blade glow Jingtian!

The blood-colored blade glow makes one's heart tremble, Mo Qiu involuntarily tightens his body, and the Nine Fires Divine Dragon Shield spontaneously rises and wraps itself.

He has seen this blood-colored blade glow.

Although what I saw was not performed by the original owner himself, it was also terrifying.

Even the Grey Plume Sect inner door Peak expert can't stop it.

Nine Demons Hall true inheritance, Zhao Wuya, the blood dragon.

He was also here, and he was entangled with Old Devil Gong, and set up an ambush, secretly sneak attack.

"So courageous!"

As Law Guarding Office Gold Constable, Ouyang Ping is also an expert of Qi Refinement Perfection, and she also has high grade Magical Artifact.

Although the potential is insufficient, but the accumulation is deep, in terms of strength, it is not much worse than the core dísciple of sect.

He was suddenly attacked and killed, but he was still in danger, loudly shouted, and a gem appeared on the center of his eyebrows.

rare treasure-Yuan Shu Danzhu!

The orb blooms with red rays of light, shining on one side, and the incoming blood red blade glow is also stagnant.

At the same time, a yingying treasure ruler emerged, ignoring the space distance and smashing at the incoming person.

high grade Magical Artifact-Sanyang ruler.

“hmph! ”

Disdain for the coldly snorted sound, Ouyang Ping's heart beats, inwardly shouted bad, and he violently retreats back as soon as he shakes his body.


The blade glow flashed away.

The high grade Magical Artifact Primordial Yang ruler was divided into two by it, and the rays of light also cracked quietly.

"pa ta ......"

Two broken legs swallowed by blood fell from a high altitude, and Ouyang Ping mournful scream came from above.

Just one blow, Law Guarding Office can be counted on one's fingers, the gold medal Constable, almost died on the spot.

"Brother Ouyang Dao!"

Lin Luhua saw the complexion greatly changed, and as soon as the dazzling sword was wrapped, he moved towards that side and flew over.


A blood cloud emerged from the bottom of the ground. Gong Ye hid in the middle of the wall, sneered again and again:

"Your opponent is Me."

While speaking, the blood cloud spreads all over and its power is full, and Lin Luhua has to stop.


And he is an expert whose strength is no less than his own.

"Dare to offend Wei Dynasty Law Guarding Office and Grey Plume Sect at the same time. You are courting death." He gritted his teeth and glared at people:

"I persuade you You obediently surrender......"

"That many nonsense!"

Gong Ye seems to have learned the lesson before, hearing this roar, the magic power inside the body, the blood cloud pounces Coming here, without any muddle-headedness:

"Take it!"

"Courting death!"

Lin Luhua glared at him, and the light sword revolved Cut out.

His cultivation base is only Qi Refinement 11 layers, which is not perfect yet, but it is not as famous as Ouyang Ping.

The reason lies in the dazzling light sword.

The same high grade Magical Artifact, the Sanyang Ruler was broken by a single blow, but the dazzling sword is undoubtedly the top grade.

The sword came out, and the sky filled the sky.

The blood cloud quickly dissipated under the halo.

A scarlet dagger came out of it, like a slippery loach, suddenly plunged into the glare.

"ding ding dong dong..."


Suddenly, the collision sound kept.

Gong Ye smiled again and again, and evil methods were used from time to time. Although it did not occupy the upper part, it was arrogant and arrogant.

And Lin Luhua is already gloomy.

He can still insist.

However, Ouyang Ping is obviously no longer supported there, and it may be killed at any time.

even more how ……


There is a Formation here, and it has been fully developed, and it prevents everyone from retreating.



The spirit light surged and expanded suddenly.

Mo Qiu was originally in a safe zone, but was also wrapped in it, feeling the sudden change in World Aura.

He stepped on the ground without moving.

The retreat at this time may be forward under unknown circumstances, but it will sink deeper and deeper.

Blinding and distorting perception are the most basic functions of Formation.

Only by watching its changes, is Dharma-rectification.

As far as I can see, countless strands of dark red blood light emerge from the ground, filling the entire Mu Mansion.

In blood light, there is a terrifying power to swallow blood.

Just a moment.

Anyone who is contaminated with blood light screams in terror, watching their body melt at a speed visible with naked eye.




In a flash, screams and wailing sounds , The roar spread throughout the courtyard.

I don't know how many people in the martial arts come from all directions. They are flooded by blood light, and they turn into bones in the blink of an eye.

Only those who have cultivated acquired True Qi can resist a little bit, but they just insist on a few more breaths.

More people are fleeing frantically, but it is difficult to distinguish the direction. They dodge like a headless fly, and are finally wrapped in blood light, and fall to the ground with a cry of unwillingness.

The more the flesh and blood of the living being swallowed, the more intense the blood light in the field, gradually covering the eyes.

Mo Qiu's complexion remained unchanged and stood firmly on the spot.

Only one pair of eyes shone with faint aura.

Spiritual Dharma Eye!

This is a cultivation technique between spell and divine ability. It has the ability to break through all kinds of magic.

Although he can perceive everything, but his cultivation base is still shallow, he is a beginner, and he can't exert much effect.

Fortunately, in this cultivation technique, there is also an emergency method.

The magic power travels quickly in the body according to certain rules, and finally gathers at the eyebrows, center of the eye and the orifice, and urges it to explode.

"Heaven and Earth Promise, Dharma Eye, Open!"

Shouted in a low voice, Mo Qiu's eyes were sharp and sharp, and they also reflected all around scenery.

It seems to lift a layer of miasma, showing the truth.

This is a Formation that is more complex than the Five Elements inverted array, and has the function of devouring spiritual Qi blood.


Obviously, this Formation is not controlled by anyone, it just runs spontaneously.


The person who controls the Formation has a low cultivation base and can't fully utilize the formidable power of this Formation.

The thoughts turned, Yin Wind Shadowless Sword had already come out suddenly, and plunged into the void ahead.


The sword groaned softly.

Obviously there is nothing in front of me, but Flying Sword plunges into a hard rock, it is extremely difficult to move forward a little.

An unremarkable crack also appeared in front of him.

Under the continuous force of Flying Sword, the cracks slowly expanded, gradually allowing one person to pass through.


I was about to leave, and suddenly there was a cry of surprise behind me.

But in the blood light, Wu Liancheng and Yu Fengrong desperately urged body protection True Qi, rushing wildly.

However, depending on the situation, they have reached their limit. I am afraid that after three or five breaths, they will be overwhelmed by blood light.

Mo Qiu paused at his feet, then waved his long sleeves, and a flame turned into a long whip to entangle the two of them.

The wrists were hard, and the three of them flashed one by one, rushing out several tens of meters.

saw a flash, already appeared outside Mu's house.

"senior." Wu Liancheng was ecstatic, and said anxiously:

"Mu Family colluded with the evil cultivator, you..."

"I know Mo Qiu waved his hand, frowning and moved towards the courtyard shrouded in front of blood light.


After a melodious and weird knife sound, a familiar breath suddenly disappeared.

Law Guarding Office Gold Constable Ouyang Ping, dead!

After beheading Ouyang Ping, Zhao Wuya’s blood light turned off in the air, moved towards Lin Luhua, and started a siege with Gong Ye.

On the other hand, Che Zhidao and Zhou Family brothers also met their opponents and did not break free from Formation.

Depending on the situation, it is also at a disadvantage.

Mo Qiu's face sank:



The forest shook in front, and one person blocked the way:

"Can you walk?"

Here is a triangular eyes, aquiline nose, Qi Refinement ten-layer cultivation base, and a dark cloak.

This is cloak's shaking in the wind, a puff of black smoke surging under him, holding him off the ground.

The mighty power is also terrifying.

At least Wu Liancheng and both of them are pale, subconsciously taking two steps backwards.

"Qi Refinement 8-Layer, it turned out to be just a little fellow, but I don’t know what you can do to let Old Devil Gong tell me."

while speaking, he stretched out his five fingers , Three blood flame forks flew up and stabbed at the three of them separately.

Blood Flame Fork is Nine Demons Hall dísciple, which is commonly used as Magical Artifact. It can destroy the spirituality of others' Magical Artifact with ghost and blood refinement, which is extremely insidious.



A ball of flame appeared in front of him.

At first, the flame was not palm-size, but in the next moment, it rose in the wind and turned into a roaring Fire Dragon in a moment.

Within a radius of ten zhang or so, flames soar into the sky.


Fire Dragon roars, Heavenly Jade Spirit Fire, Thunder Fire, Yin Fire are intertwined, turning into a lifelike dragon shape.

Fire-like rigid yang is the most avoiding yin and pollution.


The three blood flame forks touched one of them, and the aura trembling instantly, exploding on the spot.

The Magical Artifact that had been refined by one's heart and soul was destroyed, and the person who came was stagnant in blood and energy. Before he could react, he was drowned in flames.

In the blink of an eye, skeleton doesn't exist.


Mo Qiu waved his big hand to disperse the flames, aura curled up the two behind him, and swiftly flew forward.

The tenth floor of Qi Refinement is nothing to him.

It is the two behind, even if one-on-one, he doesn't have much chance of winning, especially the blood dragon son Zhao Wuya, who is not an opponent.

Just then.

"hong long long......"

Behind him, there was a loud noise of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, and horrible fluctuations in the Mu Mansion, which also made Mo Qiu was surprised.

These powers...

Heaven and Earth will change their colors, and the Formation will fall apart almost instantly, which is definitely not a method for qi cultivator.

Lin Luhua!

The thought turned, he couldn't help showing a little hope on his face.

next moment.

"Good talisman, at that time your Master gave you a life-saving method, right?" Zhao Wuya sneered in the air, pointed a long knife, and Person and Blade Unity turned into a touch of blood light and slashed down again. Coming:

"Unfortunately, only one blow is needed."


"Zhao did not have such methods? "

The sound fell, a group of blood light burst out in the air, like a chain reaction, one group after another appeared.

In an instant.

The courtyard of the Damu Mansion is all wrapped in blood light, and the living creatures in it are probably not spared.

As for the Che Zhidao and Zhou Family brothers, they couldn't get rid of them either. Their breath died instantly, like a candle in the wind, and the next moment might go out.

"Let's go!"

With a light sigh, the cloud seal casts a spell, a faintly discernable blue smoke wrapped Mo Qiu and the three of them, and fled away.

Not long.

Not long ago, Mu Mansion, which was still lively and extraordinary, was dead silent.

Zhao Wuya touched the wound on his chest, coldly smiled, and looked towards the dazzling sword in his palm, showing satisfaction on his face.

Although he was injured, he also prevented his opponent from self-destruct Magical Artifact, and started with a good high grade Magical Artifact, which could at least exchange three to five thousand Spirit Stones.

"Eldest Senior Brother."

At this time, one person leaned forward and whispered:

"Junior Brother Li is dead, Old Devil Gong is going I'm chasing that person."

"Oh!" Zhao Wuya raised his eyebrows slightly:


Shook the head for a little thought now:

"Leave him alone, clean up, we are going to leave."


Nodded, he asked cautiously:


"Eldest Senior Brother, we are working on Law Guarding Office and Grey Plume Sect, will the next days...not easy?"

"Don't worry." Hearing this, Zhao Wuya stretched his bones and sneered:

"Not good, it should be them."

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