"Master...Senior Brother."

Chu Yao's face turned pale, and she muttered:

"We didn't see anything ."

"I didn't see it." Mo Qiu shook his head, his expression indifferent, completely devoid of the gentle and easy-going not long ago.

Just a sigh:

"Junior Sister, you shouldn't be back."


Huang Min Suddenly he drank low, his body turned sharply, and Qixia satin instantly wrapped the two of them and flew backwards. The speed was so fast that a wave was pulled out on the ground lava.

At the same time, a faint sword light slashed Mo Qiu straight back to prevent the opponent from chasing after him.

She also has the Qi Refinement 9-Layer cultivation base. Although she is not good at killing, she is not weak.

Especially those who have a quick wit and rush into trouble under the urgency, also make people not dare to underestimate it.

If it hadn’t been for the power that Mo Qiu revealed just now was too amazing, she knew she was invincible after seeing it, and she was not even afraid to fight.



Yin Wind Shadowless Sword starts at any moment, picks the sword light, and immediately cuts off the incoming Flying Sword. go out.

At the same time.

The lava under the two women suddenly burst into waves, one after another dark sword light suddenly burst.

Forbidden law-Thunderlake Yin Fire Sword!

In an instant.

Thousands of ways contain Yin Fire and the sword light of Thunder Power, which instantly submerged the two girls.

It also brings out a huge amount of roaring lava.


The violent lava is like a wave, rushing to a height of 100 meters, and then fiercely shot down.

The rumbling sound spreads over several dozen li, the rocks are broken, and the splashing lava bounces back and forth like dancing elves.

The silhouette inside is even more swayed by sword light and lava.


Huang Min groaned, with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and he felt pain everywhere all over his body.

If magic power is not supported, Qixia Satin’s defense will show a weak spot, swarmed by the endless sword light, and there is nothing else in the perception.

It's over!

She felt cold, and closed her eyes subconsciously, unable to bear to see her horrible death.

next moment, the two women only felt light, and the magic power inside their bodies was controlled. They were wrapped in sword light and flew out of the lava.

Falling in front of Mo Qiu again, Huang Min is already desperate.

Although they are both Qi Refinement 9-Layer, the difference in strength between the two is so desperate, let alone being an enemy, even fleeing is an extravagant desire.

At the moment the lovable body softened and fell on its knees:

"Senior Brother, be spare."

"Senior Brother."

Chu Yao was also full of horror, her lovable body trembled lightly, and her big eyes almost burst into tears:

"We won't tell others."

"Yes." Huang Min Jiji nodded:

"We also heard that Liu Lei is the first to kill Senior Brother, and Senior Brother deals with a man as he deals with you."

"Just …Even if sect finds out, it is understandable."

Mo Qiu's face was indifferent, hearing this silently, glanced at the two girls, and felt a little troubled in his heart.

The lives in his hands are unknown. In a short time, I am afraid that they will not be counted, but he is definitely not a murderer.

Especially Chu Yao, who is even more affectionate.


shook the head, he stretched forward with one hand, and two black spiders immediately crawled out of his sleeves.

"Eat them!"


The two women looked up, both were taken aback.

After seeing the spider's appearance, all faces are distorted, and the fear in his eyes is more terrifying than death.

But I saw that the spider's feet were baby fist sized, and the whole body was pitch black with countless black hairs on it.


It's better to die!

"ka-cha 嚓......"

As the thoughts turned, the two spiders actually began to shrink in size, and their hair curled inwards.

Look carefully, this spider is not a living thing, but is made of metal machinery.

In the blink of an eye, the fist sized spider turned into a pill size, like two black medicine pill.

Only a few thin filaments resembling tentacles sway in the wind.

"Eat them, you can live."

Mo Qiu gently tossed forward with one hand, and the two pill transformed by spiders fell in front of the two women.

"Senior Brother......"

Chu Yao begged.

Huang Min said nothing, stretched out his hand to grab a pill, frowned and swallowed it in his stomach.

Chu Yao looked sideways, her face turned awkward, and after struggling for a while, she grabbed another pill.

"This kind of thing will not affect you normally, but if you say something you shouldn't say..."

Mo Qiu lowered his head and glanced at the two women:

"You understand."

The sound fell, and the figure spread like smoke, disappearing in the same place.

"The method of cloud seal escape."

Huang Min looked at the mist floating in front of his eyes, smiled bitterly, and there was fear, surprise and respect in his eyes.

Grey Plume Sect has a lot of inner sect disciple cultivation techniques, but it is not more than the number of five fingers that can naturally melt into the clouds like Mo Qiu.

Among them, true inheritance dísciple is also included!

"Senior Sister."

Chu Yao's eyebrows are drooping:

"It's all my fault. You shouldn't bring Senior Sister here."

"That's all." Huang Min sighed lightly:

"Fortune is so, no matter how hard it is, I don't know...when Senior Brother Mo will untie us."

"That's right!"

Speaking of which, she looked serious:

"Junior Sister, you must remember, don’t talk nonsense about today, even Eldest Senior Sister. No!"


Chu Yao is nodded, with complicated eyes.

The Eldest Senior Brother who respected Jiajia in the past and Mo Qiu, who is now ruthless, are intertwined with each other. For a time, her mood is hard to describe.


"The ancients are sincere and I can't deceive!"

In the cave, Mo Qiu opened the few storage bags he had just started, and took them out After reviewing several Magical Artifacts, I could not help but sigh softly:

"Horse has no night and grass and is not fat, and people have no windfall and are not rich. Ancient and modern are the same."

Liu Lei several people In his opinion, how strong he can't be considered, but he doesn't want to be pregnant with two high grade Magical Artifacts.

Be aware.

Even among the many inner sect disciples of Grey Plume Sect, very few people have high grade Magical Artifact.

These Magical Artifacts have always been exclusive to the core dísciple and even true inheritance.

Unexpectedly, now he has bought two pieces at once.

Thought Severing Blade!

Vajra foil!

Thought Severing Blade comes from Li Chenzhou. It is a Buddhism sword with a length of one foot and three inches long and its body looks plain.

In fact, this knife has a sharp blade and weighs more than a thousand catties. It is refined with the Buddhist secret technique.

The material should be the genus of Supreme Unity fine gold, supplemented by Buddhism sands and other materials, with the edge that no stronghold one cannot overcome.

In terms of quality, it is much higher than Yin Wind Shadowless Sword.

Vajra foil comes from Liu Lei.

This object is shaped like a transparent bubble with a hollow inside and only an imaginary film on the outside.

Relying on this thing, Liu Lei was able to last so long under Mo Qiu's hands, and he was harder to resist the Nine Fires Divine Dragon Shield for a long time, and finally the magic power was exhausted before it became apparent.

This object is a movement method device.

Although the specific function is still unclear, the value of defensive magical artifacts for both high grade and defensive magical artifacts is usually higher than that of attacking Magical Artifacts.

There is another golden pearl on Yue Lang's body.

Although the quality is not high, it has the miraculous effect of deceiving the perception of others, and it can be used unexpectedly.

There is another knife trick: Brightking Slash.

Mo Qiu flipped it around, his eyes lit up.

This sword art is not weaker than his Yin Slaughter Twelwe Swords, and even stronger.

Be aware that Yin Slaughter Twelwe Swords comes from Dao Foundation cultivator.

Where did this Brightking Slash come from?

Whether it is Magical Artifact or cultivation technique, they are all related to Buddhism.

It seems that Liu Lei and several people should be a coincidence, and they have acquired a Buddhist inheritance.

Perhaps, they secretly calculated it.

In short, impossible is to worship Buddhism and cultivate hard.

There are still a lot of things left, but at this time it is inconvenient to take a closer look. Mo Qiu flipped through it and put away the storage bag and jumped into the ground.

It took a long time before it reappeared.

Not long.

Someone is calling the door.

"Junior Brother Mo, Law Guarding Office has something to ask, please come out and see."


Mo Qiu should be, Teng Escape from the cave house.

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