Xiaoliang Mountain.

The jungle at the foot of the mountain has already been swept away by spell.

In the empty area, dozens of people stand or stand, all with a solemn expression on the Nine Stone Pillars in the field of vision.

In the middle of a few people, sitting cross-legged, hands stretched forward, the mighty magic power poured into Formation.


The stone pillar trembles lightly, the flowing light emerges on the surface, and the large array here slowly opens.

"After so long, how many people are there?" Li Chimei, who has always been indifferent to people, has a rare expression of concern:

"I hope that Qiao Xi will be fine. "

"Don't worry." Daoist Huo Ya on the side said in a muffled voice:

"Wang Qiaoxi's cultivation base has already reached the limit of Qi Refinement, plus what you left behind Life-saving method, even if you encounter several cultivators of the same level, it should not be difficult to escape."

"be that as it may ......" Li Chimei beautiful eyes flashed, and he sighed softly:

"Still a little worried."

"Grey Plume Sect six Qi Refinement true inheritance, four of them are in Secret Realm." Heavenly Cloud Peak Peak Master Cheng Xuanying said:


"In addition to the one outside, I lost the hand of Chen old devil of Nine Demons Hall not long ago, if I suffered further losses in the inside..."

"Decades of cultivation, destroyed by Once!"

Each true inheritance dísciple consumes a lot of resources, which is even comparable to Dao Foundation cultivator to some extent.

Losing one place is a big loss.


The great Grey Plume Sect, only one true inheritance is intact, which has to make people worry about it.

"Don't worry." Daoist Huo Ya has a casual look:

"The younger generations have their own luck, and no one can intervene. Moreover, we have been in Secret Realm over the years. With less benefits, it’s not difficult to train a few more true inheritances."

"It’s not that easy." Cheng Xuanying smiled bitterly:

"Senior Brother, you know the current situation. , How can we have time to cultivate younger generations?"

"Yes." Li Chimei nodded:

"And not to mention other peaks, most of our Lostmoon Peak are the outstanding innate talents. It’s all inside."

"This time, I don’t know how many can come out?"

In order to develop Secret Realm here, Grey Plume Sect almost spare no effort and invested too much Elite dísciple.

According to the news from the inside not long ago, the situation is extremely bad, and the peaks have suffered heavy losses.

In addition, the opening of this Formation is only one opportunity, and there are not many people who can successfully return.

"In short..." Cheng Xuanying sighed slightly:

"This time our loss is certainly not small. I only hope that a few true inheritance dísciples can come back."

"It's not in vain, I will wait for a cultivation."


A few people are nodded.


On the other side.

People from Wei Dynasty are also talking quietly.

"Princess Liang, Lord Ke, and the loose cultivator Xu's brother, they are the most promising Dao Foundation people."

"This time, I don’t know how many people will return "

"Wu Sanwei colluded with the evil way, as it is true, the place where he shot is not far from the Secret Realm Law Guarding Office." An old man in Grade 1 official robes stretched his beard:

"Compared to Grey Plume Sect, our losses are probably more, and fewer people will survive."

Speaking, he sighed helplessly. The first looked towards a middle-aged man next to him:

"The prince, I don’t know what the capital said?"

"The capital..." The prince closed his eyes and said:

"Blood Fiend Sect, Harmonious Bond Sect, and Nine Demons Hall are teaming up. How can we a trifling Wei Dynasty be able to stop it?"

"Your Majesty has already passed on True Immortal Path. , How..."

"This evil way did not kill mortals, but it also supported the Liu Family. It was the name of the change of dynasty. True Immortal Path did not intend to care about it, and did not send rescue soldiers. Meaning."

"Why is this?" Several other people changed their colors:

"This evil way is just a cover-up. The people of True Immortal Path can't understand it?"

"They're afraid it's not that they don't understand, they are just pretending to be confused that's all." The old man in the official robe shook the head and said:

"True Immortal Path is far in the sky, waiting for me to offend Blood Fiend Sect, I’m afraid it’s not worth the loss."

"even more how, and Harmonious Bond Sect."

"What should I do?" Someone said:

"Is it possible that, are we the only people who are watching them approaching Kyoto a little bit?"

No one said anything.

No one has given an answer.

But everyone understands in their hearts, and if we continue, Wei Dynasty is afraid it really wants to Change the Heaven and Switching the Earth.

"Can there be a saying in the Jin Dynasty? Do they understand the truth of lip and tooth cold?"

"No news!"

Everyone My heart is chilling.

No one knows why things turned up like this, but in just a few months, Wei Dynasty has been Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Even Grey Plume Sect seems to be showing signs of decline.


In the low atmosphere, there was a shout from the audience.

Everyone hurriedly returned to their senses, moved towards Formation and looked at them. At the same time, their bodies were also illuminated with various auras, ready to do it at any time.

Formation connection to Secret Realm is true.

But no one can guarantee that there will be an evil cultivator taking the opportunity to sneak into it and risking difficulties.


Naked eye It can be seen that in the center of the Nine Stone Pillars, a bottomless vortex slowly emerges.

At the bottom of the vortex, there seem to be several different places connected, and when you look closely, you can even see a faint silhouette.

The next moment.


A stream of light pierced through it, rushed straight into the sky, folded in the air, and landed in front of everyone.

"Grey Plume Peak Ye Yue, I have seen you seniors."

"Where are the others?" Li Chimei took a step forward and asked anxiously:

" Why are you alone?"

"This..." Ye Yue's complexion was slightly stiff, and he lowered his head and spoke in a low voice:

"The dísciple cultivation base is shallow, and luckily got a Formation stone pillar. , These days I have been hiding and dare not show up."

"As for other people, I don’t know."

"Trash!" Li Chimei's face sank and said angrily:


"A Qi Refinement 8-Layer cultivator, what's the use when it comes back? I wasted an opportunity."

Ye Yue stiffened, but he didn't dare to refute, he was low. Head, with a cowardly face accepting the reprimand.

"Okay." Cheng Xuanying sighed:

"It's better to be able to come back than you can't. You should also be steady, don't get angry at every turn."

be that as it may, but the person named Ye Yue is afraid that they have been secretly remembered by them.

After that, it will be a rare end.

After all, regardless of the friendship of the same sect, just to save their own lives, which force will not like this and the others.

"Someone has come out again!"

At this time, with the yelling, more than a dozen stream of light came out from below, and the person in front was Lostmoon Peak true inheritance Wang Qiaoxi.

"Qiao Xi!"

Li Chimei was overjoyed, hurried to greet her, and patted her shoulder with excitement:

"It’s fine, It’s fine."

"Martial Uncle." Wang Qiaoxi said with tears in his eyes:

"dísciple is incompetent, it can’t save too many people, and I can only take it with my best A dozen people come back."

"It's good enough." Li Chimei nodded, glanced at the person behind his eyes, and said coldly:

"Before some people got the stone pillar and kept hiding I want to be strong now."

"Qiao Xi." Cheng Xuanying stepped forward and asked:

"What is the situation inside, how are everyone else?"

"Uncle." Wang Qiaoxi arched his hand, his head hung down, his voice choked:

"Senior Brother Gao was besieged by some evil ways of true inheritance, and failed to escape the catastrophe, Junior Brother Zhao I was also badly injured, I don’t know where to go, I’m afraid..."

"The situation is not good."

"There is also Senior Brother Wu, who rushed into Secret Realm from the evil spirit, and he was on his body. Trapped in the enemy camp, life and death have been uncertain."

Life or death is uncertain?

Is the situation bad?

This is equivalent to the death penalty!

hearing this, Cheng Xuanying's body just flickered.

Other people's faces are also extremely ugly, even Daoist Huo Ya, who has always been indifferent, has a gloomy face.

Four true inheritance, loss of three at one time.

Add one of Upper Sect.

In other words, of the six true inheritance that Grey Plume Sect has spent a lot of painstaking training over the years, now only two are left.


While speaking, the vortex below suddenly trembles rapidly, and you can faintly see many silhouettes of fighting below.


A Dao Foundation from Wei Dynasty took a step forward, suddenly stretched out his hand, and a spiritual light fell into the vortex.

But seeing the many silhouettes in the sky, a big hand covering the heavens, shielding the sun suddenly appeared, and fell fiercely down.


In Secret Realm, The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

More than ten evil cultivators were directly blasted to pieces, and the remaining people fled.

The big hand took advantage of the situation, grabbed the remaining few people, and quickly erased it towards the vortex.


A person from the Law Guarding Office appeared on the spot. As a big man, he couldn't help laughing up to the sky.


"Unexpectedly, we really escaped?"

"Yes!" One person collapsed to the ground and said:

"They won the evil Formation stone pillar and destroyed the other two. They are afraid of trouble."

Several people have said a few words, but they have described a thrilling experience. Come out, so many people are moved.

But now is not the time to ask questions, vortex ripples again, and several people jump out of it.


"Liang Xuejun!"

The first person to show up was Liang Xuejun, who had a pale face and a weak breath.

Wei Dynasty entire group hurried to greet her, and one of them, Dao Foundation, personally helped her to stabilize her breath.

Here, Mo Qiu and Huang Min have also walked in front of Grey Plume Sect:

"Scarlet Fire Peak Outer Sect Disciple Mo Qiu, I have met seniors."

"Mo Qiu, Outer Sect Disciple?" Li Chimei hearing this brows frowned, looking at him up and down:

"I seem to remember you."

"senior." Mo Qiu handed over:

"Junior is from immortal island, and was the only mortal of the group that year, and had the honor to worship sect."

"It's you! "

At this time, not only Li Chimei, but Cheng Xuanying and Daoist Huo Ya also remembered this.

Cheng Xuanying is even more nodded and said:

"Yes, a mortal back then is now Qi Refinement 11 layers, and it might not be possible to go further in the future."


"Your cultivation base?"

"Junior luckily got an inner core in Secret Realm, which was only repaired to Qi Refinement 11 layers ."

"so that's how it is." Daoist Huo Ya nodded:

"No wonder the inner Qi of the body is not pure, but the foundation is solid, Profound Fire Twelwe Palaces cultivation is good ."

"Many thanks Senior praise." Mo Qiu hurriedly bowed his hands.

Huang Min on the side has also bowed at this time, cautiously glanced at Mo Qiu, and said nothing.

Originally, she had thought of Secret Realm, and she was said to be restrained by others.

Nowadays, after some experience, she actually does not feel that she has the need to betray Mo Qiu.

Even, there is a faint attachment in my heart.

The strength of this person does not have to be true inheritance. dísciple is weak. If you climb a high branch, I don't know how many people can't ask for it. Moreover, what if the ban on sect senior cannot be solved or it is too late?

"You stand aside first, and wait until the matter is over."


The two should be, retreat to the side, it is inevitable and familiar The same sect whispered a few words.

Zhu Luoyun, unexpectedly followed Wang Qiaoxi to escape.

It's Chu Yao...

It is said that he was captured by the people of Harmonious Bond Sect, for fear of being killed, Mo Qiu had no choice but to shake his head.


Several waves of people jumped out of vortex.

There are more and less, but the largest number of people is only five.

Compared with the hundreds of cultivation people who have entered Secret Realm before, very few have finally escaped this time.

Until Formation is difficult to support, it is about to break, and several people jumped out from the inside.

One of them is Zu Ti from Scarlet Fire Peak!

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