half a month later.

The 11th appointment of Lei Family patriarch, the ceremony ended in a solemn scene.

Position of Patriarch, belongs to Lei Junqian.

This is undoubtedly a helpless choice for some people after they compromise with each other.

The ceremony is over.

Grey Plume Sect everyone did not leave, but walked into the side hall in order, moved towards the first person who bowed and saluted.

"I have seen Senior Sister Zhou."


Returning back to Cloud Billow Mansion Zhou Nan is gently nodded, sighed, sitting in the main seat Down.

"Senior Brother Wan, I have already known that he is too arrogant, so he was subjected to this tribulation. You don't need to take seriously."

"sect senior sent me to sit here, Although the words are messy, there is no meaning to condemn them."


Several people felt relieved.

Since the people from Grey Plume Sect came to Cloud Billow Mansion, there has been no stability here.

Expelling the Aristocratic Family, chasing down the evil way of Harmonious Bond Sect, a group of more than ten people, trifling for a few months, only a few left.

Cloud Billow Mansion is also a mess.

No wonder Sect senior is angry.

"You probably don't know." Zhou Nan glanced at everyone, said with a smile:

"There are a few places where we have done better than us, and it is reported that they have been destroyed. Cultivation Aristocratic Family whole family, replace it."

"Even if someone intercepted the cultivator that Jinwusi sent to investigate in the past, the Imperial Court sent a letter to sect."


In comparison, they are indeed honest, after all, they can put the charges on Harmonious Bond Sect.

"As for Lei Family patriarch and both male and female, you have done a good job." As soon as the voice changed, Zhou Nan looked satisfied:

"Maybe because of the Position of Patriarch Abandon the same sect sentiment and join hands to deal with Xiongsha. This is our Grey Plume Sect dísciple style."

"Especially Qin Yu, this time you did good and actively surrendered the Position of Patriarch. , And even help Mo Qiu and the two of them regardless of their predecessors."

"Senior Sister has passed the award." Qin Yu glanced at the two Mo Qiu, his face was dull, and he lowered his head to speak.

"That's it." Waved, Zhou Nan said:

"Junior Brother Mo and Junior Sister Wu stay, I have something to explain, you go down first."


After Qin Yu and the two of them stepped back, Zhou Nan's majesty immediately loosened, and he stretched out his hand to indicate:

"Sit down and say."

"Thanks to Senior Sister."

"Junior Brother Mo, during my absence, thanks to your care." Zhou Nan said:

"Actually, because you are a martial artist and there is no innate talent for seeking immortals, I originally wanted to entrust him to your care."


Mo Qiu frowned subconsciously.

Temporary care is okay. Long-term entrustment will delay the cultivation, which he does not want.

"I understand." Zhou Nan nodded:

"Junior Brother can enter the Tao with martial arts, he must be a person with the aspirations of Immortal Path, but I think it is not good."

"Don't worry, I won't disturb you in the future."

While speaking, the voice is a little alienated.

If Mo Qiu agrees to take care of each other, because Zhou Qiuxian is there between the two, she will also take care of each other.

Since you don’t want to, let's do our own thing!

A good relationship with an inner sect disciple is a lot of benefits, but Mo Qiu doesn't have this idea.

He also understands Zhou Nan's thoughts, but he is dedicated to cultivation and does not want to be dragged down.

The so-called relationship...

For other Outer Sect Disciple, it is very desirable, but for him, it is optional.

Zhou Nan skipped the matter without mentioning it, looking down, and asked curiously:

"I heard that the female god died in your hands?"

"Yes." Mo Qiu nodded:

"I didn't know that she was a female evil, so I killed it casually. It seems that both males and females have false names."

"At least, female Sha's strength is not that great."

"That's it!" Zhou Nan frowned in confusion:

"It is said that the female Sha also has Qi Refinement 9-Layer cultivation base, the means on her body. Both Magical Artifact and Magical Artifact are not weak."


The thought turned, she gently shook her head.

On the day of the fight against Xiongsha, Grey Plume Sect four people played together. According to others, Mo Qiu did not appear unique.

Only Flying Sword seems to be good, the method of swordsman is considered outstanding, and the others are all uneven.

With this kind of strength, killing a Qi Refinement 9-Layer expert casually is definitely impossible.

"Meeting is not as well-known. There are many people with names in the world." Wu Nianrou on the side opened the mouth and said:

"Male and female, when the male is too strong , The female evil has rubbed her husband’s reputation, and her strength is not so good."


Zhou Nan nodded.

This explanation is also appropriate.

Now that he said a few more words, Mo Qiu took the initiative to stand up and leave.

While watching Mo Qiu leave, Zhou Nan looked towards Wu Nianrou in the field, with an increasingly easy-going expression on her face.

"Junior Sister, just over thirty?"


"Not too big." Nodded, Zhou Nan said:

"If you abandon miscellaneous things and focus on cultivation, you may not be able to get a glimpse of the Dao Foundation in the future."

"Senior Sister." Wu Nianrou's face was moved.

"I already know about you." Zhou Nan said with a smile:

"Although many people say that Martial Uncle Li is very ruthless, it is actually a very heavy For those who are affectionate, you can get the recommendation of her benefactor, plus your own cultivation base, there should be no problem with getting started."

"By then, we will be regarded as true same sect apprentice sisters. ."

Although her attitude towards Mo Qiu and the others is kind, it does not mean identity.

Outer Sect Disciple, in the eyes of inner sect disciple, it is better than sect handyman, after all, it is still hard work, not a fellow traveler who pursues the avenue.

"Senior Sister." Wu Nianrou's eyes flashed:

"There is also a need for Senior Sister to agree."

"Of course." Zhou Nan chuckled:

"In some days, I will write a handwritten letter, you take it to Kyoto Road, first find Senior Sister Wang, and then meet Martial Uncle Li."

"Senior Sister Wang speaks, coupled with your preparations, this matter is most likely to happen!"

"Huh..." Wu Nianrou hurriedly got up and bowed to salute:

"many Thanks Senior Sister!"

"If you think that you can enter the inner door and act in the future, you will only see the Senior Sister's head and dare not violate it."

"No need to be like this." Zhou Nan smiled Holding her wrist, she said:

"From now on, it will be the same sect, so you don’t have to see it like this."

"And your age and cultivation base are good, and you will achieve it in the future. Maybe it's better than me. When the time comes, I rely on you."

"Don't dare." Wu Nianrou hurriedly shook her head.

"Hundreds of birds are striving for the flow, going forward and succeeding, who can guess who will come to the end." Zhou Nan said:

"No need to be modest, I and other people of cultivation pursue the great road. There should be an imposing manner of giving up to me!"


"In addition, if it is not necessary, don't have too much contact with Outer Sect Disciple."

"en?" Wu Nianrou was taken aback.

"You should know." Zhou Nan sighed and explained:

"If you want Foundation Establishment, sixty years old is the limit. At least ten layers of Qi Refinement are required to try Opportunity for breakthrough."

"But in fact, if only Qi Refinement has ten layers, breakthrough is basically impossible, and sect will not give a Qi Refinement ten-layer dísciple Foundation Establishment Pill. Hope is even slimmer."

"I wait for inner sect disciple, no need to deal with errands, but cultivation, just for that glimmer of hope."

"If I waste time on trivial matters, in the future, at worst will be a sect deacon. , No longer destined for the avenue."

"Yes." Wu Nianrou was slowly nodded, looking thoughtful.

"Inner door, outer sect, as different as heaven and earth." Zhou Nan got up and walked with his hands:

"Such as Junior Brother Qin, Junior Brother Weng, getting older, has no hope of cultivation, so I had to rack my brains to cling to relationships and think for the sake of future generations."

"Junior Brother Mo......"

" In his body, he has today’s achievements, which is considered admirable, but he is now nearly forty, just now Qi Refinement 7-Layer, even if he is determined, it will be difficult for him to achieve anything in the future."

" Yes." Wu Nianrou's face was solemn.

"So, Junior Sister, don't take it lightly." Zhou Nan turned around and said with earnest heart:

"Since you have entered the inner door, please feel at ease cultivation."

"In addition, although I waited to come to this mundane place, Spiritual Qi is sparse, but it is actually an opportunity."

"Opportunity?" Wu Nianrou looked puzzled.

"This matter, you will know it when you enter the inner gate." Zhou Nan said with a smile:

"You just need to hurry, if this trip is really planned Being able to succeed is an opportunity for you and me."


Wu Nianrou should be once again.


The foot of the mountain.

The two looked up, but they saw that the mountain was upright and towering into the clouds, without seeing its top, like a Heavenly God sword.

"Brother Qi."

Ding Xie, wearing a Pican and a long knife at his waist, said muffledly:

"The Immortal Master you said , Right on it?"

"en." Qi Jia nodded, took out the rope and chisel from his body, and started to tie it up:

"Brother Ding, there is no mountain road here , Some places are even more precarious, you'd better prepare."

"No." Ding Xie squinted and shook his head:

"Brother Qi leads the way, If this happens, Ding will never forget Qi brother's help."

"Don't!" Qi Jia face changed:

"I just brought you here for Immortal Master Take a look at the medicine ingredient. Other things have nothing to do with me."

"He..." Ding Xie chuckled:

"Brother Qi is still so cautious."

"Let's go then!"

Here, Qi Jia has also finished his busy schedule, shaking his hand, the rope flew high around the hook.


The iron hook is in the middle of the rock gap. He stretched out his hand and took advantage of his strength to vacate, moving towards the top of the mountain.

Ding Xie followed behind, with his hands and feet close to the mountain, like a nimble gecko, walking upstream.

This mountain is about several hundred zhang high, and there are many places with steep mountains.

Even with Dingxie’s acquired Perfection’s cultivation base, he had to stop in many places, and then continued to move slowly.


I don't know when.

An eagle appeared in the sky. The eagle pierced through the clouds and mist, circled the mountain instead of, looking towards the two from time to time.

"Flat-haired beast, what do you look at?"

Dingxie gasping for breath, inevitably upset, he looked up and couldn't help but roar a few times.

"Brother Ding, be careful." The complexion of Qi Jia on the side greatly changed, and said anxiously:

"This condor is an immortal bird kept in captivity by Immortal Master. Don't be insulted. ."

"Oh!" Ding Xie was hearing this, with a solemn expression, and immediately approached the mountain, cautiously avoiding the eagle's sight.


The babble reappeared, and the eagle immediately sank into the clouds.

The two relaxed and climbed again.

A few hours later.


"pu pass!"

The two struggled to climb a stone platform and panted desperately before returning to Divine Dynasty for a long time. Look.

In this location close to the top of the mountain, the rock is recessed, forming a natural cave.

I don't know when, this cave has been decorated with the skill of others, and it has become a beautiful house.

Before the house, a man and a woman were playing.

The woman is dressed in a gorgeous palace costume, with colorful clothes on the rocks, her face is gentle, and her temperament is soft.

The man has white hair on his temples, his eyes are vicissitudes of life, and his face is unremarkable.

In the mountains above the clouds, there are such two people who remain unmoved in the cold wind.


Ding Xie's heart trembled slightly.

"Immortal Master!"

Qi Jia has now come back to his senses, straightened his clothes, took two steps forward, and fell to his knees.

"Get up." Mo Qiu waved his hand, an invisible force held him up:

"What's the matter?"

Zhou Nan on the side, also It seems with great interest.

The huge Cloud Billow Mansion, if it is said that the real secluded place, there is only this fairy cloud cave mansion of Mo Qiu.

In her free time, she also came to appreciate the scenery and talk about the Taoism. In two years, it was the first time she saw someone visiting on mountain.

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