Chapter 24

“Su Daoyou is very good at teasing people.”

Li Yuan smiled.

Su Yang knew that the female tour guide had no good intentions, so they left each other’s phone calls.

“She said that the bed was cold at night, and I gave her a bed warmer. Who made me a warm man.”

Su Yang smiled.

Li Yuan sneered: “It turns out that Nuan Nan is a man who warms up a girl’s bed. You open your eyes and talk nonsense, but you are afraid of the best in the world.”

Dudu pouted, very upset.

Guo Xianliang sighed secretly: When will the current princess be jealous for me?

Dudu also has a sister, maybe I have a chance?

Su Yang got the second princess, I chased the eldest princess, and then Su Yang called me to be the brother-in-law, isn’t it wonderful!

Guo Xianliang had a daydream.

“Friend Su, I was ordered by my teacher to investigate the hotel desperate case. Inspiration Hot Spring is not within the scope of the mission, so don’t pass it.”

Li Yuan arched his hands to say goodbye, his eyes seemed to be reluctant.

“See you soon.”

Su Yang smiled.

Li Yuan turned and carried his sword up the mountain, Su Yang, Guo Xianliang and Dudu went to the hot spring.

A hot spring with a length of nearly 100 meters and a hot spring filled with dumplings and mixed bathing with men and women.

There is a big stone monument in front: Inspiration Hot Spring.

“I’m healed, my legs are healed.”

A middle-aged man crawled out of the hot spring, wearing briefs, jumping and jumping, and his wheelchair was placed by the pool.

A female reporter carried a camera and pointed at the man to interview: “May I ask what is your problem?”

The man was ecstatic: “I’m paralyzed, I’m paralyzed. Ten years, I’ve been paralyzed for ten years.”

With tears in his eyes, the man went crazy again and smashed the wheelchair.

An old man suddenly emerged from the hot spring and shouted: “Mine is fine, mine is fine too.”

The reporter asked: “Master, what is your question?”

The old man laughed evilly: “Don’t you see it for yourself?”

The female reporter bowed her head… and left silently.

An old-fashioned batch.

People kept walking down the hot springs and getting up, everyone was healed.

There were even people who were carried down on a stretcher and then walked out by themselves.


There was a strong wind in the sky, a helicopter flew up, the door opened, and a hammock fell.

Su Yang could see an old man lying on a hammock, blood dripping continuously.

Guo Xianliang opens the live broadcast:

“Ladies and gentlemen, I went to Inspiration Hot Spring with Brother Yang. It is the Inspiration Hot Spring that can cure all diseases and wish you the whole family. We can see a hammock coming down from a helicopter with a red cross painted on it. It should be The hospital rescues hopeless patients. We can even see blood dripping from the hammock. So old irons, whether he can come back to life, we will wait and see.”

The camera advances, the hammock is immersed in the hot spring, and the people around are frightened and evade one after another.

The hot spring water flows over the hammock…

A miracle happened. The old man crawled out of the hammock and his body was fully recovered.

“Fuck, really.”

“F*ck, I bought a ticket and went.”

“Hold the hot spring, Brother A is going to dry this glass of hot spring water.”


“What are you doing, the anchor? Did you lie to us?”

“This is live broadcast.”

“I’ve heard that this hot spring is amazing.”

Su Yang squinted his eyes and saw that there was a group of monster energy under the hot spring pool, and there were countless small spiritual tadpoles swimming in the water. They penetrated into the human body and can heal diseases.

When the old man sank into the water, a few tadpoles got in and sutured the wound to heal.

“It’s actually a parasitic spirit,” muttered.

Parasitic spirits are monsters that create clones and allow clones to enter a person’s body. They will pretend to be a temporary benefit, just like a cure for all diseases.

When the time comes, the parasitic spirit will take the host’s life essence and blood, and then return to the body of the demon deity.

Su Yang closed his eyes and scanned the past with Spiritual Mind.

In the eyes of the hot spring, a toad is hiding, and small tadpoles are constantly released from the body.

“It turned out to be a toad spirit.”

Su Yang sneered.

“Dudu, do you want to go swimming and soak in the hot springs?”

Su Yang smirked.

“No, the pond is full of spirit tadpoles. It’s disgusting.”

Dudu said disgustedly.

The injured old man came out of the hot spring and knelt by the pool, kowtow to thank the gods for blessing.

The people in the live broadcast room urged Guo Xianliang to go to the hot springs.

“Old irons, this won’t work. My Yang brother said, this hot spring is too evil, I dare not.”

There was a wave of rewards in the live broadcast room, and I wanted to watch Guo Xianliang go down.

“Brother Yang, the old guys in the live broadcast room want me to go down.”

Su Yang smiled and said: “Then you go down.”

“No, isn’t there a problem with this hot spring? I’m going to die.”

Su Yang laughed in a low voice: “I saw it. It’s just a toad. You go down and wash your feet. When your feet are stinking, I will kill the toad and let you get a vote.”


Su Yang said yes, then it would definitely do.

Guo Xianliang immediately went live to wash his feet in the hot spring.

As soon as the shoes were taken off, no one dared to approach within ten meters.

It smells so terrible.

Dudu clutched his nose and cursed: “It’s so smelly, it’s so smelly.”

The live broadcast room laughed to death:

“The anchor’s feet can be fertilized.”

“biochemical weapon.”

“Nuclear annihilation.”

Two feet stretched into the hot spring, and the color of the water changed unexpectedly.

Dudu pinched his nose.

In the eyes of the hot spring, the toad essence suddenly took a sip of footwashing water and almost never reincarnated.

“Whose feet are so smelly.”

The spirit tadpole swam to Guo Xianliang’s feet and was stinking to death.

Su Yang smiled and said: “Guo Xianliang is really good, the evil man can’t get close.”

Guo Xianliang looked at his feet with the camera, soaked for a full half an hour, and picked it up from the water. The stench almost didn’t make him faint.

“Fuck it, fake, my feet are not good.”


“You stinks me to death through the screen.”

“Finally someone smells worse than my feet.”

“Sure enough, Inspiration Hot Spring is nonsense.”

Guo Xianliang said disappointedly: “Old irons, the actual measurement is useless. What kind of inspirational hot spring is fake? Don’t come here, it’s a lie.”

Toad Jing heard music in the eyes of the hot spring, and cursed: “Who dares to say that the immortal is fake, it’s not just the smell of feet.”

A large group of spirit-body tadpoles rushed up, although a large number of them died, but one after another.


A little tadpole, wagging its tail, reached Guo Xianliang’s feet and got in after many obstacles.


For a moment,

It’s harmonious.

Guo Xianliang trembled all over, feeling indescribable.

“Huh? My feet don’t smell anymore?”

Guo Xianliang lifted it up and sniffed it by himself, and he was actually healed.

“Oh, old irons, the actual measurement of Inspiration Hot Spring is effective.”

Toad Jing sneered: “Smelly boy, it cost this great immortal hundreds of millions of tadpoles, you wait for Laozi to die.”.

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