossible, even if you don’t know the secret language, it’s hard to understand.


If you understand it with system, you can't try it!

Moreover, unlike the cultivation technique and martial skill, there are many Secret Records of Thousands of Machines, and the impossible is created by one person.

As a ancestor of Yue Family, a summary of inheritance from generation to generation.

When you learn, you don’t have to comprehend it all at once, just choose a part of it. After all, some skills are enough for one person to study for a lifetime.

For Mo Qiu, it was icing on the cake, which was a surprise.


In the restaurant.

One person wandered upstairs, squinted and scanned the audience, and sat down on a soft chair.

"senior." Yue Family patriarch Yue Dingshan smiled flatteringly, and said:

"Thank you for a trip by yourself, it's hard work."

"That's all." The visitor waved his hand feebly:

"Who made me and your Yue Family ancestors have some affection, refuted face, it is always ugly."

Speaking, he raised the jug in front of him without seeing it, and took a sip fiercely in his mouth.

"Come on, what's the matter?"

"senior." Yue Dingshan's throat rolled, his face tense:

"I heard, that thing Has it been taken away?"

"en?" The frowned comer, couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and sighed:

"The people below are really getting more and more unruly. , Even these things were revealed."

Nodded and said:

"Yes, what the blind monk put in the cycle room back then has indeed been I took it out."

"You also know that although we keep things, we can’t open it without the ciphertext on the ticket, so I don’t know what it is."

"senior." Yue Dingshan hurriedly said:

"I wonder if you can tell, who took such a thing?"

"hehe..." The visitor sneered Hearing this doesn't answer, just picks up the jug, and keeps getting drunk.

"Yuaner!" Yue Dingshan's eyes flashed, and he waved backwards:

"Bring things here."


Yue Yuan should be, and immediately presented a brocade box.

Yue Dingshan stretched out his hand to open the brocade box, put it on the table, gently pushed it in front of him, and said slowly:

"senior, my Yue Family has been with you for many years. Outsiders, a little foreign object is not respectful."

"Heh..." The visitor looked down, glanced at the contents of the brocade box, squinted and laughed, and took out a string of precious beads to play slowly.

Speaking of which is slow and reasonable:

"Speaking of which is also a coincidence. In a few months it will be a good day for Lu Mansion to celebrate his 100th birthday."

"Many people took things from the pawnshop and prepared them as gifts."

He lowered his head and chuckled, as if he had forgotten that there was someone beside him, and continued to speak:

"I remember, Divine Doctor Mo from Spirit Essence School took two things. I don't know what they are?"

"Drunk, drunk, talk nonsense!"

"Divine Doctor Mo?"

Yue Dingshan was taken aback.


The ruts on the long street.

Yue Family’s carriage drove out of the back alley of the restaurant and headed far away.


In the carriage, Yue Yuan sat opposite, and said in a deep voice:

"I remember, the one we met back then For men and women, one of them is Mo Qiu."


He raised his head and whispered:

"It was he who killed Gu Xiu, got the ticket, and then I took it out until today?"

"Oh!" Yue Dingshan raised his eyebrows, thought for a while, and shook his head:

"It shouldn't be."

"After all, that many years have passed. If the ticket was in his hands, he should have already taken it. Why wait until today."


"Even if it is really him, it is our Yue Family who owes favor to others. How to get things done is the key."

He groaned and said:

"I Remember, at that time, Gu Xiu took Qing'er and Xiaowu away, and they were later rescued?"

"Yes." Yue Yuan nodded:

"But the shot The face was covered, Qingmei did not see her appearance, and Xiao Wu passed out in a coma."

"This way!" Yue Dingshan touched his chin and said:

"We Is there any relationship with Divine Doctor Mo?"

"Not much." Yue Yuan has already taken over the family business, hearing this shook his head:

"This Divine Doctor Mo is a bit withdrawn , Normally, I went deep and simple, and I don’t have many friends around."

"But his Senior Sister who came to Dongan Mansion with him, is familiar with the young girl, this road can be walked."


"That's good." Yue Dingshan nodded:

"Prepare your gifts and visit!"

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