There was a sudden silence in the field.

But in the high altitude, many flying needles penetrated Mo Qiu, and one blade one sword penetrated Li Yuanjing.

Two people, both sides suffer!

Liang Xuejun's lovable body shook slightly, showing hopelessness.

The three evil ways are true inheritance, but they are all in ecstasy, and they can hardly help laughs facing the sky.

Under the world, there is such a good thing?

But next moment, their excited expressions are stagnant, and their faces are even more shocked.

Mo Qiu's body is like a ghost, stepping out slowly, and his body is full of holes and disappears.

Li Yuanjing's eyes were astonished, his figure drifting away like smoke, and then he showed a True Form not far away.

The heart and eyebrows are also unscathed!

"these two people..." Zhao Wuya's cheeks trembled:

"They all modified the method of body refinement to Peak, almost reaching the point where all the methods are not touched."

Bai Wai and Nie Feng echo nodded, both of which are facial expression graves.

On the Fleshy body secret technique, Harmonious Bond Sect does not mention it. Blood Fiend Sect and Nine Demons Hall both have Peak method.

They know very well how terrifying it is to reach the level of Mo Qiu and Li Yuanjing!

"Grey Plume Sect..." Bai Wai is even more beautiful eyes flashing:

"Obviously it is just a small sect with an unremarkable reputation. Can't you think of so many talents?"

The means of revealing these two people, not to mention that in Grey Plume Sect, even in their Harmonious Bond Sect, they are also Peak people.

"Li Yuanjing's cultivation method should not belong to Grey Plume Sect." Zhao Wuya hearing this shook his head:

"It was another person, Nether Law Body Great Accomplishment at that time."


"Get started!"

Nie Feng spoke, and the three of them condensed their eyes.

"courting death!" Li Yuanjing couldn't make a single blow, but he was almost robbed, and his anger surged.

There was a low roar, and a long black streamer emerged from behind him, waving its face frantically.

One after another black smoke, pouring out, countless malicious ghosts, screaming endlessly in them, blowing up gusts of wind.

"Thousand Ghosts Curse!"


With an order, the black smoke is like a thousand beasts rushing, carrying gusts of dark wind. Flutter where Mo Qiu is.

Mo Qiu squinted and stamped his feet.


In the place of about one mu, the air trembled suddenly.

Free in the Force of Fire Element between Heaven and Earth, converge in an instant, and condense and form with secret art.

Mysterious Fire Dragon Soaring!

Thunderlake Yin Fire Sword!

Nine-headed flames roll one side madly, and there are thousands of Yin Fire sword light, rushing out of the hundred zhang in an instant.

Black smoke, malicious ghost, and one touch, disappeared instantly.

"really strong!"

The Bai Wai below is pale:

"This Secret Realm can really limit spell?"

Logically speaking, whether it is spell or divine ability, in this Secret Realm, the formidable power will be greatly reduced.

However, the two people above did not seem to be affected.


The power of power is a little stronger than the many secret techniques they have performed in the outside world.

"Have you forgotten the Dao Foundation from Wei Dynasty?" Nie Feng squinted and said in a solemn voice:

"The same is true for the spell that the man cast, although the realm is not there. , But the formidable power is not limited."

"Yes." Zhao Wuya nodded:

"With the Divine Soul Power of Dao Foundation cultivator, you can gain insight into the changes in the Secret Realm's aura. Following the transformation of the air machine to cast spell, the spell power will not be restricted."

"But, that's Dao Foundation!" Bai Wai's side, facial expression grave:

"These two people above are all qi cultivators, and one of them is wearing Qi Refinement Perfection."

The three fell silent.

"Damn it!"

Without a single blow, Li Yuanjing's heart became even more angry, and his big hand suddenly waved, and a long streamer flashed out behind him.

The long streamer is like a dragon, the pole is like a long spear, and the streamer is like a red shadow. It rolls up the Heavenly Ghost and hits Mo Qiu directly.

It's actually an exquisite secret art of the imperial long spear!

At the same time, the sword of the Long River screamed loudly, the sword light was abruptly prosperous, and moved towards this place was pressed.

Such power is more powerful than Harmonious Bond Sect Yue Changge?

"Come well!"

Mo Qiu roars, his heart is passionate, flicks with the finger, Yin Wind Shadowless Sword, Thought Severing Blade all greeted him.

Yin Slaughter Twelwe Swords turned into Netherworld Ghost Domain and expanded rapidly.

Brightking Slash is like the Pure Land of Buddhism, with every movement or tremor, it can clear the offensive.

It’s just that this one blade one sword goes around, no matter it’s spell divine ability or flying sword, you can’t get close to his several feet.

One sword breaks ten thousand magic!

Liang Xuejun's beautiful eyes not far away trembled, she was dizzy and she was amazed.

This Mo Qiu's sword art is simply Major Perfection.

The combination of swords and swords is like a Copper Wall Iron Bastion. The place where you live is almost impossible.

Li Yuanjing's strength needless to say.

Changhe Sword and Myriad Ghost Banner are both Peak high grade Magical Artifacts. Raising hands and feet are all Peak secret techniques.

No matter what...

It was actually impossible to attack Mo Qiu.

As for Mo Qiu, although he is slightly less aggressive, he is more than enough to protect himself.

"Unbelievable." The voice in my mind sounded again, and the exclamation in the sound was not concealed:

"Li Yuanjing, you don't have to waste your efforts. With this child's Sword Art, Unless the cultivation base gap is too big, if you take a break and break it forcibly."

"What should I do?" Li Yuanjing gritted his teeth:

"It's about whether I can go further to Yama. Banner, it’s on him, don’t you stop here?"

"You!" The voice sighed softly, as if he was anxious for the other party’s reaction, and said helplessly:

"You Although it can't work, isn't there still me?"

"You..." Li Yuanjing's eyes throbbed.

Of course he understands the meaning of the other party's words, but if not necessary, he really doesn't want to.

After all, the two previous possessions have solved the trouble in the end, but every time, his Divine Soul was damaged and his mind was injured.

Nowadays, it is even more difficult to control your emotions, like a lunatic.

Li Yuanjing is not stupid.

Even if he is dull, he knows that this is not a good way, and maybe that person has any crafty plots and machinations in his mind.


"Do I have any other choice?"

He sighed slightly, and his mind sank according to the method that the other party had taught him. Dive into the depths of the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

At the same time, a vast and huge idea emerged from that unknown.

In an instant, he took over his body.

Fighting with Mo Qiu first noticed the changes in Li Yuanjing's body, frowned, said:

"Senior Brother, you are crazy!"

divine sense Fluctuations can change. Is this schizophrenia?

"Crazy..." Old Man Hundred Ghosts squinted, raised his head, stretched his body, breathing the long-lost air:

"Junior, you are right, he is indeed Crazy."

"But, I didn't!"


Mo Qiu's eyes shrank, whether this world is schizophrenic or not? I know, but there must be secret techniques like body possession:

"Who are you?"

"Who am I?" Old Man Hundred Ghosts bowed his head and smiled repeatedly:

"Junior, you should have guessed it a long time ago, but everything is too late!"

Every time Li Yuanjing asks him to trust divine sense, it is equivalent to one simple Version of body possession.

Three times, enough for him to erode this fleshy body.

But he was not satisfied, just once again, especially at the moment when Dao Foundation was achieved.

It is the perfect body possession!


Yama Banner, he must succeed!

Old Man Hundred Ghosts stretched his hands, moved his fingers, and chuckled softly:

"You should be thankful that you died in the hands of the old man today."


The sound fell, and the breath of'Li Yuanjing' suddenly soared, and a vast divine might emerged out of thin air.

The Long River Sword and Myriad Ghost Banner in the field also trembled, as if they were welcoming the advent of the Lord.


Shouted in a low voice, the sword of the river moved suddenly, and the wind entangled each other, and it suddenly pierced into the ghost mythical creature evolved by Yin Wind Shadowless Sword.

At the same time, the Myriad Ghost Banner was violently displayed, and clouds of ghost smoke emerged one after another, blasting toward Thought Severing Blade in sequence.

Compared with before.

Obviously the same body, the same magic power, Flying Sword and Nagata seem to have come alive.

Smart and spiritual, with condensed mind!

Although the onlookers did not know what happened, they all understood that the situation in the field had changed drastically.

But once contacted, Old Man Hundred Ghosts was not surprised by the face.

However, he surprisingly discovered that even on Sword Art alone, he could not completely suppress Mo Qiu.

It's just that compared to Li Yuanjing's arrogance, he is more dexterous, which makes Mo Qiu feel a little more pressure that's all.


It's simply unimaginable!


Old Man Hundred Ghosts' eyes flashed, and the shock in his heart was almost beyond words:

"merely a trifling Qi Refinement 11 layers, With such strength, if you can prove Dao Foundation in the future."

"Thunderous Sword Qi can be achieved with just a few fingers, it can be called invincible at the same level!"

"It's a pity..."

"You must die today!"

Lightly sighed, the aura suddenly flourished in the field.

The ranks of Long River Sword and Myriad Ghost Banner far exceed Yin Wind Shadowless Sword and Thought Severing Blade.

Under the control of Old Man Hundred Ghosts, Mo Qiu's actions were instantly suppressed.

Immediately, he stepped on his feet and turned into an elusive cloud of ghost smoke, fleeing to Mo Qiu at a speed not inferior to Flying Sword.


In the sound of grinning laughter, Myriad Ghosts Dharma Body was fully displayed, the ghost claws probed, five cracks appeared in the sky, and a mysterious Claw Art appeared on the spot.


"ka-cha ……"

Mo Qiu took a step back, and the Nether Law Body emerged, his figure quietly transformed into about one zhang It is so big that it stands in the air.

At the same time, he shakes the ghost claws with his fists, and speaks calmly:

"The body, I am not bad."


Old Man Hundred Ghosts shrank his eyes, his face was cold, the ghosts rushed forward, and the spirit of the ghosts smashed one side.

Mo Qiu took a deep breath, the huge body turned into an illusory shadow, pounced at a speed that is imperceptible to naked eye.



Two bodies that were also repaired to the limit collided with each other. The aftermath of the impact caused the air to explode. The waves of air.

Wherever I passed, rocks collapsed and trees fell.

When they are shaking, it is the land of the hundred zhang. Looking at it from a distance, it is like two terrifying giant beasts fighting each other, and the fluctuations of terror are one after another.

The faces of the people below are green, and their hearts are already chilling.

Don’t talk about other things, just the fleshy body achievement of these two people has already made them ashamed of being inferior.

"Good boy!"

Old Man Hundred Ghosts flipped his hands, the ghost claws shook the sky, collided with Mo Qiu again and again, and screamed:

"Unexpectedly, You are still proficient in martial skills?"

After he achieved Dao Foundation, his cultivation base was difficult to gain. In order to find other methods, he turned the body cultivator to Perfection.

Then, with the help of the Divine Soul cultivation martial skill of Dao Foundation realm, we can have today's ability.

In the early years, Old Man Hundred Ghosts relied on this method even more. Within several feet, he brutally killed a Dao Foundation expert who had a cultivation base that surpassed him.

But I didn't want to, but I was frustrated this time!

"To each other." Mo Qiu said indifferently, raising his hands and feet, with no difficulty collapsed and attacked the offensive:

"this Mo was a mortal in his early years, cultivation martial Skill, as it should be by rights."

He was actually quite surprised.

cultivation spell For the first time in so many years, I have encountered an opponent who can not weaken me in close combat.

"so that's how it is!"

Old Man Hundred Ghosts, nodded and said:

"So that's how it is?"

Yinluo, he pointed a little, and a ray of pure black rays of light shot out, piercing Mo Qiu's chest within three feet.


A Thunderlake Yin Fire Sword emerged out of thin air, blocking the black light.

At the same time, dozens of sword lights appeared around the body, like countless arms, slashing at Old Man Hundred Ghosts.

"Nether Shield!"

A layer of light shield appeared, blocking the sword light.

"Eyes of ghosts!"

Old Man Hundred Ghosts opened his eyes, the eyes flashed with ghost light, and two black lights shot out.

Mo Qiu's eyes lit up, and the two red glows sprayed out at the same time.

Spiritual Dharma Eye!



Black light and red glow are like four rays, sweeping all around, not far away The zhang or so high rock was swept by it, and it broke immediately, the cracks were smooth, like a mirror surface.

This scene also made the onlookers' hearts beat again.

Looking at each other, they all saw the fear in their eyes.

Major Perfection, the method of the Royal Sword, the movement method has reached Peak, and the martial skill of mortals is extraordinary and refined......

Even spell and divine ability are so terrifying?

These two people, what freaks are they!

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