Buddhism There are five kings of Ming Dynasty.

Fudo Mingwang, Jiang III Mingwang, Juncha Limingwang, Great Prestige and Virtue Mingwang and Vajra Yaksha Bright King.

The five kings of Ming are the changes of the nine consciousnesses of man, and they are the manifestations of the five Buddhas for surrendering internal and external demonic obstacles.

Brightking Slash, there are also five types.

Deep underground, Mo Qiu sat cross-legged, hands folded, Thought Severing Blade stood still in front of him about one zhang.

In his mind, the five types of Brightking Slash circulate back and forth, and many key points rise one after another.

There is a thought.

Vajra Yaksha Bright King!

As soon as he opened his eyes, he suddenly showed a stubborn mighty power, adding a mighty power to subdue all Demon.

The Thought Severing Blade in front of him also flickered with loneliness and clear light, and the endless power of Destruction emerged from the blade.


The Thought Severing Blade moved in response to the sound, turning into a horrified heavenly blade rainbow, slashing straight somewhere in and out.

This slash has the mighty fierce appearance subdue monsters and defeat demons, the wisdom of King Ming, and the murderous intention of Yaksha to kill creatures.

The three are in one, coupled with the edge of Thought Severing Blade itself, there is nothing continuous under the knife.


Li Xukaiwai, a small mountain hidden in lava broke at the sound, and the boulder was tumbling and was submerged by lava.

The dull rumbling sound poured into both ears after a while.


The blade light hovered and returned to his side.

next moment.

The lava surging in the distance has also rushed to the front, making a low roar like covering the heavens, shielding the sun.

Mo Qiu sits cross-legged in the lava, completely motionless on his face.

I just squeezed the ground seal with one hand and vomited lightly in the mouth.


The great curse of the Tibetan lotus platform!

This is also obtained from Liu Lei's relics. It is forbidden by Buddhism and is burned on a Demon Subduing Pestle. .

Because of Secret Realm's environmental factors, the power of forbidden law is limited, and coupled with the non-Buddhism dísciple, it is even more inconvenient for him to use it.

But then, Mo Qiu does not rely on itself, but uses high grade Magical Artifact Vajra foil.

This object seems to be refined from the fleshy body of the Buddhist monk after his death. It is powerful.

Aroused by magic power, Vajra's Buddha's radiance flourished, and a lotus stand appeared under him.

The lotus petals of crystal clear and near-transparent appear so weak under the violent charge of lava.

But the tenacious, immortal meaning on it, is beyond everything.

The violent and boundless lava, in front of this proudly blooming lotus, is finally overshadowed.

“Bang... ”

The lava surged.

Lotus blooms quietly, petals one after another, becoming the only quiet place in the chaos.

Mo Qiu sits cross-legged in it, his face is deserted, Buddha's radiance is impressive, like a holy Buddha that suppresses hell.

For a long time.

The restlessness gradually subsided, and Buddha's radiance slowly converged.

Mo Qiu's eyes flickered, looking towards the Thought Severing Blade on the side, thinking briefly, and then flicks with the finger.


The long sword groaned softly.

The blade trembled suddenly, a blade glow emerged, and Mo Qiu wrapped around it gently.

next moment.


The blade glow sprang from the ground and rushed straight into the sky.


The blade trembled lightly, carrying Mo Qiu through the clouds, straight into the blue sky, dazzling the eyes and fleeing several li away.

Controlling Sword Flight!

Qi Refinement 9-Layer, high grade Magical Artifact, Royal Artifact, and now, he has been able to do it.

High in the sky, the wind blowing on the face, like endless thunder roaring.

It also made Mo Qiu sway, who was flying the sword for the first time, and almost dispersed the blade glow several times and fell into flight.


Mo Qiu figure stopped, standing in the hunting and hunting wind, looking far away, the earth and mountains have become black spots.

The boundless emptiness is in sight.

Bloom, loneliness...

Happy, comfortable...

Seeing all around, his heart suddenly cleared, and the feeling of free and unconstrained made him almost Want to roar towards the sky.

"The sword rides the wind, and the evil spirits Between Heaven and Earth!"

With a leisurely sigh, the Thought Severing Blade blade light is prosperous, and when the sky is beautiful, it cuts the two clouds. Strange bird.

The blade light circled around and rolled up the stump to return.

Refining high grade Magical Artifact, although the strength is greatly improved, as long as the cultivation base is not enough, it will not become a Dao Foundation, and it will eventually turn into a pile of loess after a hundred years.


Monthly month after month.

It's the day when Secret Realm opens again.

Li Chimei, Daoist Huo Ya who presided over Formation, and several Dao Foundation of Wei Dynasty Imperial Family, all have ugly complexion.

In the past two years, the frontline situation has been extremely bad.

Blood Fiend Sect is worthy of being a major player in the world, even if it is only a part of the branch, it is still terrifying.

Compared with Grey Plume Sect and Wei Dynasty, it seems a little not enough.

In addition to some other reasons, they did not get the support of other sects, which led to steadily retreating.

The deaths and injuries of the two experts are unknown. Even the Dao Foundation cultivator also suffered two deaths.

Immortal Fire Beard Zheng Wei of Scarlet Fire Peak, originally has not much life essence, now he is seriously injured.

It looks like it won’t last long.

"The progress of Nine Demons Hall and Blood Fiend Sect is too fast. I am afraid that it will not take a few months to come here."

"The next two months, You must collect the materials in Secret Realm as soon as possible, must not be missed."

Pan Shizheng glanced at the entire group who entered the battle this time, and confessed in a solemn voice:

"Two months Inside, you don’t need to worry about other things. Collecting materials with all your effort, the sect reward will also increase by 30% on the original basis."

"Foundation Establishment Pill, increased from five at first to ten."

"As long as you work hard, you also have a chance to get a piece, and maybe you can build Dao Foundation in the future."

hearing this, everyone in the field is breathing stagnant.

Even Li Yuanjing couldn't help his heartbeat speed up.

Ten pills, plus other excess rewards, sect this time is really great generosity.

On the other side, people from Wei Dynasty are also telling something.

No accidents, just like this, try to search for supplies within two months.

At that time, Secret Realm will be abandoned.


With an order, Formation opens.

Li Yuanjing settled down, stood in the first row of Heavenly Cloud Peak dísciple, and jumped into vortex.

Two years ago, he was fighting on the line. He had already secured the position of Heavenly Cloud Peak true inheritance and Number One Person under the core.

The lives of Nine Demons Hall and Blood Fiend Sect on hands are countless.

In the same sect dísciple, the prestige is extremely high.


Secret Realm.

Eight hundred miles south of Yuntaoshanfang City.

Between the mountains, there is a hollow canyon.

This day.

Two streams of light appeared above the canyon, rotated a few times in the sky, and then fell into it.


Passing through an invisible barrier, the scenery in front of the two of them changed drastically, and the empty canyon suddenly had nine huge stone pillars.

A huge complex array is also revealed.

Wu Sanwei's complex eyes glanced all around, then he stepped back and said to the old man beside him:

"Old Ancestor, everything is ready."

His people send a stone pillar every other month, and now they have finally gathered what they need for Formation.

"Good, good!"

The old man's eyes flashed, he reached out and stroked a stone pillar, and then walked slowly into the center of the Formation.

Then sit cross-legged:

"I need seven days of exercise before I can drive the Formation. During this period, there must be no interruption. You are optimistic about all around."

"Yes." Wu Sanwei showed a solemn expression:

"Even if Junior died on the spot, he would never let others ruin Old Ancestor's plans."

"en "The old man slowly nodded:

"How are the preparations outside?"

"The people at Blood Fiend Sect have already responded. As long as our Formation is activated, the outside will be able to respond. Perceive." Wu Sanwei said:

"At that time, their people will be able to come in and let Grey Plume Sect and Wei Dynasty people a debt of blood must be paid in blood."



The old man hearing this, his eyes lit up, and after repeated nodded, he closed his eyes and began to arouse Formation here.

Wu Sanwei's face was cold, and he jumped high into the air, hiding his figure in the vicinity as his protector.

Time, slowly passing by.

A certain moment.

In Formation, a trace of dark red blood overflowed from the old man and slowly penetrated into Formation.

With the increase of blood, a blood-net-like Formation gradually takes shape.

On the surface of the Nine Stone Pillars, the bloodshot looks like meridian, agitated slightly, and sparkles with aura.


The boulder trembled lightly.

A dim light began to emerge.

Outside Secret Realm.


Several Dao Foundation cultivators suddenly opened their eyes and looked at each other, all seeing the joy in each other's eyes.

"It's coming!"

"It's starting!"

In Secret Realm, due to excessive blood loss, the old man has white cheeks and light body from time to time trembling.

At this time, Wu Sanwei had already fallen down and was looking at the old man with a worried expression on his face.



A tiny vortex appeared in the middle of the Formation.

In addition to Secret Realm, several Dao Foundation cultivators have worked together to connect with Secret Realm through Formation.


shouting loudly, the vortex expands abruptly, turning into the size of several feet.

"You guys!"

One of the Dao Foundation cultivators rose to his feet and moved towards the many qi cultivators hidden in the mountains roared:

" Enter Secret Realm, don’t care about others, kill!"

"Kill all Grey Plume Sect and Wei Dynasty people in it, the more you kill, the higher the reward!"

The next moment.

one after another rich murderous aura, emerging from the mountains, like endless Asura roar towards the sky.


One after another streamers of various colors, rushing out of the mountains, and submerged into the vortex via Formation.

Nine Demons Hall!

Blood Fiend Sect!


Harmonious Bond Sect dísciple!

Formation here lasted for half a day before it slowly closed.

In Secret Realm.

The old man who provided Bloodline Power couldn't hold on anymore and staggered and fell to the ground.

There is no breath.

"Old Ancestor!"

Wu Sanwei knelt and cried bitterly, clenching his hands.


"Yuntaoshan Fangshi?"

Li Yuanjing hands behind ones back, walking on Fangshi, sweeping around , His complexion was indifferent.

He has already entered Secret Realm.

Although the original market was not here, the merchants and furnishings have not changed much.

In the past few years, he used Secret Realm to push the cultivation progress to the limit.

After two years of fighting outside, under the guidance of the person in Sea of ​​Consciousness, he learned what he had learned Full Mastery.


Although the same sect dísciple knows his cultivation base profound and is good at killing, no one understands his true strength.

The core dísciple of the inner door?

Li Yuanjing's mouth is slightly tilted.

Even if it is sect true inheritance dísciple, compared with him, who wins and who loses, I am afraid it is two different things.

If you use the secret treasure...

true inheritance, it is not impossible to kill.

"What is that?"

At this moment, someone murmured.

Li Yuanjing looked sideways, her eyes suddenly shrinking, and a panic appeared in her heart.

Seeing the sky in the distance, hundreds of streamers of various colors pierced through the clouds and mist, pounced with the murderous intention of hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Before the streamer arrived, the blood light in the sky is already falling.


"Blood Evil Spirit Light!"

"Run away!"

In the roar, Countless people roared and scattered.

After a while.

Under the shroud of blood light, the huge Yuntao Mountain crashed and collapsed, and fell apart in the blink of an eye.

I don't even know how many people died on the spot.

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