Chapter 37

The moment the woman stretched out her hand, her eyes flickered.

Can actually be charming.

“Whose beauties, who take a bath here at night, can catch cold easily.”

Su Yang kindly stretched out his hand to hold the beautiful woman.

The moment she pulled it, the beauty showed a smirk, and both hands simultaneously grabbed Su Yang, pulling it into the water.

“Oh, what are you doing to me? Do you want to bathe with me?”

Su Yang pulled the beauty out of the pool.

Leaving the pool, the strength of the beauty suddenly diminished.

This is a drowned ghost, only in the water can it exert its greatest power.

The beauty turned around and ran towards the pool, wanting to return to the water.

“For the big night, don’t wash it.”

Su Yang grabbed the beautiful woman’s wrist tightly and couldn’t leave it.

“Sisters, save me.”

Several drowned ghosts emerged in the pool.

“Brother, come down.”

Several drowning ghosts pulled Su Yang’s feet.

“The weather is cold and it is easy to catch a cold. I will give you some warmth.”

Su Yang grinned.

“Well, come in the water and hug us and it will be warm.”

The drowning ghost pulled hard.

“No, no, it’s the warmest when it comes up.”

Su Yang pulled all the drowned ghosts ashore, a raging fire burst out of his palms.

“Come on, let’s get to the fire.”

The drowning ghost belongs to the water, and I am most afraid of this Lihuo, not to mention Su Yang’s Lihuo merges with the Samadhi real fire, which is even more powerful.

The wet clothes were steaming white, and the water on the body of the drowned ghost was dried in one breath.

The female ghost groaned in pain, they merged with the water, they lost their water, and they were finished.

“Ah…it hurts…”

“Ah, it hurts to death.”

Ding! Kill the drowning ghost and get 2000 devilish points.

After passing the pool, you will reach the main street of Baiyu Town.

The streets at night are bustling with hustle and bustle, seeming to turn a deaf ear to and turn a blind eye to Su Yang’s killing of evil spirits just now.

There are ghosts walking on the street.

“There is no distinction between people and ghosts in this place.”

Su Yang ordered a mandarin.

“No wonder the monsters around, this Baiyu Town has become a ghost.”

Dudu suddenly became serious, and no longer messed around like a child.

This white fish town is very dangerous.

“Yeah, handsome outsider.”

A coquettish woman, wearing a cheongsam, walked over, twisting her waist, with a folding fan in her hand.

This is Sangu, the top brand in the brothel of Baiyu Town.

“Yes, a foreigner, I heard that this is a treasured land of Fengshui in Baiyu Town, so I came here to take a look.”

Su Yang sprayed a white smoke on Sangu’s face.

Sangu glanced at Dudu, Qiongqi was full and turned back into a puppet, hung on Dudu’s waist.

“Isn’t it, our White Fish Town specializes in making a fortune. Our gold and silver building just opened today, so handsome guys come in and try their luck?”

Sangu took Su Yang’s arm and hugged his body, silk-like cheongsam….

It is worthy of being the top brand of the brothel, and understands the style.

“Okay, what I have is money, so I will go in and try my luck.”

“The handsome guy is refreshing.”

Sangu pulled Su Yang into the gold and silver building.

Dudu followed behind.

Business is booming in the Jinyin Building, and a few beautiful women on the stage are wearing cheongsams with enchanting figures and dancing.

The xxxx is issued online at the bottom,

The sound of the gambler’s betting was wave after wave.

The sound of dice shaking, the sound of dealing cards, the casino is noisy.

Su Yang glanced at it, and people and ghosts actually gambled together.

“Here, handsome guy, you are a distinguished guest and have a separate table.”

Sangu enthusiastically led the way and entered a secret room.

A fat bald man with bright red lips and one eye seemed to be blind.

Seeing Su Yang coming in, he greeted him with a grin.

“Boss, please sit down.”

Su Yang sat down, Sangu lay behind him, two hands stretched down from Su Yang’s neck, ten slender fingers fiddled.

“Handsome guy, play the big one or the small one?”

Sangu’s lips pressed against Su Yang’s ears, they were actually cold lips.

“How do you play the big one? How do you play the small one?”

Su Yang asked.

Shaved smile: “The big one has ten in one hand; the small one has two in one hand.”

“Then play the big one.”

Su Yang smiled.

“Okay, refreshing.”

Bald laughed.

A woman wearing a jade-colored cheongsam and high heels came out and stood in the middle of the card table.

This woman wears a cheongsam really amazing, and it’s cut to the waist, very alluring.

“Handsome guy, the rules are simple, more than big and small.”

The woman smiled evilly.

“Okay, let’s get started.”

Su Yang took a cup, shook it a few times, and patted it on the table.

The bald head moved skillfully, shaking the cup and patted it on the table.

“Please open with two people.”

The woman smiled.

Su Yang picked it up, three one.

Pick up the bald head, three six.

Sangu smiled and said: “Handsome guy, you lose, your points are low.”

The bald man laughed wildly: “Boy, you lose. One chip has a ten-year lifespan. You lose ten chips at a time. That is to say, you lose a hundred years of life at a time. Let’s take your life.”

Su Yang smiled slightly and said: “No, I won. This card is lower than anyone else’s points, I have lower points, I won.”

Everyone was stunned.

“Hahaha, handsome guy, what are you talking about. Casinos have more points than anyone else, how can they be lower than anyone else.” Sangu laughed loudly.

Su Yang patted the dice with a palm, and the dice became powder.

“I said, it’s less than the point. You lose.”

Su Yang said coldly.

The bald man sneered: “Boy, this is my casino, dare you go wild with Laozi.”

Suddenly dozens of ghosts appeared on the wall, each with a green light, reaching out to face Su Yang.

“Give me life.”

“Give me life.”

“Give me my life.”

“I can take another gamble.”

The bald man smirked: “These are gamblers who have lost their Yangshou. If you don’t hand over your Yangshou obediently, these gamblers will eat you.”

Sangu hugged Su Yang’s neck and saw the ghost without any fear at all.

On the contrary, it is two hands, as if to trap Su Yang deliberately.

“I won the gambling game. You lose to my life span of one hundred years. You should give it to me.”

Su Yang suddenly burst into flames, and Sangu caught it, and burned to the ground and screamed.

“Boy, you dare to kill Sangu.”

The bald man became hideous, his mouth split, and his two rows of teeth resembled sharks.


The bald man jumped over the table and rushed over.

Yin and Yang eyes, open!

Su Yang’s eyes flashed abruptly, and the bald man was placed in the barrier, sealing time and space.

The bald man hangs in the air like a specimen.

The female croupier was shocked.

He actually stopped the bald man with just one look, he was too strong.


The barrier was shattered, and the bald man turned into fleshy dregs and sprinkled on the ground.

Ding, kill the gambler and get 5000 points of devilish energy.

The gambling ghost who leaped over was horrified.

This stranger is more ruthless than a bald man and can’t afford to provoke him. .

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