A large family in the town.

Naked eye's invisible pink smoke enveloped the large manor, and the sound of suffocation sounded from all over the manor.

Listen carefully, there are men panting heavily, and women screaming in excitement.

Just the sound in the ears makes people involuntarily churn with blood and desires.

Zhu Yurong sits cross-legged in the stone pavilion in the backyard, pinching his ten fingers, quickly collecting the lust of mortals here.

Mortal desires cannot help cultivation, but it is a must for many spells in Harmonious Bond Sect.

It's like the Six Desires Curse of her cultivation at this time.

Once someone is hit by this curse, if the mind is not strong and the Divine Soul is not strong, they will definitely be lost by desire and become unable to control themselves.

At that time, men will become hungry ghosts in their sex, indulging in love, while women will become obsessed with desires and love between men and women.

When the time comes, let you be a martyr who regards chastity as fate, or a gentleman who can sit and hold, and become a slave of desire, and you cannot get rid of it until death.

There are many spells such as Harmonious Bond Sect.

Therefore, even if they know that mundane places will hinder cultivation, they have to come to the cultivation method from time to time.

"Senior Sister."

The flowers swayed, and a handsome youngster who was suave and holding a folding fan walked:

"Junior Sister Liu was caught by Grey The people of Plume Sect were killed, don’t we just leave it alone?"

"Otherwise?" Zhu Yurong looked up and rolled the eyes:

"You saw it too, Even if we set up an ambush in advance, we could not win the man named Wan."

"So don't expect me to avenge her!"

"Senior Sister, it's you Mentioned, you did the plan." The youngster's face was gloomy:

"Do you really plan to leave like this?"

"Junior Brother!" Zhu Yurong sighed, put his hands away The action above, the words earnestly said:

"This is someone else’s territory. We must be prepared to be targeted when we come to steal food. Moreover, even if we do take revenge, it will attract The revenge behind Grey Plume Sect, when the time comes, the loss may be heavier."

"I know you have a good relationship with Junior Sister Liu, but I would advise you, women, all over the street, no need Hanging from a tree, Through a field of ten thousands flowers, A leaf didn't touched body, this is our sect style."

"You..." youngster hearing this face changed, staring angrily After a while, Zhu Yurong gritted his teeth and said:

"Senior Sister doesn't want Lei Family's Heavenly Thunder Sword?"

"I have seen that thing once and it doesn’t fit my cultivation technique. , And it seems to be the embryo of Magical Artifact, don't worry." Zhu Yurong looked casual:

"Junior Brother don't think too much, clean up, after some time we will change place and continue."

"hmph!"youngster coldly snorted:

"Senior Sister is afraid of the surname Wan?"

"Not afraid, but worthless." Zhu Yurong said:


"Don't irritate me either, I have not been so easily fooled. "

"The one with the surname Wan won't work, who is the one who killed Junior Sister?" "The youngster continued:

"That person seems to have only Qi Refinement 6-Layer's cultivation base. Killing him shouldn't be difficult, right? "

"Um..." Zhu Yurong thought through his face:

"Although the man's cultivation base is not high, his strength is not weak. Besides, they all went to Cloud Billow Mansion. There are many experts there, as well as the Moriyama Formation of Lei Family. Wasn’t it a home delivery in the past? "

"The road is difficult, life-saving is the top priority, but you must not risk it. "

"Enough! "

When the youngster raised his voice, he flicked his sleeves angrily:

"I understand, goodbye! "

"Hey..." Behind, Zhu Yurong curl one's lip:

"If it weren’t for agreeing to Eldest Senior Sister to take care of you, I’ll let you taste Baimei Banquet now the taste of. "

"Custody, let you enjoy the bliss! "

shook the head, she continued to collect mortal desires.

Day and night, the yin and yang are reversed, and the men and women in the manor seem to be tired, all indulging in pleasure until Consume the last drop of blood essence on your body.


Army camp.

Under the warm sun, tens of thousands of soldiers are comparable to refugees. , Or leaning, or lying on the ground, one by one, listless, just looking forward to the daily rations as soon as possible, so as to sacrifice the Five Viscera Temple.

Fortunately, at the periphery of the camp, there are some fully The armed elite soldiers guard to prevent sneak attacks.

"Look! "

Suddenly, one person blinked and motioned to his companion to look away:

"Is there someone there?" "

"Who is there? "The companion turned his head, and immediately curled his lips:

"Are you dazzled..."

Before the voice fell, he suddenly jumped up on the spot:

"Ghost what! "

"Don't bark! "A guard shouted muffled:

"Is a Lightweight Art expert, holding a boulder in his hand and taking several feet. I am afraid it is an Innate expert. "

"All cheer up! "

"Yes! "

All the soldiers should be, and at the same time someone quickly sent a message to the inside of the barracks, and the whole camp was also a little restless.

At the camp gate, people were getting closer and closer, and the guard general faced him. His face is getting more and more ugly.

Vaguely, he seems to have guessed the identity of the visitor.

In the distance.

One piece is several people tall The huge boulder rises from the ground, hurriedly approached here, and when you look closely, you can find that there is an inconspicuous silhouette of Dao Idol under the boulder.

The silhouette is not healthy.

Shuo, even slightly thin, but holding up such a huge boulder with one hand.

The figure shakes, it is the several feet, and it rushes towards the camp gate at a speed comparable to that of an arrow.


The boulder leaped into the sky.


The earth trembled suddenly, and the entire camp gate shook with it, even more so There was a hard and hard voice.

The boulder fell three feet deep into the ground before the camp gate, and the surrounding several feet were full of winding cracks, which made the soldiers who witnessed this scene pale.

Stand alone on it, looking at the camp gate on the verge of collapse.

The visitor looks plain, with slightly white hair on the temples, and a black embroidered fire rune daoist robe, hunting in the wind. .

"You...who are you? "

The guard tightened his long spear tightly, desperately suppressing the fear in his heart, gritted his teeth and said:

"This is a military camp, and no outsiders are allowed to enter! "

"Mo Qiu, a Taoist man in the wild, please see this landlord and general. "Mo Qiu raised his head, bent over and hit the inspector, with a soft voice:

"Thank you to open the camp door. "

"Taoist, Mo Qiu. "The guard's throat turned.

He knew very well in his heart that if the opponent did not throw the boulder in front of the camp gate, but slammed it directly at the camp gate, then dozens of them, I'm afraid there will not be a few of them. Can survive.

This kind of terrifying giant strength, even if it is an Innate expert, can’t do it!


The rumored Immortal Cultivator ?

"The Taoist commander wait a moment. "Looking back, the guard smiled and said:

"I have sent someone to ask the general for instructions. "

"Okay. "

Mo Qiu is not impatient or impatient, nodded should be, and at the same time look at the entire barracks with Qi Observation Technique, moved towards.

Under Qi Observation Technique, the atmosphere in the barracks is mixed and strong. Weakness varies, but in particular, the aura of the soldiers at the core is the strongest.

There is also an invisible aura, which is connected there, and has the effect of suppressing Spiritual Qi.

The battle formation ?

It can be used on Immortal Cultivator, even if the effect is weak, it is already extraordinary.

It seems that this traitor, Qi Wang, is not without heels.

Not long.


With the hard and grim sound, the camp door opened and an armored General laughed and greeted him.

"I have waited a long time for Immortal Master, now I am playing against Immortal Master Hong, I am late, forgive me, forgive me! "

"General Sima? "

"It's under! "

Sima Pi is undoubtedly a little clever. Facing Mo Qiu, he showed his admiration for Immortal Master without falling into his imposing manner.

Accompanying another Immortal Master is even more faintly borrowed to suppress others.

"Please! "

With a big wave, the soldiers behind him immediately let out a passage.

Mo Qiu swept his eyes, and most of them were acquired Martial Artists. Innate Realm included Sima Pizai. Inside, there are only four people.

The eyes of a group of people looked towards Mo Qiu, all with respect and fear, and at the same time with a little vigilance.

Sima Pi asked diligently while leading the way. Said:

"I don't know, where is Immortal Master Xianju? "

"Towering Clouds Mountain Range, Scarlet Fire Peak. "Mo Qiu said:

"The general is afraid he doesn't know. "

"haha..." Sima Pi laughed loudly:

"I don't know if I'm proud and inexperienced, but I want to come, if it's an Immortal Realm. "

Then you think you are wrong.

Scarlet Fire Peak is not only Immortal Realm, but also a huge mountain top with few living creatures.

Yes. Near the core of the barracks, Mo Qiu's feet paused slightly.

Here, a group of invisible baleful auras that belonged to the military gathered together, faintly suppressing the operation of the magic power in his body.

Ahead, there is a cold air, wanton and wild, as if to give him a smash.


Slightly shook his head, he moved on.


The military account was lifted, and the entire group was surrounded by Mo Qiu stepping inside, and one person sat at the lower left end of the front.

The man was seventy-eighty in age, White-haired, rickety, holding a weird ebony staff.

"I will introduce you to both of you. Sima Pi hurriedly said:

"This is Hong..."

"No need! "Mo Qiu waved his hand and said indifferently:

"I am here today, not to make friends. "

"en?" Hearing this, Immortal Master Hong's complexion sank:

"You are from Leifu? "

"So bold, trifling Qi Refinement 6-Layer cultivation base, dare to come here, really act recklessly! "


Immortal Master Hong's voice was not over yet, everyone in the court drew their swords together, and the intention of killing Mo Qiu headed towards Mo Qiu.

With so many people in a military camp, the magic power in his body was almost half controlled.

The Immortal Master Hong on the opposite side was not affected at all.

Mo Qiu's complexion did not change, but he took out something from the storage bag and held it in his palm and lifted it forward:

"Grey Plume Sect dísciple, I would like to ask you a few words. "

Grey Plume Sect?


Sima Pi and the others looked at a loss.

"oh la la… …"

I was about to stand up Immortal Master Hong, but hearing this was complexion greatly changed, my body trembled suddenly, and even the table in front of me flew out.

"Sin... Admiral Immortal Sect? "

His voice is already trembling, and it is subconsciously taking two steps back.

Everyone in the field is not stupid. Look at Immortal Master Hong’s attitude. I know that something is not right.

Before, I knew I had a good idea, but I didn’t do anything yet. The other party just showed his identity, and he was persuaded?

Grey Plume Sect?

Admiral of Immortal Sect?

Sima Pi's heart is chilled, and the weapon in his hand seems to be weak.

"Not bad. "Mo Qiu put away the token, coldly said:

"In Cloud Billow Mansion, there are a group of Harmonious Bond Sect cultivators, do you know? "

"I don't know, I don't know. "Immortal Master Hong hurriedly waved his hand:

"The envoy Mingchao, I was only invited by King Qi to do a few things for him. Even the people of Lei Mansion have never touched him, let alone any Harmonious. Bond Sect cultivator. "

"It's really none of my business! "

Obviously, his cultivation base is Qi Refinement 7-Layer, one level higher than the opponent, but the name of Grey Plume Sect has been terrified for him.

"I don’t know. "Mo Qiu frowned, glanced at the other person:

"Your excellency is sly and cold, with a hint of Blood Fiendish Qi. It shouldn't be Fa-rectification. "


"Follow me first, ask clearly before speaking. "

"You! "Immortal Master Hong stagnated, his eyes throbbed, and he gritted his teeth abruptly:


Before the sound fell, a pitch-black pill popped out of the ebony stick in his palm, toward Mo Qiu Lasing away.

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