"I was studying essays at the age of four, practicing Dharma at the age of six, and on the first floor of Qi Refinement at the age of ten. At the age of sixteen, I entered Grey Plume Sect as a handyman."

"28 He entered the outer sect at the age of 43, Qi Refinement 8-Layer was 43 years old, and he entered the Heavenly Cloud Peak Master and became an inner sect disciple."

"After that, he studied hard for decades, and he was worthy of the tenth floor of Qi Refinement. In the inner sect disciple, everyone was lost."

Bai Guiyi sighed with emotion:

"Now eighty out of five, it’s also considered experienced and knowledgeable, but a mortal like you , But it's unheard-of and unprecedented."

"It's amazing!"

While speaking, he waved the flags behind his back, one after another, black smoke rushing out of it.

The flag banner is more than ten feet long, and the whole body is dark red, as if smeared in human blood, with countless hideous faces on it.

This is the long streamer dancing, and the black smoke condenses into a malicious ghost outside, roaring bitterly and rushing toward the illusory shadow in the field.

At the same time, there is also a touch of cold sword light, which flickers suddenly, killing from a weird angle, and killing.

Bai Guiyi's voice is soft, but his heart is also tight.

If it hadn’t been the spontaneous protection of the predecessor’s legacy to stop Mo Qiu’s sudden eruption of ten moves, he was afraid that he would be seriously injured if he was not dead.

This child is so cruel, never stay!

Together, the offensive will be more successful.

"Bai Guiyi." Mo Qiu dodged and shouted at the same time:

"You killed sect disciple without permission and committed the unpardonable crime of the Ten Precepts. Are you not afraid of punishment? "

"Punish?" Bai Guiyi sneered:

"I have worked for Grey Plume Sect for more than a cycle. I have been running around for many years, and I already owe it nothing."

"Now, why worry about others?"

"You want to betray sect?" Mo Qiu narrowed his eyes:

"You are so bold!"

"haha..." Bai Guiyi laughed:

"What is betrayal, it's just mutual use of that's all. Now I am useless with Grey Plume Sect, and the identity of sect is nothing to me. It’s a bondage, what else is there to worry about?"

He sighed again:

"Originally, this Bai planned to leave very quietly. After years of sect love, but didn’t want to... …"

"You forced me!"

"You are crazy!" Mo Qiu frowned.

In this sentence, he was not venting his anger, but stating a fact.

In Mo Qiu's view, Bai Guiyi at this time seemed normal, and his speech was reasonable and well-founded, but in reality he behaved extremely madly.

Don't ask the reason, let the killer indiscriminately.

If you suspect that you have killed Bai Lang, there is excuse for coming to avenge him.

Zhou Kang and the others in the vicinity are dead unreasonable. If it is to silence the mouth, it shouldn't make such a big movement.

This is completely different from the calmness he showed, as if his mental state had split.


Bai Guiyi hearing this sneer:

"as the saying goes No madness, no Buddha, if you can get revenge for Langer , Can make me successful on the road, how can I be crazy?"


In midair, an eagle roars suddenly, and thousands of feathers of arrows are pouring down like a waterfall. Rush into Bai Guiyi.

But it was the puppet eagle that had been hiding nearby looking for a gap to attack.

Mo Qiu also loudly shouted, his body shape turned sharply, nine identical illusory shadows appeared out of thin air.

Cloud Dragon Nine Materializations!


The void blasted, nine sticks dancing in the air, as if to overturn the void, curl up the sky with flames, and fiercely smash it down.

The mighty power, even the surrounding rocks trembled, and countless rubble fell one after another.

"such insignificant ability!"

Bai Guiyi sneered, waving a big hand, and the thick black smoke turned into a barrier before him.

The banner behind him is a movement method device of a Dao Foundation senior named Myriad Ghost Banner.

The power of this banner is extremely terrifying.

Even if he can only use a little power, he can easily crush a cultivator of the same level.

Even Ji Qianyun is unable to withstand a single blow in front of it.


There was a roar and smoke.

In the area of ​​several feet, the rocks burst open, and the surrounding mountains are shaking with a hundred meters.

Bai Guiyi's complexion sank.

Mo Qiu's explosive offensive is beyond his expectations.

This formidable power makes Myriad Ghost Banner tremble, and it crazily consumes the magic power in his body.

A sense of weakness and effort also surfaced in my heart.

"courting death!"

In the low roar, the Shadowstream Sword flashed in the air, and the Yin Slaughter Twelwe Swords slammed out.

"hong long long......"

The wind roars wildly, and countless sword light shatters eight illusory shadows in the field in an instant.

Mo Qiu wields a stick frantically. However, a mortal martial skill is inferior to immortal art after all. Although he barely stopped the attacking sword light, he was also blasted away by fiercely for dozens of meters.

next moment.


The protruding cliff was already in danger, so it could no longer withstand the aftermath of the shock and collapsed.

Countless boulders, moved towards the earth fire lava below, fell quickly.

Mo Qiu has no foothold below, his complexion can't help changing, and then the bell trembles lightly on his waist, and two black smoke come out.


The black smoke gathered in the air and turned into two lacquer man's claws, one left and the other right to Mo Qiu's arm.

"Improving the soul and taking the ghost?"

Bai Guiyi face revealed disdain:

"In front of me, it is also equipped with such methods!"

While speaking, he pressed virtual with one hand, and the wind gathered around him, and a puff of black smoke hit the ghost's claws.

Just one hit, the two ghost claws were shaken into smoke.


The eagle roars, ignoring the entanglement of the opponent, and when the two wings are in the air, they will move towards Mo Qiu and pounce.

"Leave it to me!"

Bai Guiyi was coldly snorted, the Shadowstream Sword flashed out, and in an instant moved towards the eagle bursting for more than ten minutes.

Remember, in the middle of the puppet's body.

The inner power of sword light, although unable to smash the hard shell made of iron essence, it also blasted it into one side of the mountain, no longer able to rescue it.


Mo Qiu was in the air with a facial expression grave. His body was shaken, and Fire Fiend True Aura immediately wrapped his whole body.

With this layer of body protection energy, even if he falls into the lava, he can ensure that he is short-lived.


Above, Bai Guiyi hummed again:

"There are a lot of means."

Speaking, He lifted his big hand, and then bronze ancient mirror appeared in his palm.

As his palm moved down, the ancient mirror halo flowed, and a flash of light of the thickness of his arm immediately blasted out.

The Fire Fiend True Aura around Mo Qiu's body touched one of them, and instantly cracked, and the whole person was frozen.

I can only watch myself fall downward.


In the fire sea lava, a Fire Alligator wandered freely, opened its mouth when it saw it, and rushed directly to the prey that fell to its mouth.

"fuck off!"



In the lava, Mo Qiu roared , Fire Alligator roared, a man and a beast rolled up a billowing red wave.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like Flood Dragon roars, lava vortex emerges, fire waves are surging, and the rumbling sound is deafening.

After a long time, the roar gradually subsided, and the lava returned to flow slowly.

Everything has returned to peace.


Bai Guiyi squinted his eyes and stared at the movement below, until then he looked back.

"Not him?"

With a small mutter, he frowned and turned around, flicks with the finger, sword light around in the air, and slashed a few handyman rushing in the unitary area. Into pieces of meat.


"This is the strength of inner sect disciple?"

Sit cross-legged in the mouth of Fire Alligator, Mo Qiu facial expression grave, until safety is confirmed , Only leaped to the nearby rocks.

Naturally, he will be fine. He was just acting.

Leave aside, Fire Alligator will not hurt the "kind".

With his current Strength of Fleshly Body and fire-control innate talent, even if he falls into the lava, he can't die in a short time.

However, Bai Guiyi's strength is indeed beyond his expectations.

Especially the unknown flag banner, which is obviously not a defensive magical artifact, but can resist his offensive.

Even if there is no take out Fire Dragon Pendant, the aura of the heavy profound spirit is still ineffective, and the gap is still too big.

Is it possible that, is it a high grade Magical Artifact?


For a moment, Mo Qiu shook his head slowly:

"The tyrant Zhao Long is the follower of the Nine Demons Hall true inheritance blood dragon son Shi, the inner sect disciple’s well-known figure does not have a high grade Magical Artifact. It’s unreasonable that Bai Guiyi, a Qi Refinement ten-story declining dísciple, will have it."

"If you are concealed, you shouldn’t be in it. There are several decades hidden in this black prison, and no one knows."

There is also the method of swordsmanship, bronze ancient mirror......

I'm afraid it's Zhao Long, the barbarian. When the strength is intact, it may not be as good as Bai Guiyi.

With such strength, but several decades of silence and namelessness, it doesn't make sense to think about it.

I was puzzled, but I couldn't think of the answer, so I didn't think about it at all.

Perceiving the situation of his body, Mo Qiu's eyes flashed, and his body moved towards the distance and jumped.

Not long.

He appeared near a hidden cave.

I jumped into the cave, and there was everything in there, and there was even a special quiet room.

This is a secret hiding place for him.

a sly individual has more than one plan to fall back on, this truth Mo Qiu understood when he was in Point Star City.

This place is close to the underground lava, and Fire Alligator appears from time to time, and no one will discover the secret here.

In the stone chamber, there are two dead bones and even a few Magical Artifacts placed not far away.

Withered bones, you are Yu De and Bai Lang!


Outside the cave, the Fire Alligator whispered and slowly sank into the lava.

Mo Qiu was frowned and did not continue to go deep, but bent and jumped out of the cave again.

Several ups and downs appeared near a cliff.

The strange rocks on the cliff are rugged, with sharp spikes protruding from time to time, like fierce fangs, which is extremely frightening.

And then, one of the spikes hangs on a person, unconscious and blood flowing.

"Ji Qianyun!"



With a moan of pain, Ji Qianyun Awakening from a coma, I only felt pain everywhere on my body, Divine Consciousness was more like a mountain, and my thoughts turned slowly.

"Senior Sister, you are awake."

Before she regained consciousness, a somewhat familiar voice sounded from her ears.

“en? ”

Ji Qianyun's heart lingered, her body was subconsciously tensed, and the pain of following closely from behind made her face pale again.

"Senior Sister, your injury is serious, don't act rashly." Mo Qiu took a step forward and signaled the other party to relax:

"Don't worry, it's all right now."

"Junior Brother Mo?" Seeing the visitor clearly, Ji Qianyun felt a little loose in his heart, and then said with a hoarse voice:

"Where is this?"

"I don't know. "Mo Qiu shook his head and said:

"It should be near the Fire Vein of the Earth Lung."

While speaking, without waiting for the other person to ask, he was lightly sighed and said:

"For some reason, Director Bai suddenly came to the door not long ago and said that I was the murderer who killed Bai Lang."

"Then he was going to kill me. This Mo was not strong enough and was He banged down the cliff, and then, by luck, muddleheaded to the vicinity, and then ran into Senior Sister Ji who was unconscious."

"Bai Guiyi." Ji Qianyun's beautiful eyes shrank, as if thinking of something. , Surprised and angry in the eyes.

Looking at Mo Qiu again, I feel a little embarrassed.

Of course, she knows why Bai Guiyi came to the other party. It must be because she said one more thing.

"I was also killed by him. I escaped with a secret treasure. It's a blessing to survive, but Junior Brother can rest assured that Bai Guiyi is crazy and he can't escape!"

Mo Qiu looked weird.

Now the two are powerless to defend himself, and the other is powerless, afraid that they are not enough to speak big words.

"Wait for a moment." Ji Qianyun seemed to see what Mo Qiu was thinking, shaking out something from his body:

"Someone will come to save us. "

Speaking, smash the thing in his hand.

Mo Qiu felt relieved when he saw this.

I went to get a vaccination yesterday. I have some reactions, but the state is not very good. Please ask for a monthly pass! ! !

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