It's too late to say, it's fast then.

From hands-on to the end, just a few breaths of effort.

Unexpected occurrences.

Ma Laojiu, who was originally awe-inspiring, had separated his body, and Mo Qiu, who had been quiet, but violently murdered.

With a big hand stretched forward, ignoring many interceptions, he easily took off the head of an Immortal Cultivator. From the beginning to the end, his complexion remained unchanged, and he was always flat.

It seems to have done something as it should be by rights.


The head with round eyes and an unbelievable face rolled to the ground.

Xiang Liang's heart trembled, looking at the head under his feet, there were mixed feelings in his heart for a while.

Ma Laojiu is undoubtedly a villain.

But he treats Xiang Liang sincerely and sincerely, as a confidant's successor to cultivate.

He died, so he...

A cold murderous intention made Xiang Liang shiver, and all the thoughts in his mind dissipated.

"Senior, be forgiving!"

His knees were soft, and his head was anxiously bowed:

"Junior was also coerced by others, so he had to follow this evil way. , It is not willing."

"Really." Mo Qiu lowered his head, his eyes flashing with Spiritual God.

Under the shining of Spiritual Dharma Eye, the slightest change in Xiang Liang's thoughts takes in the entire scene.

The breath on the body is also clear.

With a pure temperament, he is a first-class seedling of monasticism, comparable to many geniuses on immortal island.

It's a pity that I am a little older.

As for evil...

There are indeed few.

"Xian...Immortal Master." Until then, Wu Zhuo came back to his senses and said tremblingly:

"This little...Immortal Master, I really helped to say a lot of good things just now. I think it’s not a villain."

"en. "Mo Qiu nodded, with one hand stretched out, a cloth bag hanging from Xiang Liang’s waist fell into his palm:


"Yuantai hidden spiritual bag?"

"Yes, it is Yuantai hidden spiritual bag." Xiang Liang anxiously nodded:

"According to Ma Laojiu , This bag can contain flesh and blood, breed baleful aura, and can also drive baleful aura to kill the enemy."

"I...I only used him to pretend to be wild beast, dead body, never pretended to be alive. ."


"Senior, Junior doesn't want this kind of harm. Please also senior to cast a spell to destroy it."

hearing This, the Wu Family, who was looking at the cloth bag with curiosity, all looked back in panic and subconsciously.

"You are smart." Mo Qiu glanced at him, flipped his hand, and a hot Thunder Fire emerged.


As soon as the flames are released, the cloth bag in the hands is also gone.

This kind of Magical Artifact is the signboard of Nine Demons Hall dísciple. Outer Sect Disciple is almost a human hand, which can devour the flesh and blood of living people and can also kill the enemy.

Ordinary mortals are absolutely hard to resist.

"Wu Zhuo."

"Ah..." Wu Zhuo was taken aback, then responded:

"The villain is here."

"Clean up." Mo Qiu faced his thoughts, and said:

"Take everyone with Wu Family bloodline, especially Wu Liancheng, and go out of the city to mine..."

"Forget it, you go find Qi Jia first."


He reached out and pointed at Liang:

"Follow them. "


"The villain obeys."

The two hurriedly responded.

Before the sound fell, there was a breeze in the field, a cloud of smoke appeared, and Mo Qiu had disappeared.

He planned to arrange for Wu Family to go to his residence temporarily, but he noticed something changed in the distance.

Therefore, they changed their words temporarily and asked them to find Qi Jia.

From Ma Laojiu's words, I can hear that the bloodline of the Wu Family seems to be related to something.

This is what Grey Plume Sect arranged for him to come here.


"crash-bang ……"

The big bloody hand is ready to show off, like a curtain and red clouds, covering several acres of size.

Press down, the rocks shattered, the trees withered, and the living creatures inside disappeared.

"Two small insects, you can't escape."

In the blood cloud, a cold icy voice faintly sounded, fell into the ears, and attacked Divine Soul.


The two silhouettes trembled softly when they heard the sound, and could not help but step one stopped, and they were immediately covered by red clouds in the sky.

"hong long long......"

The rocks fell and everything withered.

In this chaos, there was a stream of light that enveloped the two of them, sneaking away from the ground.

"Coming again?"

The voice from high in the sky seemed to be a little angry.

The big hand then rolled in the air, turning into a blood-red long arrow, piercing straight in and out.

There, somewhere on the ground suddenly trembled, and two people stumbling under their feet emerged.

"Xue'er, you go!"

Shan Bugui looked back at the bloody long arrow that was chasing him, his face turned pale.

At the moment, loudly roared, took a Zhang Lingzhu and attached it to Ji Xue, and pushed her forward.



Ji Xue wailed, but her body was involuntarily wrapped in aura and moved towards a distant place.

Leaving the order alone without returning to one person, staying in place, and roaring up to the sky:

"old ghost!"

"Really, the several decades of Shan XX are in vain If it fails, old fogey is not easy to provoke!"

Amidst the roar, he stretched out his big hands, and dozens of talisman papers appeared on top of his head in sequence.

"Through the sky, the spirit of the earth, get up!"

The sound fell, and the sky magical symbols flickered crazily.

"hong long long..."

In this brief moment, the surrounding void seemed to be squeezed by the invisible giant strength, and the sky suddenly became dull and roared.

Even the terrifying bloody long arrow was compressed slowly, and the surface showed a crack visible one after another naked eye.


The cold voice is slightly surprised.

Then the blood light stretched in the air, like a giant beast trapped in a bamboo cage, stretched the bones and muscles, and infinite giant strength emerged, rushing to the cage that bound him.


The air trembled.


Single no return to a mouthful of blood, and before he could make other reactions in the future, he was swallowed by the oncoming blood light.

"The rune is good, but the cultivation base is too low!"

In the blood light, the voice commented coldly, and then the blood cloud hovered, and went straight up high again, speed Still amazing.


The blood-colored river dumped from above like Nine Heavens, and the infinite might suppressed the silhouette below.

For him, even if he escapes from several li, it will only take a little longer.

The thought of killing is already born.

If he broke the two people who devoured the blood, no one would want to escape!

Ji Xue, who had just emerged from the ground, showed horror, wailed, and Yujian slashed against the trend.


The sword light screamed, and then it flourished.


Even though she tried her best, desperately squeezed her own potential, and cut out a sword light that she had done before.

Before the mighty blood light, it was only slightly paused and it was completely submerged.

The blood light rolls back, and is about to fly back in the direction it came, suddenly stagnating in the air.


A big scarlet face slowly emerged in the blood light, moved towards the top of a mountain in the distance, look at:

" Do you want to stop me?"

"It turned out to be the Blood Fiend Sect expert." On the blue stone on the mountain top, Mo Qiu's long gown is flying, arching hands far away:

"Grey Plume Sect Outer Sect Disciple Mo Qiu, I have seen it here."

"hehe......" A bloody face sneered:

"Since you know I am from Blood Fiend Sect, you should know, trifling Grey Plume Sect can't scare me."

Blood Fiend Sect, but the current Peak fairy dao sect.

It is the existence that is competing with True Immortal Path and Shangqingzong. It will never see Grey Plume Sect in the eyes, even more how is a trifling Outer Sect Disciple.

"Don't dare." Mo Qiu retracted his hands and spoke calmly:

"It's just that the two people who were just taken over by Fellow Daoist have something to do with this Mo. leave a way out, spare their lives?"

"Do you want to plead with them?" The bloody face squirmed, and two silhouettes wrapped in blood light emerged from it:

"Boy, the reason why you have been stable around here for so many years is because I was disinclined to pay attention to."

"You should be content!"

Soundwave Vibrating back and forth at high altitude, stirring up gusts of wind, also made Mo Qiu squint his eyes.


He was lightly sighed:

"If your body is here, this Mo may also be a strategic withdrawal, now only a trifling A distraction entrusted with Magical Artifact, do you really think it can bluff me?"

"en. ”

The bloody face was stagnant, and he couldn't help showing a solemn face:

"Good eyesight!"

"For a long time, I have heard that the Great Immortal sects have a method of parasitic possession of the body. Only Divine Soul is strong enough." Mo Qiu said:

"Although there are many restrictions, it also gives many people who are hopeless in this life Foundation Establishment a chance."

"See you today, it's really true!"

"Not bad." The bloody face changed and said:

"This Gong asks himself that the innate talent is extraordinary, and he also wants to say, but he entered the Immortal Path a few years later than others."

"Even Qi Refinement Perfection, I miss the cycle limit."


"How to be willing!"

Bloodface roared:

"Boy, don't mess with me, give it to me quickly..."


The sword sounded softly.

And a touch of sword light has already penetrated the void, pierced through the land of Li Xu, and slashed into the cloud of blood.

Time seems to freeze here.


The sword stopped and time resumed its flow.

The blood cloud floating in the sky stagnated and then began to collapse.

The blood light in the sky melts like snow, and the pieces are scattered, finally revealing a scarlet dagger.


Yin Wind Shadowless Sword reversed and brought back the unconscious two of them.

"There is so much nonsense." Mo Qiu waved his sleeves with a sneer:

"Really, when others like to listen to your talk and express your thoughts, if you don’t see the real body for a while Where, this Mo has already been slashed with a single sword."

"" The cold voice was full of grief and indignation, as if there was endless irritation, could not help but roar:


"you are courting death!"

Amid the roar, Blood Sword trembled in the air, blood shadows appeared, and the pool rushed forward.

Mo Qiu squinted, his body subconsciously taut.

This is the first time that Qi Refinement Perfection expert has met him head-on, and he can feel the unprecedented pressure.


This time is just a distraction, even if the ambassador is using high grade Magical Artifact, he doesn't need to be afraid.

Raising his hand, a thought moves.


Nine Fire Dragons roared out, moving towards the incoming Flying Sword and bumped into it.

The extreme flame, rich in Thunder Fire, like a viscous liquid, collided.

"hong long long......"

High in the sky, blood light and flames burst out, shining on a sky.


The underground of Mu Mansion.

"Damn it!"

The black clothed person opened his eyes sharply:

"Dare to destroy the distraction that I have worked so hard for, I want you Life!"

In the roar, he turned into a blood light, rushing out of the ground, and was about to flee into the distance.

Just then.

blood light When the air was stagnant, he took out an object from his waist, punched his eyes, and showed a look of uncertainty in his eyes.

"Blood Dragon Son Zhao Wuya."

"What is he doing?"

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