Mob Devil's Guide To Surviving DxD

Chapter 3 - Cultivating in the w.o.m.b

The art of manipulating life force - senjutsu.

this was the investment I chose. if I truly mastered this as a devil early on, I am pretty much guaranteed to reach ultimate level in terms of combat power.

Just look at people like Siaraorg, Bikou, Kuroka.

Monsters in their own right who can brawl with the best of them. But, the best part of it all? They're all young.

I'm not too sure about the exact age of Bikou and Siaraorg, but Kuroka is definitely young.

Not much older than Shirone/Koneko.

Anyway, all three of them were people capable of fighting at the level of the ultimate class.

Although it should be pointing out that bikou was trained by the original Sun Wukong, and Siaraorg has a longinus, it's still a testament to what can be achieved.

Siaraorg, a devil born with the inability to use his innate devil magic, had fists that could reach the very Gods themselves.

And then there's also the issue of a race. supernatural creatures in general tend to have a higher starting point and endpoint than humans. ignoring absolute freaks of nature like Vasco Strada and Ewald Cristaldi, who for all intent and purpose have earned the title hero, or those who had inherited the powers of Heroes and sacred gears, it's much easier for supernatural creatures to reach a higher level than a human.

Anyway, back to senjutsu.

Senjutsu is the power to control the flow of life energy or ki in living beings. Using it, one can strengthen both their internal and external bodies or even cause vegetation around them to bloom or wither. Senjutsu users are able to sense the ki and auras of others thus letting them track targets from far away distances. Through disrupting the ki of their opponent's ki or severing it, it is possible to cause direct damage to their spirit and using this as an attack could result in killing their opponent. As such, there are very few ways to defend against Senjutsu.

Meaning... with senjutsu, one could even beat up a phoenix without the need of using any holy items.

Senjutsu also has healing capabilities that are effective for either one physical or mental condition, relieving any fatigue and restore one's lifespan, however, this method requires physical contact.

Kuroka has her "bedroom arts" Bouchujutsu (which I'm sure is a method of duel cultivating that appears in many martial arts novel)

and Sun Wukong could easily extract the Dragon poison that was inside Vail.

Most importantly, Senjutsu users also have the power to use Touki, and use it to enhance their strength, speed, and toughness. this is what I want to achieve first if anything.

This is the primary source of Siaraorg's combat ability.

Then there's also things like yojutsu and the ability known as Kasha used by the Nekomata, which gathers their ki to create spiritual flames whose colors vary from user to user.

Hmmm... I wonder, does a devil classify as a Yokai? I mean we're not humans. Also it's obviously devils would have dark ki like most of Yokai. I'll test that theory later.

Senjutsu, however, has a fatal flaw, as while it lets the user read and handle spirit power, it could also take in the malice and ill will that flows in the world therefore if an amateur used it in an incorrect manner, then the malice will end up corrupting the user.

According to Kuroka, the most basic method of learning Senjutsu is through meditation by concentrating on their state of mind and to quietly release their own ki as well as to sense the natural ki of their surroundings. It is also the best way to develop one's skill in senjutsu.

what better time and place to learn senjutsu then as a baby? And not just a baby, a fetus in the w.o.m.b that's currently growing. Where else can one get closer access to the flow of Life Energy?

it's a good thing I practiced zen meditation in my previous life to help increase focus and concentration while gaming. I also remember reading things about self hypnosis online . I think that might help.

And so, I start meditating...

feeling the world around me...

my heartbeat....

my mother's heartbeat...

every footstep...

every time she uses her demonic powers..

every sound vibration..

I focus to feel it all..

slowly... slowly...

and in this soft warm place, the already inconceivable flow of time starts to lose more and more meaning to me.





Several minutes??

Several hours??

Several days??



how long did I meditate for? How many times did I fall unconscious and had dreams of riding with great red?

How long i was like this didn't matter. I had already long hypnotized myself not to care. the maddening loneliness was no longer an issue. none of that was important. what was important was that I've actually reached my goal.

Yes, I have achieved my goal. I can feel it.

It's nature differs from the demonic power that I can easily detect that my mother uses on an almost daily basis.

I could now detect in great detail other life forms.

I could detect the plants, the animals and most importantly, the people, or in this case devils.

yes, I was now sure without a reason of a doubt that I and my mother are devils.

being so close to her spirit, I could actually now access her mind on a telepathic level.

though I did not communicate with her, I could pull the necessary information that I needed from her senses and see and feel what she sees and feels.

Not only was I a pureblood devil, but even more surprising was where we lived.

This was the gremory territory... and lady gremory was soon to give birth to her second child.

And in my memory, there's only one person that could be considered lady gremory's second child.

- Rias gremory.

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