"In ancient times, there was the great cultivator of Danger Land Heavenspan, which divided the world's laws into four categories."

"Spells, secret technique, and forbidden Method, divine ability."

Here is a quiet courtyard, with more than ten cultivators sitting or standing in a corner.

Some sit alone, and some sit in groups, looking towards a white-haired old man in the middle.

The old man strokes his beard lightly and talks freely:

"Returning the wind to the fire, moving clouds and raining, this is spell."

"refining fiend into astral, travel through Five Elements, and observe the secret of yin and yang. This is a secret technique."

"To perform the method with rune incantation, to capture impermanence, so-called forbidden method, this is called forbidden method."

"The bloodline is born by itself, supported by Divine Soul, and formed by Innate. It is infinitely profound mystery, which is called divine ability."

The sleeves waved, and continued:

"Although there is no superiority in all dharma, if you cultivate to Peak, you have the ability to catch the stars and the moon, Heaven and Earth Reversal, but in most cases, it is still the divine ability. Stronger than forbidden method, forbidden method is stronger than secret technique, and so on."

"Old Man Guo!" At this time, someone below shouted:

"Said that many, Do you want to sell the fragment of "Supreme Yin Forbidden Art" you are holding again?"

"Come on!"

"For so many years, I don't know how many people from you I bought a cheat book, how many people have completed it?"

"Can't say that, can't say that." The old man hearing this, complexion greatly changed, waved his hand in a hurry:

"This fragment of the old man's hand is indeed from the former Supreme Yin Sect, it is a mysterious and other banned method."

"mysterious?" Someone laughed:

"The whole book is mysterious, right? What you have in hand, if you say it is a fragment, it is considered to be praised."

"Fellow Daoists." Someone wondered:

"What is it? Mysterious forbidden method?"

"This question is a good question!" The old man's eyes lit up, ignoring the few people who demolished his platform, opened the mouth and said:

"Fa has There are four types, and there are several levels."

"In general, there are four levels of truth, magic, mysterious, and Supreme."

"And Supreme method, Only heard from No one has actually seen it. "

"You haven't seen it before! "There are still people making noise in the audience.

The old man ignored him and said:

"So, you should know how rare the mysterious level of prohibition is. "

"Even fragments are rare! "



Seeing him revealing his true intentions, many people in the courtyard immediately chuckled and laughed, seemingly quite I am not ashamed.

Others don’t know that this Old Man Guo deceived many people by relying on the fragmented score on hand.

In the early years, some people If you don’t know it, if you buy it for a big price, you can only suffer a dumb loss.

Later, more and more people learned about his routine, and gradually, it became a joke.

Even the price of broken books has repeatedly dropped.

But even so, it can’t change Old Man Guo’s practice of relying on a broken book for a lifetime.

" cough cough! "

Sure enough.

After a few dry coughs, Old Man Guo trembled and took out a broken cheat book from his arms, saying:

"Me too Let’s not hide it from you, the old man’s "Supreme Yin Forbidden Art" is just a broken score. "

"But it can be guaranteed that it is the secret forbidden method of Supreme Yin Sect, once only Dao Foundation immortal cultivator was qualified to watch it. "

"Nowadays, it does not sell a thousand Spirit Stones or a hundred Spirit Stones. It only needs ten Spirit Stones, and it is yours! "

"Ten Spirit Stones! "

Old Man Guo held up the broken score in his hand, full of red light, loudly said:

"Think about it, there are ten things that Golden Core Grandmaster can’t see on the spot. You got the Spirit Stone! "

"If you miss these things, you won't have them again! "

"Have you moved your heart?" "

"So what are you waiting for, as long as ten Spirit Stones, you can get a mysterious-level ban!" "

His voice was passionate, his expression excited, but how...

Everyone in the courtyard looked at him with a monkey expression, and no one spoke.


Old Man Guo took back the broken music in a somewhat silly manner, and said in embarrassment:

"If it is too expensive, the price... is not impossible to talk about. "

"Come on! "Someone curled his lips:

"Old Man Guo, if there is nothing else on your body, hurry down, there are still people waiting. "

"Yeah, yeah! "

"Hurry down! "

"Everyone, everybody. "Old Man Guo looked anxious:

"My thing is really mysterious..."

"Two Spirit Stones, please give them to me. "Suddenly, a voice sounded, accompanied by two Spirit Stones thrown at the same time:

"Hurry up! "

"Two? "Old Man Guo pursed his lips, seeing that everyone looked bad, he hurriedly picked up the Spirit Stone:

"Say it first, although the cultivation technique is given to you, it can't be spread! "

" Got it. "

Mo Qiu responded casually, took the broken score with one hand, and simply flipped through it, and then put it in the storage bag. It seemed that he was only curious for a while and was not interested in it.

The transaction continues.

Everyone takes turns on stage, takes out what they have in hand, and exchanges what they want.

This is outside the market, some cultivator privately The trade fair.

Although there are no good things in most cases, rare things occasionally appear.

Just like.

cultivation technique !


"Unexpectedly, I actually found something useful. "

In the room.

Mo Qiu closes the book in his hand, looking thoughtful on his face.

Old Man Guo's "Supreme Yin Forbidden Art", can’t say It's a broken copy, it should be considered a low-quality mess.

The description is messy and has no clue. If you practice rashly, not dying is considered luck.

However, with the help of Sea of ​​Consciousness, the enlightenment of the stars , It’s not that you can’t find useful things.

Just like...

talisman seed!

Forbidden method, similar to Formation, it needs to be cast Before, a talisman seed was cultivated in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Use this talisman to motivate Power of Heaven and Earth to perform spell.

According to different talisman and spell, communication The breath is different, and the forbidden formidable power also have nothing common with each other.

This talisman seed is the genus of Yin and Fire.

Next, just find another one. The spell belonging to Yin Fire can blend with each other.

Although it is definitely not comparable to the Supreme Yin Forbidden Art of the complete volume, it is also a kind of forbidden law.

Yin Fire spell?

"Fellow Daoist Mo is available? "

Outside the courtyard, there was a call.

Mo Qiu walked out of the house and saw that the three of them had already packed their parcels and were ready to go.

" Why are you leaving? "

"Yes. "Single no return nodded:

"Although there are still a few days before the end of the market, but if we stay longer, it is estimated that there will be no gain. "


He looked around, lowered his voice and said:

"The old man always feels that someone has been staring secretly these days. For us, it would be better to leave early. "

"en. "Mo Qiu nodded:

" "

"That..." Shan Bugui finished his farewell words, but did not move away. Instead, he stared at Mo Qiu eagerly:

"Fellow Daoist, my discipline The innate talent is not bad, I wonder if it is possible to join Grey Plume Sect? "

"She. "Mo Qiu bowed his head and looked towards the little girl Ji Xue.

The other party also opened his eyes wide and looked worried.

"The innate talent is acceptable, not too old. , May not fail. "Mo Qiu thought to turn, and took out something from the storage bag:

"You take this thing and go to Cangshan Town near Towering Clouds Mountain Range, where every few years, my dísciple will be there to wave. dísciple. "

"You can try it. "

"many thanks Fellow Daoist! "

"many thanks Senior Mo! "

The two hurriedly thanked them, and they made Young Master Bao a little envious, but they were helpless.

His parents were not Grey Plume Sect dísciple, and his age cultivation base did not meet the requirements. , You can’t enter the door.

"You don’t need to thank you, you just introduce the past. It's still a matter of success or failure. "Mo Qiu waved his hand:

"In recent years, I have worked hard to increase the cultivation base. There should be hope. "

"Yes! "

"Junior must be careful to cultivation. "

Several people promised again and again, and then they waved their hands reluctantly, watching no one on the left and right, and quietly leaving the city.

Watching the three leave, Mo Qiu was about to go back to the house, but was caught by another person.

Stop it.

"You want to go too? "

"Yes! "Lei Junqian sighed softly, and the tape sighed with emotion:

"I have made an appointment with a few of my colleagues. If I leave today, I will not be able to continue walking with Brother Mo. "

"Farewell this time, I don't know how long it will take to see each other!" "

"en." The two had different directions, and couldn't force it. Mo Qiu turned to ask:

"Can Brother Lei gain something?" "

"Yes! "

Lei Junqian's eyes lit up, and he said:

"Lord Dao, what I started this time seems to be related to my Lei Family. "

Speaking, take out two things.

One purple electric hammer, one angry thunder knife.

The purple electric hammer comes from the second room of Lei Family, angry Thunder Knife is the property of Lei Junqian father, which was later acquired by Harmonious Bond Sect demonic girl.

That means...

These two things are Mo Qiu. Ri just shot it.

"Brother Mo, this angry thunder knife is from my father's life, and I didn't expect it to be touched by me this time. "

"That person only thought it was an ordinary middle grade Magical Artifact, but didn't know how powerful this treasure is in the hands of my Lei Family, the formidable power! "

"And this purple electric hammer..."

Lei Junqian said that he was very excited, and this trip was not in vain.

Mo Qiu listened, but he was a little embarrassed.

Only sometimes nodded to agree, until the other party is happy to leave.


"Li! "

In the sky, a goshawk wanders high in the sky, screaming from time to time.

In the town.

Mo Qiu puts away the things in his hands and raises his head He glanced at the sky and headed toward the outside of the town with his hands.

A few days passed, he should also leave.

For a few days, he did not find a suitable high grade. Magical Artifact, or in other words, almost no high grade Magical Artifact appeared in immortal market. These things are really rare.

It is spell, and I have gained.

Thunderlake Yin Fire Sword!

A spell whose origin is untestable, but the formidable power is not weak.

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